Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7203 strong pass

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"It seems that in the Qianlong Martial Arts Competition, he also relied on his physical body to win!"

"Such a powerful physical body is rare in our family. No wonder he can get the first place!"

"Unfortunately, he will still lose in the end!"

Click... Boom!

"Uh... poof!"

Before the words were finished, a figure suddenly flew upside down and slammed into the gate of the Holy Land.


The golden light suddenly shone, and the powerful restraining force bounced the person away.

Everyone's face suddenly sank!

It was none other than Long Qingyuan who was knocked into the air!

"You... you actually attacked?"

Long Qingyuan gritted his teeth, his face was livid!


"Jiang Tian, ​​you are too presumptuous!"

"How could you sneak attack Brother Qingyuan?"

"Don't you dare to fight in a fair and honest manner, and insist on using such indecent means?"

Everyone shouted in unison and questioned Jiang Tian.

"Hey! The fight has already started, and the winner has not yet been decided. Any means can be used. He is distracted and underestimates the enemy. Why should I say a sneak attack?"


These monstrosities were throbbing one by one, and were speechless by Jiang Tian.


The fight had already begun, Long Qingyuan was distracted by himself, and was punched away by Jiang Tian.

It's hard to blame others!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you're going crazy, I won't lose!"

Long Qingyuan refused to accept it, and was ready to attack again!

"You have already lost, and if you fight again, you will only lose even worse!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

Before the dragon gate, the atmosphere stagnated!

Only then did everyone realize that Long Qingyuan had already lost in this match.

"it's over!"

Jiang Tian stopped wasting time and walked straight to the dragon gate.


A powerful force blocked him!

The dragon gate has not been opened!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned.

This is different from what Long You confessed!

Didn't it mean that after defeating anyone, you can enter the Holy Land?

Why doesn't Longmen open?

"Hey! Hahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​did you really think you passed the test?"

"Tell you, Brother Qingyuan was careless for a while, and we are still here!"

"You?" Jiang Tian's face turned cold.

Obviously, these people are not just here to watch the fun.

It seems to be prepared!

Long You didn't leave, but kept watching from the side.

At this moment, frowning, he stepped forward!

"What are you guys doing? Jiang Tian has already won the battle, why don't you let him pass, and the elder on duty, let him come out!"

Seeing that it is Elder Long You, the young monsters dare not offend.

"Elder Longyou, we are enforcing the rules, not deliberately making things difficult!"

"Rules? Don't you guys know the rules? One game determines the outcome, so why fight again?" Long You asked.

"No! Elder Longyou, don't you know that the rules for entering the Holy Land have been changed!"

"What?" Long You was stunned!

He just went out to host a Qianlong martial arts meeting, how come the rules for entering the Holy Land have been changed?


Long You's face darkened.

This is obviously caused by Long Qian!

Long Qian has a lot to do with a certain elder in the Holy Land, he must have retaliated privately and changed the rules to embarrass Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​the old man has no right to interfere with the rules of the Holy Land, but you won a game. If you are not sure about the follow-up, you can come back in three days. This old man can still protect you!"

Long You said loudly.

A dozen young evildoers looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to refute.

They can mock Jiang Tian, ​​but they dare not offend Long You.

After all, the aristocratic family has strict rules, if Long You is angered, he may be suppressed on the spot!

"Thank you Elder Longyou, since the rules have been changed, then follow the rules, I don't care." Jiang Tian said lightly.

"Then be careful!"

Long You was also helpless.

"It doesn't matter if it's a good one!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​since you are so confident, come on!"

"Whoever you want to challenge, you can pick whatever you want!"

Everyone stood in a row, glaring at Jiang Tian.

"I don't know how the rules will change, and I don't know whether to challenge two or three or four or five. To avoid trouble, let's go together!"

"What did you say?"

"You let us go together?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you think you can win?"

All the dozen evildoers laughed!

Long Qingyuan, who was slightly injured, was a little annoyed at first, but couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"You foreign martial artist, you really don't know the background of the family and the depth of us, how do you have the guts to say such a thing?"

"Do you think the details of the True Dragon Family are paper?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​we don't want to bully the few with the more, and I will give you another chance to choose the target of the challenge!"

"No need to choose, let's come together!"

Jiang Tian sneered and stepped forward, facing a dozen young monsters alone, approaching with great momentum!

"Arrogance! I'll suppress him!"

An evildoer who is slightly stronger than Long Qingyuan can't help it!

Leaping up into the air, pieces of silver scales appeared on his legs, and he stomped on the air.

A series of terrifying dragon shadows slammed towards Jiang Tian fiercely!


Jiang Tian raised his hand and punched him, and his physical strength soared wildly, knocking him back.

"Hiss! This kid really has some tricks!"

"Since you said it yourself, we will fulfill you!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian repelled his companions with one move, the rest did not dare to hesitate any longer.

If this continues, the scene will be very embarrassing, and they are likely to leave a shameful record.

Boom boom boom!


More than a dozen evildoers' auras soared, and they all rushed towards Jiang Tian.

"Xingyun, instant killing skill!"

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian's figure suddenly disappeared in place!

In the next moment, more than a dozen figures flashed at the same time, and the shadows of fists exploded!

Bang bang bang bang... click... boom!

Puff puff puff... Whoa!

More than a dozen figures came out of the shock, some directly bumped into the nearby mountain wall, and some bumped into the front of the dragon gate.

Some fell to the ground, bleeding out of their mouths!

In an instant, apart from Long You who was watching the battle, Jiang Tian was the only one standing in front of the mountain gate with his head held high.

He didn't continue to shoot, and didn't even say a word, and walked directly to the dragon gate.

At this time, streaks of white light flew up from the defeated evildoer and entered the Dragon Gate.



The dragon gate made a heavy noise, and then slowly opened!

"How can it be?"

"His strength is so strong!"

"We underestimated the enemy!"

A dozen evildoers watched Jiang Tian walk into the dragon gate, gnashing their teeth angrily.

"It's not that you underestimate the enemy, it's that he's too strong, even if you do it a hundred times, you'll still be defeated!"

Long You said coldly.

At this time, he was also quite shocked!

Jiang Tian's combat strength far exceeded his expectations!

"The benefits this kid got in the Julong Mountains seem to be more than the old man thought!"

Long You held his long beard in his hand, his eyes sparkled.

Immediately, a trace of ecstasy flashed across his heart!

The stronger Jiang Tian's performance, the greater his contribution!

Although according to the rules, the first name of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association is to enter the Holy Land to practice.

But because the Zhentong lineage has been refusing to come in recent years, the matter of entering the holy land to practice for the first place in the martial arts club has been suspended for a long time.

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