Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7191 Who killed it?

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"Damn! Impossible, could it be that the list is wrong?"

Long Xuan roared anxiously!

"Long Xuan, calm down the old man!"

Long Qian's face was livid, but he was annoyed by Long Xuan's noise.

The list of Qianlongwuhui will never be mistaken, this situation shows that the dragon disc has indeed fallen.

"Everyone, calm down. Although that evildoer has fallen, the Yinlong lineage has finally won the first place, and can still enjoy all the benefits bestowed by the aristocratic family!"

"Yeah, this point is still beyond our reach!"

"Envy, I'm so envious of the Yinlong lineage!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm also very envious!"

The masters of all veins clicked their tongues in admiration, expressing their envy.

As for whether they are really envious or gloating, only they themselves understand.

"Things that are not enough to succeed and more than fail to succeed are damned!"

To say that the worst mood is Long Qian!

All his sacrifices came to naught with the fall of the dragon disc.

In the whole calculation, only the lineage of Yinlong has benefited!

He has been busy for a long time, which is equivalent to making a wedding dress for Yinlong's lineage!

"My... my lord, calm down!"



Long Qian yelled violently, unleashing a coercion!

"Pfft... wow!"

Long Xuan was thrown thousands of feet away, he vomited blood and screamed, his breathing became disordered!

But he didn't even dare to fart, so he could only bear it!

"Long Xuan, are you still happy now?"

Bai Hun Hun made it worse.

"You... poof, wow!"

Long Xuan was so angry that he vomited violently, and quickly swallowed the elixir to suppress the injury.

His cultivation base was originally in the middle stage of the original god realm, but because of offering treasures and recommending the dragon disc, he got a lot of benefits from Long Qian.

The biggest benefit is that it allowed him to continuously break through in his cultivation and step into the half-step god-making realm in a short period of time!

As a result, his strength has reached the peak in the lineage of Yinlong, and his glory is boundless for a while!

Although he hasn't become the master of the vein yet, since joining Longqian, he has already walked sideways in the Yinlong vein.

Until now, he suddenly fell from the peak, and his situation changed drastically!

"Forbearance! I want forbearance!"

Long Xuan gritted his teeth, suppressing the fury in his heart.

If possible, he would like to tear up Long Qian at this moment.

But he doesn't have that strength, so he can only endure it!

The fall of the dragon saucer actually didn't have much impact on him.

Because the lineage of Yinlong has won the first place, it will definitely be rewarded by the aristocratic family and get great support.

And as the recruiter and guide of Dragon Disc, he is naturally the chief minister of the family.

With all the contributions he has made, it is not difficult to ascend to the position of Vein Master!

Therefore, as long as he endures this breath and leaves here smoothly, everything in the future will be as he wishes!

"Bai Hunhun, don't be too rampant. Although the dragon disc has fallen, my lineage of Yinlong is still the top of the list. It's useless for you to be jealous!"

Long Xuan gritted his teeth and fought back at Bai Hunhun.

At the same time, he secretly vowed that he would wait for the day when the Yinlong lineage will receive a heavy reward from the clan, and its strength can overwhelm hundreds of lines.

You must go to Bai Shuang's lineage and have a good talk, so as to repay the hatred in your heart!

"Jealous? Hahahaha, stop being sentimental. Do you think I will be jealous of a person who has nothing?"

"What did you say?"

What is nothing?

The corners of Long Xuan's eyes jumped wildly, furious!

"Although there are some twists and turns in my lineage of Yinlong, I will eventually get rewards from my clan. With these, that's enough!"

"Hahahaha! Then I can only tell you that your dream is destined to be shattered!"

Bai Hunhun looked up to the sky and laughed.

With such a gesture, Long Xuan suddenly felt something was wrong!

This woman is so wild and rude, did she see something in the Julong Mountains?

Long Qian frowned at this time, and looked at Bai Hunhun with strange eyes.

From what she said, it seems that there is more to come?

"Look, everyone, the list has changed again!"

Someone yelled, and everyone looked at the huge list suspended in the air again!



"True pupil, it turned out to be it!"

"Hey, no, why is this?"

Everyone was in an uproar!

I saw that the ranking of Zhentong's lineage unexpectedly appeared in the third position!

It was ranked behind Yinlong and Baishuang!

"how so?"

"How can the lineage of Zhentong with super strong background be ranked third?"

"Who did it lose to?"

"Baishuang's lineage, or Yinlong's lineage?"

There was an exclamation in the field, and everyone was extremely shocked!

In their minds, the true pupil lineage is an existence of the overlord level, almost unshakable.

Although the lineage of Yinlong once reached the top, in the eyes of everyone, it is because the lineage of True Eyes has not yet appeared!

As long as the true pupil comes out, the hidden dragon will definitely be suppressed!

But the current result shocked everyone!

"How can it be?"

"Even if Zhentong's lineage really loses to Yinlong's lineage, can't it beat Baishuang's lineage?"

"Bai Hunhun, what's going on, tell me quickly!"

All the pulse masters and elders looked at Bai Hunhun, seeking answers from her.

"What do you want me to say?"

Bai Hunhun spread his hands, still not forgetting to cast a mocking look at Long Xuan.

That's right, she witnessed everything in Julong Mountain Range and knew everything.

But she didn't want to say anything!

Because of all of this, it was so much fun!

Every change in the list can shock everyone.

If she said it directly, wouldn't there be no such good shows to watch?

"Why did the Zhentong lineage rank third, why did the Yinlong lineage reach the top but fell, and what happened just now?"

"Also, it shouldn't be a coincidence that you returned with the help of the amulet just before the list was refreshed?"

"You must know what's going on inside. I think you deliberately kept it from us, right?"

Many people questioned Bai Hunhun, looking very angry.

"Yes! I did it on purpose. I know everything. I just don't want to say it. I just want you to guess and make you feel uncomfortable. Are you satisfied now?"

Bai Hunhun sneered again and again, and kept stabbing everyone's irritable hearts.


"Damn it!"

"Arrogant junior, if I didn't see you as a girl, I would have given you some color in everything I said!"

"It's unreasonable, the old man is so angry!"

"Bai Shuang's lineage, how come you are such a shameless junior!"

Just when everyone was in a panic, the list changed again!

The lineage of Zhentong, who just appeared in the third place, suddenly faded away!

"not good!"


"My God!"

"The people of the true pupil lineage... have also fallen!"


The audience was in an uproar again!

The evildoer of the true pupil lineage has fallen!

Everyone's reaction was even more exaggerated than Yinlong's ascension to the top!

"how so?"

"Who killed the evildoer of the true pupil lineage?"

"Bai Hun Hun, is that you?"

Swish Swish Swish!

All eyes locked on Bai Hunhun!

Even Long Qian and Long You, who presided over the martial arts meeting, stared at her closely, waiting for an answer.

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