Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7188 kill the dragon disc

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"You will regret this!"

The last remnant of the dragon disc's divine sense is still issuing a curse of hatred.

"Jianyu, crush him for me!"


"Star Sword Realm" suddenly appeared, like a bloodthirsty gigantic mill, crushing the remnants of Longdie inch by inch!

Even his exploded skull and falling legs were caught by Jiang Tian across the air and thrown into it.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Accompanied by bursts of jaw-piercing noises, Longdie's body was completely annihilated!

Crack... Rumble!

Violent purple-gold thunder flames rose from the star sword field, turning all the residue left by the dragon dish into ashes!

"Wei Feng, Wei Yu, Jin Lei Yao Falcon, I have avenged you!"

Jiang Tian looked in the direction of the "Critical Dao Domain" and muttered to himself.

After a long time, he retracted his gaze and turned to look at Bai Hunhun!


At this time, Bai Hunhun was terrified!

She didn't expect Jiang Tian to kill the dragon disc in just a moment!

Meeting Jiang Tian's sight, her delicate body trembled suddenly, her expression horrified!

"Many...thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang, for saving your life!"

Bai Hunhun said tremblingly.

Jiang Tian said coldly: "At the Qianlong Wuhui, this sentence seems a bit redundant, right?"

"You... you want to kill me?"

Bai Hunhun's complexion suddenly changed!

"Isn't it possible?" Jiang Tian asked back.


Bai Hunhun's heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley, and his heart was extremely desperate!

She can't even deal with Long Die, let alone Jiang Tian.

Even the blood essence of God-making Realm can't suppress him.

This person's methods are at least one level better than Long Die's!

If she really wanted to kill her, she would have to die!


There was a loud noise in the void, and Jiang Tian turned his head to look.

I saw that the blood power of the dragon clan's God-making Realm Almighty has not dissipated.


Jiang Tian decisively used the Swallowing Void Art to swallow this power.


Then there was a low roar in the body, causing subtle changes in his aura.

"You...you actually devoured the power of the bloodline of the great power of the god-making realm!"

Bai Hunhun was shocked.

She would never dare to do such a move.

The power of the god-making power is extremely violent, and the power of the blood is even more overbearing.

Swallowing this kind of thing into the body, at the least, it will suffer a backlash and damage the foundation, or at the worst, the blood vessels will collapse, and the body will explode to death!

Jiang Tian swallowed it without hesitation.

Witnessing the ups and downs of Jiang Tian's blood and breath, Bai Hunhun thought that something was wrong with him.

Just when he was about to take the opportunity to escape, Jiang Tian held him down!

"Bai Hun Hun? Bai Susu?" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Huh?" Bai Hunhun's delicate body was startled, and she turned around in astonishment!

"You...recognize Bai Susu?"

"I suspect that you are Bai Susu!" Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

"Me?" Bai Hunhun looked embarrassed.

"Unfortunately you are not!"

Jiang Tian shook his head.

At first, he did doubt the other party's identity.

But no matter how you look at it, it's hard to match!

After all, Bai Susu had met him in the "Critical Dao Domain".

And although this girl looks exactly alike, even indistinguishable from each other, her cultivation and aura are not quite right.

And the personalities are also very different!

If it was Bai Susu, seeing him could not have been such a reaction.

Therefore, the other party should not be Bai Susu!

At this moment, Bai Hunhun suddenly laughed!

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Jiang and Bai Susu have a close relationship. If that's the case, I won't hide it from you!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian looked at her with interest.

"Do you think I am similar to Bai Susu?"

"It's not very similar, it seems to be a person!"

"Hahahaha, that's right!" Bai Hunhun laughed loudly.

"Speaking of which, I might as well tell you a secret!"

"What secret?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

From the looks of it, it's probably a secret between her and Bai Susu.

That's fun!

"Does Jiang Daoyou know, what is the origin of that true pupil?"

"True pupil?"

Jiang Tian was stunned!

Unexpectedly, the secret that the other party said was actually related to Zhentong!

"Of course I don't know!"

"Let me tell you, that true pupil is said to be transformed from a true dragon that fell in ancient times, and it is the only treasure that the true pupil took away when it left the True Dragon family!"

"The dragon pupil of the ancient real dragon, no wonder the pupil technique is so amazing!" Jiang Tian nodded and said to himself.

"This pupil is powerful. I think Fellow Daoist Jiang has a strong talent for illusion. If he can find a way to refine this pupil, illusion will be improved to a higher level!"

"There is a rumor in the family's veins, guessing that this pupil has been cultivated by the True Tong lineage for many years, and a trace of the true dragon's will has been born. Its value is inestimable!"

"With Daoist Jiang's blood talent and the support of this pupil, the future achievements will be beyond imagination!"

"Being able to get acquainted with Jiang Daoyou here is also a rare opportunity for a little girl!"

"In addition, I want to tell you a secret, an unknown secret between me and Bai Susu!"


Jiang Tian's curiosity was immediately aroused!

Bai Hunhun and Bai Susu look so alike, the two obviously have a deep connection.

What is the relationship between them?


Same race?

then what?


Just as he was thinking deeply, Bai Hunhu suddenly inspired a magic talisman!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly.

I saw a golden barrier standing in front of him, separating him from Bai Hunhun.

"Thank you Jiang Daoyou for not killing me. I have recorded this kind of favor in Baishuang's lineage. Let me leave!"

"Do you want to leave now?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and wanted to use the void hegemony to keep the opponent behind.

But I didn't expect that as soon as the void hegemony opened, the golden barrier would burst open, and the billowing golden light flooded the void and blocked sight.

Bai Hunhu took this opportunity to escape into the void!

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but didn't chase after him.

Qianlong Wuhui has been going on until now, and there are not many monsters left in the Julong Mountain Range.

Bai Hunhun's ranking should already be very high, there is no need to stay here, maybe he has already inspired the amulet to leave at this moment.

"Hidden dragon lineage, dragon spin?"

Thinking of all the things that happened in the "Critical Dao Domain", Jiang Tian's face was gloomy.

Long Die came to the Qianlong Martial Arts Meeting as an evildoer of the Yinlong lineage. Will Longxuan, who recruited him at the beginning, also come?

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian's heart surged with murderous intent!

"The dragon disc is dead, now it's your turn, Longxuan!"


Jiang Tian decisively activated the Escape Talisman, and teleported away!

No matter what his current ranking is, he has already overfulfilled the mission of Moju Mountain, and he can leave proudly.


Beyond the Julong Mountain Range, a white-robed woman appeared in everyone's line of sight following a flash of white light.

"who is it?"

"Bai Hun Hun!"

"How did she use the talisman?"

Many pulse masters and elders looked at Bai Hunhun one after another, deeply surprised.

But then someone made a guess.

"Maybe she's trying to secure the top spot?"

"It's possible. After all, the Qianlong Martial Arts has come to an end. Maybe there is nothing in the Julong Mountains that can compete with her!"

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