Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7200 Grand Restriction

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At the same time, I am extremely glad that I am firmly on Long Cuilan's side!

But whoever chooses another position, the consequences will be disastrous!

Roar... Boom!

The dragon pattern flying boat carried Long You and Jiang Tian through the air and fled at an extremely fast speed!

And after the flying boat passed through a huge cloud layer, a figure slowly emerged above the cloud layer.

It is none other than Long Qian!

"As expected, you are still here!"

"Jie Jie! This old man knows that no one can resist the temptation of the Holy Land of our clan!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​wait for the old man to go back and take care of you, just wait for me!"


Long Qian smirked and tore through the void, and fled away.


After a few days!

The dragon-pattern flying boat suddenly stopped fleeing!

When Jiang Tian walked out of the cabin and took a look, he was a little surprised!

The front is full of dense fog that covers the sky and the sun, making it difficult to see through, and it is impossible to detect it with spiritual thoughts.

Needless to say, this is clearly some kind of prohibition.

It's just that its scale is large and the scene is magnificent and magnificent, which is far beyond imagination!

"Elder Longyou, could this be the barrier around the True Dragon Family?"

"Periphery, it is indeed very peripheral, hahaha!"

Long You twitched his beard and laughed loudly, not without a hint of narrowness.

"Oh, it seems that I didn't guess completely right?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It can't be wrong, but you only guessed half right. This is indeed a magnificent restriction, and it is indeed located in the outer area of ​​the core territory of the True Dragon Family, but there is more than one such restriction. Its power is beyond imagination, and there is still a long way to go from the core area of ​​the True Dragon Family!"

"The restriction of the True Dragon Family is so complicated!"

Jiang Tian was astonished!

The name of the True Dragon Family resounds throughout the Dao Domain, not to mention its own family, even if it has hundreds of branches, it is an existence that dominates all Dao Domains!

At the Qianlong Martial Arts Competition, those branches that ranked two or three hundred away seemed weak, even a bit shabby.

But if it is pulled outside, it will definitely be a frightening superpower!

Even if the branches are like this, let alone the background of the real dragon family!

"There are nine restrictions in total, and one is stronger than the other. Anyone who breaks in rashly will basically fall and die under the first restriction!"


Jiang Tian took a deep breath and looked solemnly.

The restriction in front of him is a little beyond imagination, and there are eight more in the future, and one is stronger than the other.

The background of the True Dragon Family is really extraordinary!

"Do you know why I stopped?" Long You asked.

"This junior doesn't know, please tell Elder Long You clearly!"

"Because even I can't break through, otherwise I will be crushed by this restriction, and my body and spirit will be destroyed!"

"so serious?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

Elder Long You is the host of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, and his status in the True Dragon Family is obviously not low.

With such an identity, driving the dragon pattern flying boat dedicated to the True Dragon Family, he couldn't go straight through.

This is still the first restriction, isn't the following eight restrictions even more exaggerated?

"There are two ways to pass this restriction:"

"First, use the tokens issued by the senior management of the family;"

"Secondly, consume a drop of dragon blood inherited from the body of the family warrior;"

"Of course, it can also be led by the senior management of the aristocratic family and enter it with some special tokens!"

Long You's face was proud, and there was a certain pride in his words.

Jiang Tian nodded and said: "The token of the family and the inheritance of the family hold the blood of the dragon clan. So, only the direct descendants of the real dragon family can enter and exit smoothly?"

"Yes! The bloodline system of the True Dragon Family is very large. There are not only one or two direct bloodlines. The bloodlines of the younger generations will also change with the evolution of time and generation after generation. But as long as it is the bloodline inherited from the direct lineage of my True Dragon Family, it is eligible to use the power of bloodlines to pass through!"

"Forgive me, junior, the reason why the True Dragon Family has hundreds of branches is because the bloodline inheritance of those people has mutated and seriously weakened, and has widened a huge gap with the bloodline of the direct line?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are very smart, and you are probably right about this point!"

"Is there any other reason, please enlighten the elder!" Jiang Tian asked with his hands clasped.

"In addition to the reasons for bloodline mutation and substantial weakening, there are very few branches that were created by a bloodline that broke away from the aristocratic family and went out!"

"Why do you want to do this?" Jiang Tian frowned.

Long You smiled lightly: "As the saying goes, every person is different, and the nine sons of a dragon are all different. Some people may feel that there is no hope of being promoted in the aristocratic family, so they might as well go out and establish a lineage alone. Maybe there will be a greater fortune!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"If the junior guessed correctly, there should be a few of the top few powerful branches among the hundreds of branches, right?"

"Yes! Most of the branches are excluded by the aristocratic family because of the weakening and falling of the bloodline level. These people are actually unwilling to leave, because they have to find their own way out when they go outside. Unless they encounter a catastrophe of life and death, the aristocratic family will not care about them.

And the top branches of the highest ranking do not want to stay in the too strict blood system of the aristocratic family, so they want to break out of a world by themselves. This is the case for the Zhentong, Baishuang, Tianqiong, and Kuangsha veins! "

"It's a pity!" Jiang Tian shook his head.

"What a pity?" Long You was taken aback!

"It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to fight directly with the evildoers of Zhentong's lineage."

"Oh? Hahaha, what a pity this is. The True Eye lineage was defeated by the Yinlong. You even killed the evildoers of the Yinlong Lineage. Even if you meet the True Eye lineage earlier, you can still win!"

"The elder's words are reasonable, but after all, there is a layer of separation."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

It has to be said that he is indeed somewhat regretful.

Because Long Die is his old opponent and old enemy.

But in his mind, he never regarded this person as an evenly matched opponent.

On the contrary, it was the evildoer of Zhentong's lineage, which made him feel a little novel.

In the Julong Mountain Range, he had been looking forward to a life-and-death battle with Zhentong's lineage.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations, and he and Zhentong still missed it after all.

But after he killed the dragon disc, he still got the true pupil.

Worthy of the biggest winner of Qianlong Martial Arts!

"Jiang Tian, ​​the old man would take the liberty to ask, you should have got that true pupil, right?"

"True pupil!" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't worry, this old man is not like Longqian. If he sees something good, he will take it for himself. When I ask you this, I actually want to talk to you about some things about the true pupil!"

"Thank you, elder, for your guidance, but this junior is being stingy, so I'll just take it out...huh?"

Jiang Tian smiled self-deprecatingly, and was about to take out the true pupil from the Zixuan Realm for the other party to see.

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned!

"Well, what's the matter?" Long You looked surprised.

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