Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Arrogance! A newcomer dares to be so rude, it seems that I have to tell you the rules here!"

"To tell you the truth, in True Dragon Holy Land, strength is the biggest rule, and everything here is based on strength!"

"Including all cultivation resources, they are also distributed according to strength!"

"Without strength, even the elders won't say a word for you, understand?"


While speaking, Long Xuanqing released a powerful coercion, showing Jiang Tian's cultivation.

"Apologize to her immediately and answer her question truthfully, otherwise I will let you know the rules here!"

"Strength is the rule?"

Jiang Tian smiled!

Before coming here, he didn't know about Sheng's situation.

Even Long You didn't describe too much.

He originally thought that with the background of the True Dragon Family, the rules of the Holy Land would be very wordy and complicated.

I didn't expect it to be so simple and direct!

"In this case, let you feel my rules!"


Jiang Tian's breath wavered, and the tyrannical coercion approached Long Xuanqing!


Long Xuanqing's body swayed, almost being pushed back by Jiang Tianzhen.

"Since you are so rampant, then I will teach you a good lesson!"

The look of surprise receded, Long Xuanqing couldn't help but sneer!

He originally thought that this newcomer would retreat in spite of the difficulties, and chose to give in to him, submitting to the coercion of his "old man".

Unexpectedly, the other party was not afraid at all, and even provoked him in turn.

He deserves to be beaten!


Long Xuanqing took a step forward, and the violent coercion turned into a cyan dragon shadow, heading straight for Jiang Tian!

The void twisted and oscillated, and Qinglong jumped in front of Jiang Tian in an instant, and was about to blow him away!


As soon as Jiang Tian punched out, Qinglong exploded with a bang, turning into a ball of blue light and bursting out!

"Huh?" The corners of Long Xuanqing's eyes shrank, and he was startled!

The attack method he was proud of was actually carried down by the opponent!

"You forced me!"

Long Xuanqing yelled violently, and shot again.

He only used six or seven layers of power just now, and he thought he could easily crush his opponent, but he didn't expect that the opponent was quite strong.

After two shots in succession to no avail, he finally realized that this was not a soft guy who could be handled easily.

It's a more difficult stubble!

But so what?

As a monster of my own family who has been cultivating in the Holy Land for half a year, can he still be slapped in the face by a foreigner?

Boom... Roar!

In an instant, a blue dragon came out around its body, and rushed to the sky in an instant!


The sound of the violent dragon's chant resounded through the void, shaking the aura of heaven and earth within tens of thousands of feet!

The powerful dragon's power blooms wantonly, showing the power of the evil blood of the clan!

"What a powerful bloodline!"

Jiang Tian was surprised first and then happy!

Long Xuanqing's bloodline breath clearly surpassed any opponent in Qianlong Wuhui!

It has to be said that the evildoers of the True Dragon Family are really outstanding.

At this moment, he couldn't help but want to swallow the other party's blood!

But these are holy lands of the family after all, and the background of the True Dragon Family is also extraordinary. If you don't know the details, you will undoubtedly fall into a huge passive position if you make a rash move.

So, he still pressed the impulse in his heart!

Although the blood will of the Brutal Blood Dragon has already been greatly stimulated, it can almost be activated by itself several times.

But he still forcibly endured, and did not rashly kill him!

"Hahahaha, this is the strength of the genius of the aristocratic family, and this is the demeanor of the evildoer of the family, newcomer, are you afraid?"

"But it's useless to be afraid, this is the price of angering me!"


Ho ho ho!

The cyan dragon danced wildly in the sky, and the color of the world changed in an instant, and the spiritual energy of the world poured in madly, with a huge momentum!

"Hey, what happened over there?"

"Someone is fighting in front of the mountain gate!"

"That position, is it a newcomer?"

"It should be!"

"Could it be that the evildoer of the true pupil lineage has come?"

"Go and have a look!"

The huge abnormal noise attracted the attention of all parties!

At this time, a series of figures began to gather here.

They are all monsters of their own clan who cultivated in the Holy Land, at least they have cultivated for more than half a year, and some of them have practiced for more than a year.

After hearing the abnormal noise, they gathered quickly to watch the battle in the air.

"It really is a newcomer!"

"Is it an evildoer of the true pupil lineage?"

"I heard that the evildoers of this lineage have strange methods and are extremely powerful. In the previous Qianlong martial arts, hundreds of lines have been terrified!"

"It was Long Xuanqing who made the move. He has only been in the Holy Land for half a year, and he is also a rising star in my generation!"

"His strength is not weak, and the evildoers of Zhentong's lineage may stumble!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but no one was optimistic about Jiang Tian.

There is no other reason, but because they are also evildoers of the True Dragon Family, and they know the strength of the geniuses in the Holy Land.

Even if an evildoer of Zhentong's lineage can be the overlord in the Qianlong Wuhui, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of Long Xuanqing who has been cultivating in the Holy Land for half a year!

At this time, Jiang Tianer couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard these discussions.

He originally thought that the Qianlong Martial Arts Association should be quite important, but judging from the attitudes of the Long Xuanqing brothers and sisters and the monsters who came to watch, it was obviously not the case!

In the Holy Land of the True Dragon Family, the news of Qianlong Wuhui obviously did not attract much attention.

They didn't even know the ranking of the Qianlong Wushu this time, and they took the Zhentong lineage as the first place by default.

But on the other hand, it also confirmed the name of Zhentong's lineage.

Even in the Holy Land of the Aristocratic Family, it is quite valued.

"True pupil? Hmph!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

The Zhentong lineage may have been very strong before, but the situation in this martial arts competition is quite tragic.

Before he could match up with him, he was beheaded by the dragon disc of Yinlong's lineage first, and his true pupil was taken away.

Of course, that true pupil also fell into his hands in the end and became his trophy.

In the end, Zhentong's branch barely ranked third.

"The coagulation of the power of the blood is useless, you should directly activate the vision of the blood!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Extremely arrogant! To deal with you, why do you need a blood vision? Give it to me!"

Enraged by Jiang Tian, ​​Long Xuanqing raised her right foot and stomped across the air!

Roar... Boom!

Bang, click!

The cyan dragon that had sucked up the aura of heaven and earth descended from the sky, and its huge dragon claws ruthlessly stepped on Jiang Tian.


"Why is Long Xuanqing so irritable?"

"He actually tried his best. How can this newcomer stand up?"

"He was severely injured as soon as he entered the Holy Land. The luck of this newcomer is really bad!"

Many onlookers sneered, their faces full of mockery.

No one cares about the life and death of this "True Eye Lineage" evildoer.

Because once you enter the Holy Land, you must abide by the rules of the Holy Land.

And there is basically only one rule in the Holy Land, and that is strength!

The real dragon family has a strong background, and the holy land is the most important thing.

What is cultivated here is the real super evildoer, not the flowers in the greenhouse!

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