Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7201--Andrew True Dragon Family

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Jiang Tian's face was slightly stiff, and he said in embarrassment: "When encountering a little situation, I'm afraid... I can't show it to seniors!"

"Why, are you really afraid that I won't be able to steal your treasure? You boy, what do you think of this old man? If I really want to win the treasure, I still have to wait until now, or wait for you to take it out?"

Long You was immediately displeased, and puffed out his beard in anger.

Jiang Tian smiled awkwardly: "Elder Longyou misunderstood, the junior is really inconvenient, and he didn't intend to hide it. When it is convenient for the follow-up, if the senior is still interested, he must take it out for the senior to see!"

"Okay, the old man is not a stingy person, it's up to you!"

Long You let out a sulky breath, feeling extremely depressed.

He really wanted to give Jiang Tian a few words, but he didn't expect Jiang Tian to hide his secrets on purpose.

Also, the most eye-catching treasure of the True Eye lineage is that True Eye.

It is human nature for Jiang Tian to be cautious, but he is a dignified elder who also helped him withstand Long Qian's despotic power. He can be regarded as a half-benefactor anyway, and he should have some face.

Unexpectedly, the boy found an excuse to refuse when the words came to his lips.

At this moment, Long You can be said to be quite disappointed.

But after thinking about it, it wasn't that depressing anymore.

"Hmph, hehe, what does this old man care about with you, a junior?"

Long You suddenly laughed!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you don't really think that the old man covets that true pupil, do you?"

"Of course, junior... no!" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Look, you're still hesitating, it's clear that there is!" Long You stared wide-eyed.

He waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you are a junior from outside, and it's normal to not know the background of the True Dragon Family. When you get to the Holy Land, you will naturally understand that a mere True Eye is nothing to the True Dragon Family. Not to mention the evildoers of the family who cultivated in the Holy Land, even the younger ordinary warriors of the True Dragon Family are all top-notch evildoers!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly: "If it is true what the senior said, how fierce will the competition among the younger generation of the True Dragon Family be?"

"Otherwise, do you think why the True Dragon Family has so many branches? Could it be that they couldn't stand the fierce competition and were forced to find another way out!"

"The teachings of the seniors, the juniors have memorized them!"

"Okay! Stop flattering me, and stay away from me, otherwise I will talk to you a little more, and you're afraid that I'm going to steal your 'heavy treasure' again!" Long You teased the other party narrowly.

"This..." Jiang Tian was quite embarrassed and had to change the subject.

"Senior, how long are we going to wait here?"

"Oh! Look at me, I was so focused on talking to you that I forgot about serious business!"

With a wave of his left hand, Long You directly threw out the supervision token of Qianlongwuhui.


The golden light was a masterpiece, and the token turned into a golden dragon and swept forward.


The powerful prohibition barrier suddenly changed, and the billowing thick fog receded in all directions, revealing a void passage!

"Come on, I'll take you into the Real Dragon Family, let's go!"

A little under Long You's feet, the Dragon Pattern Flying Boat accelerated into it.

An hour later, the fog in front of my eyes dissipated, and the clarity returned instantly!

"The first barrier, the range is so large?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

The speed of the dragon pattern flying boat is not slow, but it has been evading in the passage for more than an hour.

"Calm down, this is only the first barrier, and the next eight barriers are more powerful!"

Three hours later, the dragon-marked flying boat arrived before the second restriction!

"The second restriction is an invisible restriction, that is, there is no visible barrier, and there is no aura that can be detected by spiritual thoughts, but its power is stronger than the first!"

Long You pointed to the empty space in front of him and said.

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly: "In this way, it is equivalent to a perfect trap!"

"That's right! If someone is lucky enough to break through the first barrier, if they don't know the situation, they will also be smashed in front of this barrier!"

"As expected of the True Dragon Family!"



The golden dragon broke through the air, the void in front of it was turbulent, and a door of ripples appeared!

The dragon-pattern flying boat passed by quickly and continued on its way.

Two days later!

Jiang Tian rode the dragon pattern flying boat and came to a huge mountain range!

"Hiss! What an amazing aura!"

The aura that hits the face is extremely pure, and its concentration is comparable to half a step of the divine vein!

"Sure enough, it is a family of real dragons. The aura condition alone is much stronger than outside!"

Jiang Tian was shocked by the scene in front of him!

The spiritual energy floating in the void is comparable to the half-step divine vein.

What level should the spiritual veins bred here be?

"It goes without saying that the cultivation conditions of the True Dragon Family are definitely the top in the Dao Domain. This is due to the generational management of the senior members of the family, and the Nine Restrictions are also indispensible!"

Long You said proudly.

In addition to isolating the True Dragon Family from the outside world, the Nine Paths of Restriction can also prevent the rich aura here from leaking out.

"Of course, doing so is not without its drawbacks. The man-made aura of heaven and earth can only improve the superior cultivation conditions in a limited area. If the warriors of the True Dragon Family go to the outside world and face the relatively thin aura of heaven and earth, their progress in cultivation will be significantly slower!"

"It's inevitable, and it doesn't have much impact!" Jiang Tian said.

"Yes, the top cultivation conditions in the entire Dao Domain are here, so the evildoers of the True Dragon Family will not go out easily without special circumstances."

Long You's words exuded a powerful arrogance.

What are the evildoers from the True Dragon Family going out to do?


Treasure hunt?

In terms of experience, the opponents outside are very weak, and it is enough to compete with the same race at home.

When it comes to treasure hunting, the aura conditions outside are so poor, and the inferior treasures you find after going out may not be able to compensate for your own consumption!

"Indeed, the conditions here are so superior that they don't need to go out at all."

Jiang Tian was deeply moved.

He has come step by step from the lower realm, and has come into contact with too many so-called top spiritual veins.

But only at this moment did he understand that spiritual veins and restrictions are not worth mentioning in front of the superior environment of the True Dragon Family!

In other places, after a lot of effort, they might be able to find a half-step divine vein.

And in the True Dragon Family, when all the warriors breathe in their daily lives, they enjoy the aura of the half-step divine vein level!

This is equivalent to, even if they sleep, they can improve their strength!

Such a condition, how can it be compared with the outside world?

"From here, you have already entered the core territory of the True Dragon Family, and the aura here is only at an ordinary level. The aura in the Holy Land is stronger. You will know how it is when you go there!"

"Then please ask the elder to take me there!" Jiang Tian said with his hands clasped.

"Don't be so impatient, the competition in the Holy Land is fierce, and there will be a small assessment before entering!"

"Assessment! Didn't it mean that the head of the Qianlongwu Association will enter the Holy Land to practice?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

"The top player in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association can directly enter the Holy Land, but no one said that you can't pass the assessment before entering the Holy Land! You can only enter after passing the assessment, but you must not think that this assessment is the real test. In fact, after passing the assessment and entering the Holy Land, the real test has just begun!"

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