Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7199 White Hun and Bai Susu

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"After Jiang Tian went to his clan, he asked the elders to take care of him. Long Cuilan and Moju Mountain are very grateful!"

"Hahaha, the old man can certainly help him within his ability, but I have to be honest, there are a large number of super geniuses and super evildoers of our clan gathered in the Holy Land. The competition is far from being comparable to that of Qianlong Wuhui. Whether he can stand out or not depends on himself. If he is bullied because of lack of strength...the old man can't do anything!"

"Junior understand!" Long Cuilan nodded again and again, then turned to Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I believe that with your talent and aptitude, you will be able to create a golden road in the holy land of your clan!"

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely do my best!" Jiang Tian said with his hands clasped.

Long You scanned the audience, and his eyes fell on Bai Hunhun.

"The lineage of the hidden dragon has fallen. According to the rules of the Qianlongwuhui, the lineage of the Baishuang giant dragon ranked third can enjoy the reward of the second place!"

"At the same time, the monster of the fourth place, the true pupil lineage, has also fallen, so the reward for the third place will no longer be issued!"

"Bai Hun Hun, it's done!"

Zai You threw a silver dragon scale to Bai Hun Hun.

"There's a drop of the blood essence of our family's direct lineage in the god-making realm, two dragon blood tempering pills, and a Thunder Dragon Extinguishing Talisman, which are of extraordinary value!"

"Thank you Elder Longyou, this junior is ashamed!"

Bai Hunhun was extremely happy.

She was originally the third place, but because there was no one in Yinlong, she got the reward for the second place.

It can be said that he has made a lot of money!

And all of this is due to Jiang Tian!

If Jiang Tian hadn't beheaded Long Die, not only would she not be able to get the second place reward as the third place, she would have even died in Long Die's hands long ago!

"Friend Jiang Daoist, thank you!"

"This is your good fortune, don't thank me." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"Jiang Daoyou, please take a step to speak!"


Bai Hunhun and Jiang Tian came to the side and talked alone.

"About Bai Susu, I can tell you now, just as Jiang Daoyou guessed, she is exactly my Bai Shuang's lineage, and even has some kinship with me!"

"Oh, she is your...sister? No, there seems to be too much difference in age between you two!"

Jiang Tian frowned, deeply confused.

Bai Hunhun and Bai Susu looked almost identical, but their cultivation was different.

But if you don't feel it up close, you can't see it at all.

In terms of unit price and appearance, he absolutely believes that these two are sisters!

But the problem is that when he met Bai Susu for the first time, the other party had been trapped in Hidden Dragon Valley for many years.

But Bai Hunhun is a young evildoer of Baishuang's lineage, the age of the two is obviously not the same!

Unlikely to be sisters!

So what is the relationship?

"Speaking of which, she is my elder, and I still want to call her auntie!"

"What?" Jiang Tian was stunned!

"Didn't expect that?" Bai Hunhun was somewhat embarrassed.

But I quickly regained my confidence!

Proudly said: "Although her seniority is higher than mine, her strength is not as good as mine!

Of course, this may have something to do with what happened to her. She was not in the family for many years before, and she didn't know what happened to her. She only returned to the family last year.

By the way, how did you meet her? "

"Nothing to do with you!"

Jiang Tian did not answer this question.

Bai Hunhun was very depressed!

She said so much, but Jiang Tian only said "It has nothing to do with you".

If she had known this earlier, she wouldn't have said it!

"Everyone, this Qianlong martial arts meeting is officially over, and everyone can return!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​the old man returns to the True Dragon Family immediately, come with me!"


Jiang Tian left Bai Hun Hun and bid farewell to Long Cui Luan.

Take Longyou's dragon-pattern flying boat and escape into the sky!

The masters and elders of hundreds of branches also bid farewell to each other and drove away.

Long Cuilan drove the black-scaled sacred beast and headed north.

"Huh! It's finally over!"

"Congratulations to the pulse master, congratulations to the pulse master!"

"In the near future, our Moju Mountain lineage will be the true overlord of hundreds of branches!"

The four accompanying elders and priests congratulated Long Cuilan.

At the same time, doubts appeared in my heart.

"Master Maizhu, with all due respect, did you guess the final result a long time ago, so you stood by Jiang Tian's side regardless?"

Long Cuiluan smiled leisurely: "Elder Long You is not a display. If Jiang Tian really falls, do you think he should take responsibility?"

"As the presiding elder of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, if the person at the top of the list is killed in front of his eyes, of course he cannot escape responsibility!"

"In this way, Lord Maizhu had a complete grasp of the direction and outcome of the matter at that time, which really admired my subordinates!"

"The pulse master is wise!"

Several subordinates continued to flatter.

Long Cuiluan shook his head and said, "Actually, it's not as complicated as you think. There are some special reasons why I firmly stand by his side!"

"special reason?"

Long Cuiluan said solemnly: "Jiang Tian's performance far exceeded our expectations, and also far exceeded everyone's expectations!

There is an invisible self-confidence in him, which shows that he probably has an unimaginable hole card in his hand. Although he doesn't know what it is, it can give him enough confidence.

When facing Long Qian's lust, he remained calm, his expression didn't change at all!

Do you think he is really arrogant and ignorant? "

"of course not!"

"If you are really arrogant and brainless, you will never survive in the Julong Mountains, let alone reach the top of the list!"

Long Cuiluan smiled and said: "This is why I am willing to gamble with my family and my own future! Rather than saying that I am on his side, it is better to say that I am ruling out a possibility!"

"What possibility is ruled out?" Everyone was confused.

"Exclude the possibility of antagonism or even a breakup with a future superpower!" Long Cuilan said in a deep voice, his eyes were stern!

"Oh?" The elders and the priests looked at each other, shocked in their hearts!

Long Cuilan explained: "You can think about it, even if Long Qian kills you and me today, he may not dare to openly destroy our Moju Mountain lineage, because doing so will make him not tolerated by the aristocratic family!

At that time, maybe no one will sincerely uphold justice for us, but his opponents in the family will definitely seize the opportunity to impeach him aggressively and push him out of the core of power in the family!

Therefore, Long Qian's threat to us is actually not as deep as you imagined.

But if we offend Jiang Tian, ​​with his contribution to this vein today, he will be furious and hold a grudge, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

On the day he becomes a super strong man, my Moju Mountain lineage is likely to face annihilation and be completely wiped out by him!

Which is more important, what do you think? "


"Master Vein Master!"

"We... really didn't think of this level!"

The elders and the priests were astonished, and there was a storm in their hearts!

At this moment, they were extremely grateful that Long Cuiluan was firmly on Jiang Tian's side.

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