Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7204 True Dragon Holy Land

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But this time, he managed to bring Jiang Tian back, which can be said to be a credit to the senior management of the aristocratic family.

The best part is that Jiang Tian had rejected Long Qian's invitation before.

This undoubtedly pushed his credit even higher!

"Jiang Tian, ​​from the moment you stepped into the Holy Land, it will be very difficult for the old man to help you. Practice hard and do it yourself!"

Long You sighed softly and was about to leave.

But when he turned around, he involuntarily glanced into the air from the corner of his eye.

Above a thick cloud layer, there is a looming figure.

This is an elder in white robe, and white robe, in the family of true dragons, is the symbol of the elders of the Holy Land!

"Hmph!" Long You sneered, turned around and fled away.

The figure hidden in the clouds frowned slightly, showing a little surprise.

"Unexpectedly, this Jiang Tian really has two brushes!"

One must know that with the support of the super powerful blood of the True Dragon Family, even the ordinary evildoers of the younger generation are not comparable to the evildoers of those branches outside.

Almost all of them have the strength to win the Qianlongwuhui.

Jiang Tian was able to crush these dozens of people in an instant, and his combat power was really surprising!

This is an overwhelming victory, and the strength gap between the two sides is quite obvious!

"Hehe, I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch next!"

After leaving a long sigh, the white-robed figure in the clouds slowly disappeared with a strange smile on his face.

"Is this the holy land of the True Dragon Family?"

At this time, Jiang Tian has come to the Holy Land.

As far as the eye can see, there are mountains full of aura!

Some are rooted in the ground, rising straight into the sky!

Some are suspended in the air, and they are like mountains in the air!

There are flowing clouds and flying waterfalls, spiritual birds and strange grasses, and there seems to be a trace of fairy charm floating in the void!

"Sure enough, it's a beautiful place!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but sigh.

The scenery here is beautiful, and the aura conditions are quite amazing!

If the aura condition outside is equivalent to a half-step divine meridian, then the aura condition here is at least a quasi-divine meridian!

Jiang Tian looked into the depths of the Holy Land, the corners of his eyes shrank slightly!

The blossoming spiritual clouds in front of him are floating and shining brightly, and the spiritual conditions there are obviously better!

There is no doubt that there must be a powerful spiritual vein in the holy land of the real dragon family!

Not even one!

And the level of that kind of spiritual veins is at least the beginning of quasi-spiritual veins!

"It's worthy of being a real dragon family, and it's worthy of being a holy land of the family!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, feeling the powerful aura penetrating into his heart, and couldn't help but sigh that he was really in the right place.

At this time, suddenly a pair of young men and women rushed over!

They came close and looked at Jiang Tian curiously.

"New here, if I'm not mistaken, you should be the first name in this Qianlong martial arts competition?"

"Is this the evildoer of the true pupil lineage? Aren't you always proud and unwilling to come to the Holy Land to practice? Why did you change your temper this time?"

This pair of young men and women looked at Jiang Tian, ​​curious, but not without ridicule or even ridicule.

"I'm not from the lineage of Zhentong, but from Moju Mountain!"

Jiang Tian said expressionlessly.


"It's not true pupil, how is it possible?"

The young men and women on the opposite side were taken aback!

In recent years, Qianlong Martial Arts has been monopolized by Zhentong's lineage every time.

Moreover, the Zhentong lineage is also quite arrogant. After winning the championship every time, they will not accept the solicitation of the aristocratic family and refuse to come to the Holy Land to practice.

This situation is well known in the True Dragon Family.

In the Holy Land, it also caused some criticism.

The monsters in the Holy Land almost never go out, but they are still full of curiosity and even have an inexplicable hostility towards the most powerful Zhentong lineage among the hundreds of lines.

In their opinion, the lineage of Zhentong is too arrogant!

They dared to refuse to come to the Holy Land to practice, perhaps because they had some kind of special support.

Maybe there is an extremely powerful and superior cultivation environment in the territory of the true pupil lineage, such as a super strong spiritual vein or some unknown special resource.

But no matter how strong the true pupil lineage is, can it still be stronger than the aristocratic family?

This situation, of course, cannot happen!

So this annoyed the warriors of this clan even more!

The leader of a mere branch, dare to repeatedly reject the invitation of the family, does he really think that he is the overlord of the dragon clan?

They can't wait to fight against the evildoers of Zhentong's lineage, and let the other party know the background and depth of the family.

But it is a pity that they have been practicing in the Holy Land all year round, and it is difficult for them to go out without the permission of the upper echelon of the family, so this kind of idea can only be suppressed in their hearts and cannot be realized.

But now, when this stranger came, it seemed that a pool of stagnant water that had been silent for many years was broken.

The evildoers in the Holy Land are naturally extremely excited!

These two are a pair of siblings!

The man's name is Long Xuanqing, and the woman's name is Long Xuanyan!

The two are compatriots with one milk, their blood is strong, and their talents and aptitudes are also rare in the aristocratic family.

It has been half a year since he entered the Holy Land to practice. Compared with half a year ago, his cultivation base has made great progress.

Facing this foreign monster, he was naturally full of confidence.

"Brother, which branch of Moju Mountain is it?" Long Xuanyan asked with a frown.

The man smiled: "It's normal if you can't think of it. The ranking of the Moju Mountain lineage seems to be above 300 all year round, and it belongs to the middle and lower reaches of the hundreds of lines!"

"Ah? A branch with such a low ranking won the first prize in Qianlongwuhui. It's really surprising!"

Long Xuanyan was deeply surprised and couldn't help but look at Jiang Tian again.

"The ranking of the Moju Mountain lineage is so low, and you can win the championship. It seems that you are quite lucky, but I think this time the Qianlong Wuhui may also have a lot of water. Apart from the Zhentong lineage, what other powerful branches are absent from the Qianlong Wuhui?"

Long Xuanyan couldn't wait to ask Jiang Tian, ​​wanting to satisfy her curiosity.

Between the words, he did not hide his contempt for the Moju Mountain lineage.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, not wanting to understand these two people.

He has long been used to situations like this along the way.

But it is also understandable, after all, the real dragon family has a strong background, and those who can come to the Holy Land to practice are all top evildoers of the younger generation.

Some arrogance is also understandable.

But he didn't want to waste time here, so he turned and walked forward.

"Hey, you're new here, why don't you just answer my question!" Long Xuanyan frowned.

"Hey! Stop for me, what's your attitude, didn't you hear her question?"

Long Xuanqing took a step forward and stopped Jiang Tian.

"Not interested in."

Jiang Tian was going to bypass him.

I didn't expect to be stopped by him again!

"You are so rude when you first arrive here. What do you think of this place as an outside market, come and leave as soon as you say?"

"What do you think of our brothers and sisters again? Tell you, this is the holy land of the True Dragon Family, and you have to abide by the rules here!"

Long Xuanqing reprimanded coldly.

"What rules, rules that are difficult for others?" Jiang Tian asked lightly.

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