Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7190 Happy first and then surprised

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"They climbed to the top directly from two hundred miles away, and you, there are only forty or so at most!"

"Just now I thought that Moju Mountain was going to enter the top 30, but I didn't expect it to stop at 40!"

"Dragon Vein Master, after seeing the record of the Yinlong lineage, do you have anything to say?"

Many branch masters who were overtaken by Moju Mountain mocked this branch wantonly.

"My mission in Moju Mountain has been overfulfilled, and I don't expect to compete for the top spot!"

"Isn't it a little too much for you to compare us with the list?"

"Why don't you use yourself to compete with the top?"

Long Cuiluan sneered back.

She didn't care about everyone's ridicule, because forty or so had already created the best results in history.

As long as the martial arts meeting is over, she can proudly return to Moju Mountain!

But at this moment, Bai Hunhun's face was extremely exciting!

As the Yinlong lineage climbed to the top, many lineage masters who had been wary of her just now no longer looked at her so cautiously.

One by one straightened their backs, looked sideways at her, and no longer felt uneasy.

Faced with this situation, Bai Hunhun couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face.

"Well, she can still laugh?"

"My branch was trampled underfoot, why is she acting like nothing happened?"

"Don't she know what's good?"

The attitudes of the pulse masters changed drastically, and they even started to sneer at Bai Hunhun.

Many silent pulse masters were also puzzled by her reaction.

The happiest person in the audience at this time is Long Xuan!

He enjoyed the envious eyes of many branches, and was extremely intoxicated by the congratulatory voices of everyone.

If anyone is more excited than him, it is Long Qian in front of him!

"Long Die really didn't disappoint me, he did it! But after all, Elder Longxuan, you are the real hero, hahahaha!"

Long Qian laughed out loud, his heart bursting with joy.

If the dragon dish wins the first place, Yinlongmai will receive a heavy reward from the family.

But the biggest benefit is him, Long Qian himself!

He will bring the Dragon Plate to the holy land of his clan, and through this recommendation, he will enter the echelon of the elders of the clan, and then have the opportunity to become a member of the elders!

"Your Excellency, I'm overwhelmed. In the final analysis, the opportunity given by Your Excellency is too strong. Otherwise, Long Die would not have the opportunity to shine in this martial arts competition!"

Long Xuan was all over his face with a charming smile, and took the opportunity to flatter wildly!

"Hahaha, don't worry, after the old man enters the elder echelon, I will inevitably give you a lot of good words for your hidden dragon vein. If you can enter the elders' council in the future, you will be able to give resources to your hidden dragon vein and help you secure your position as the overlord of the branch!"

"Since that's the case, Longxuan represents my lineage of Yinlong, thank you for your kindness!"

Long Xuan immediately knelt down on the ground and thanked the other party.

Surrounded by strange gazes, all the vein masters were somewhat disdainful of Long Xuan's actions, and even couldn't help laughing secretly.

But in fact, they are more envious and jealous in their hearts!

The reason why Longxuan did this was not because Yinlongmai won the top spot and would receive the highest reward from Qianlongwuhui.

And if he fawns on Long Qian, the future benefits will be innumerable!

Everyone just didn't have this kind of opportunity, if they had, they would probably be more considerate than Long Xuan!

"Hahaha, there is no need to be so polite, get up, Dragon Vein Master!"

"Hiss! Don't dare, the villain is just an elder of the Yinlong lineage, so don't dare to pretend to be the owner of the lineage!" Long Xuan's face changed slightly, and he repeatedly denied it.

My heart is already happy!

"There is no need to be modest, the day I am promoted to the elder echelon is the day you are promoted to the master of the hidden dragon veins, hahahaha!"

Long Qian was in full bloom, laughing wildly!

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded!

"Hey! It's ridiculous and stupid for everyone to be self-indulgent here!"

Everyone was shocked and found out that it was Bai Hun Hun!

Long Qian frowned, and heard something!

Long Xuan observed his words and expressions, immediately took a step forward, and yelled loudly!

"Bai Hun Hun, who are you talking about?"

"Heh, I didn't name names, why are you so excited?" Bai Hunhun asked back with a sneer.

"You..." Long Xuan's face was livid!

Although Bai Hunhun didn't mention his name, his words had a strong sense of sarcasm, obviously aimed at him.

He even brought Long Qian along with him!

The current answer not only does not mean to clarify, but also has a sense of further ridicule.

"Bai Hun Hun! It doesn't matter if you insult the old man, but you shouldn't offend Mr. Long Qian. He is the elder of the aristocratic family. Who gave you the courage to insinuate against him?"

Gritting his teeth, Long Xuan directly labeled Bai Hunhu as offending Long Qian.

"Arrogant and rude, what a Baishuang lineage!"

The anger in Long Qian's heart had been aroused.

Looking directly at Bai Hunhun, his eyes are cold and his face is cold!

"Hahahaha, Long Xuan, you old man is playing tricks here, I have never disrespected Elder Longqian, so don't force me to label you!

I advise you to keep an eye on the list, after all, it is not easy for you to reach the top of the list, you should cherish this rare opportunity! "

"Well, what do you mean?"

Long Xuan's face was ferocious, and he asked sharply.

Long Qian frowned, and heard that there was something in the words!

"What do you mean, you will understand soon, hum!"

Bai Hunhun sneered and ignored Long Xuan.

This scene surprised the audience, and everyone stared at the list.

In the blink of an eye, the light receded, and the name of the Yinlong lineage, which ranked high on the list, quickly dimmed!



"what happens?"

"how so?"

"Oh My God!"


Seeing the bleak ranking, everyone was shocked!

Everyone knows what that means!

Once the light dimmed, it meant that all the people of this lineage fell into the Julong Mountain Range, and no one survived!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Long Xuan's face changed drastically, he couldn't believe it.

"Damn! How did this happen, what happened?"

Long Qian roared sharply, like crazy!

In order to help Long Die win the first place, he spent a huge price and took out three drops of blood essence as the opponent's hole card.

With such preparations, he thinks that everything is well-planned, and he can handle everything!

Never expected that Long Die would fall after winning the first place!

"The evildoer of the hidden dragon veins is dead, I really didn't expect it!"

"Death and Dao disappear, the benefits of the Holy Land of our clan, the Yinlong lineage has no chance to enjoy it!"

"What a pity!"

"It's a pity? Do you think it's really a pity?" Someone lowered his voice and asked with a smile.

Everyone responded with strange smiles, tacit understanding.

What a pity!

In fact, not only did they not feel sorry, they even secretly rejoiced!

The fall of the evildoer of the Yinlong lineage is definitely good news for all lines!

This means that the Yinlong lineage will not have the chance to enter the holy land of the clan, and it also means that the Yinlong lineage will not be able to widen the gap with them in a short period of time.

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