Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7189 The list is refreshed, and the audience is shocked!

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"My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. I think she may have been forced to withdraw early because she was afraid of a strong enemy!"

On a giant cyan dragon, a pulse master wearing a cyan dragon robe said in a deep voice.

"The master of Qingmai is right. Looking at this woman's aura is quite disordered, her eyes are wandering, and there is a trace of fear in her brows. It is obvious that she has encountered a formidable enemy!"

"Who is the one?"

"The three veins of Tianqiong, Kuangsha, and Ziyan have all been suppressed by her, and there is probably only one vein left that can threaten her!"

"You mean... the true pupil?"



When it comes to Zhentong's lineage, everyone can't help but gasp, showing fear on their faces.

The background of this lineage is too strong, and their evil spirits are completely superior to their peers.

For a long time, the vein masters and elders of the various veins have criticized this.

Such a branch should actually return to the aristocratic family, and should not be mixed up in the name of a branch.

With the existence of this vein, they will not be able to touch any opportunities and good deeds of the Dragon Clan.

Every time there are activities such as martial arts competitions and competitions, the greatest benefits will be picked up by the true pupil.

However, this lineage still doesn't accept the aristocratic family's solicitation. Every time after the end of the True Dragon Martial Arts, the evildoers of the True Eye lineage who won the first place refuse to go to the holy land of the aristocratic family to practice.

This point makes everyone feel puzzled.

But there is no way, even if everyone envies and hates Zhentong's branch, no branch can overthrow it.

Everyone was discussing and paying attention to the huge list at the same time!

At this time, Bai Hunhun's Baishuang lineage still tops the list!

And Bai Hunhu showed up ahead of time, and naturally became the focus of the audience!

"Strange, why hasn't the true pupil lineage appeared yet?"

"Could it be that there was really an accident in this vein?"

"It seems that this year's Qianlong Martial Arts will break the previous pattern, and Bai Shuang's lineage may really be able to lock in the top spot!"

"This vein already has a strong background, and this time it will be rewarded by the family again, and the strength will advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Bai Hunhu will also be able to enter the holy land of his clan to practice!"

"Perhaps from now on, the pattern of our hundreds of branches will undergo drastic changes!"

"Yes! Baishuang's lineage is likely to take this opportunity to take off completely, and then step on Zhentong's lineage!"

"Bai Shuang lineage, the new overlord!"

Everyone looked at Bai Hunhun with a lot of emotion.

In the past, they had to look up at the lineage of Zhentong.

And in the future, they may have to look up to Bai Shuang's lineage!

"Niece Bai, I'm here to congratulate you!"

"The lineage of the Baishuang giant dragon has finally come out!"


Many pulse masters began to congratulate Bai Hunhun, expressing their goodwill immediately.

After all, the future Baishuang lineage will become the overlord of the branch line. To have a good relationship with this lineage, there are only advantages and no disadvantages!

Bai Hunhun's reaction surprised them!

Facing the congratulations from everyone and the astonishing result of topping the list, she was not excited at all!

Even his complexion is extremely complicated!


"what happened?"

"She seems very unhappy?"

"Could it be our discussion that annoyed her?"

Many pulse masters and elders were slightly startled and couldn't help but start guessing.

If it was Bai Hun Hun from before, they naturally wouldn't think so much.

But now it's different!

The current Bai Hun Hun has already won the first place for the Baishuang giant dragon lineage.

This ranking will be maintained until the end of the martial arts meeting, and the frost giant dragon will become the leader of hundreds of branches.

It's effortless to take advantage of their low-ranking offshoots!

"Niece Bai, we don't mean to offend you at all!"

"We have always admired Bai Shuang's lineage, this point, niece Bai should understand!"

"If we have said something wrong, please understand, niece Bai, after all, we are so envious of your achievements!"

All the pulse masters explained one after another, some people were quite disturbed, while others cursed secretly in their hearts.

"Bah! The martial arts meeting is not over yet, and the tail is up to the sky. Is this the style of Bai Shuang?"

"Hmph! The Zhentong lineage has monopolized the martial arts for so many years, and has never given us face. How dare your Baishuang lineage?"

"This person, once he has a status, it's really easy to float away!"

Just then, something unexpected happened!


The huge ranking list is flickering, starting to refresh again!

"Look at the list!"

"Refreshed again!"

"What will change this time?"

Everyone stared at it, and saw that the list was shining brightly, and there had been amazing changes since the first place!

Bai Shuang's lineage, which was originally ranked number one, suddenly dropped one place!

Ranked second!

"True pupils, they finally appeared!"

Someone shouted excitedly, staring at the top position!

As expected!

The Zhentong vein, which is superior to hundreds of veins, has finally come!

But after a burst of light and shadow changes, the names that appeared on the list were beyond everyone's expectations!




"How could it be?"

There was a commotion in the venue, and everyone was shocked!

The one who appeared at the top of the list was not the lineage of Zhentong, but the lineage of Yinlong!

"The lineage of the hidden dragon, this lineage has reached the top!"

"It's too exaggerated, how did they do it?"

"Isn't the ranking of this vein outside of two hundred?"

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated!"

"It's outrageous!"


There was an uproar in the venue, and everyone was stunned!

And some astute people immediately turned their heads to look at Long Qian, the elder of the True Dragon Family!

The target of their attention was not Long Qian himself, but the elder of the hidden dragon lineage behind Long Qian—Long Xuan!

"The lineage of the hidden dragon is hidden so deep!"

"This round, it's just nonsense!"

"So, their monsters defeated Bai Hun Hun from Bai Shuang's lineage?"

"Obviously yes!"

Everyone exclaimed, shocked by the achievements of the Yinlong lineage.

For a branch that ranks above two hundred, this is a shocking miracle!

In contrast, Jiang Tian, ​​who once shocked everyone, is not worth mentioning!

"Hmph, hahahaha, what a hidden dragon!"

"The overlord who jumped from two hundred years away and became a branch is amazing!"

"Hidden dragon lineage, strong!"

"Elder Longxuan, I admire you!"

"We are here to congratulate you!"

"Congratulations to Yinlong Yimai for securing the first place in the martial arts competition!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

A vein master couldn't wait to congratulate Longxuan and showed great hospitality.

Some people even pulled out the Moju Mountain lineage to laugh at it!

"Hehe, the Moju Mountain lineage, weren't you once very beautiful?"

"Isn't the foreign aid you invited very strong?"

"Hehe, once broke into the top 50, you guys are so amazing!"

"It's a pity that no matter how strong you are, you can't compare to the Yinlong lineage!"

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