Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7206 Dragon Swallowing

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"Then you are doomed to be disappointed!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, raised his fist and slammed into the sky.

Crack... bang rumble!

Hoho... woohoo!

The purple light burst, and the cyan dragon let out a painful roar.

The cyan dragon claw that fell down collapsed!



"The power of the flesh, he is the overlord of the flesh!"

"Being able to defeat Long Xuanqing's blood coagulation form, I'm afraid it's not just an ordinary body!"

"Shouldn't pupil art be the strongest in the true pupil lineage? When did their physical bodies become so strong?"

The onlookers were shocked!

The pupil art of the true pupil lineage is also quite famous in the real dragon family, but the physical body of this lineage never seems to be outstanding.

Why in this fight just now, the new evildoer didn't use the pupil technique, but relied on the strength of his body to fight against him?

"Shut up!"

Long Xuanqing's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

Everyone was a little annoyed, and their voices were slightly restrained.

But there were also some who sneered and mocked.

"Long Xuanqing, you can't even win a newcomer, what right do you have to play tricks on us?"

"You still focus on your opponent. If you can't even compare with the physical body of Zhentong's lineage, do you still have the nerve to stay in the Holy Land to practice?"

Everyone's ridicule made Long Xuanqing furious!

"What is the true pupil lineage, he is not a true pupil lineage!"


"Isn't it true pupil?"

"It seems to be a branch that specializes in cultivating the physical body. No wonder the physical body is so strong. I don't know which branch it is?"

Everyone became more curious and eager to know the origin of the other party.

"He...he is from Moju Mountain!"


"Moju Mountain!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Pfft...haha, hahaha, I can't help it!"

"Little Moju Mountain, I can draw with you, you are such an embroidered pillow!"

"Hahaha, let me explain. The Moju Mountain lineage is a lower-ranked branch line. Among the hundreds of lines, it ranks more than 300 years old. Why can people from this lineage come to the Holy Land to practice?"

"Boy, have you really won the first place in Qianlong Wuhui?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian and questioned him one after another.

"Why can't the Moju Mountain lineage get the first place?"

Jiang Tian sneered and asked back.

But he didn't pay much attention to these people.

And after he defeated the dragon shadow condensed with the power of the blood, Long Xuanqing's expression became extremely ugly.

He took three shots before and after, but he didn't take advantage of it at all!

To be precise, he was actually at a disadvantage!

Because the three attacks he launched first were all calmly resolved by Jiang Tian.

This means that the opponent's strength is not weaker than him, and may even be even better!

Thinking that he had been cultivating in the Holy Land for half a year, but he couldn't even beat a newcomer, Long Xuanqing's mood was completely out of control!

"Blood vision, open!"

Roar... Boom!

hold head high!

The violent dragon chant suddenly resounded through the void, billowing blue light shot up from Long Xuanqing's body, and directly shot up to the sky above!


"Long Xuanqing, are you serious?"

"He's new here, don't you remember?"

"If you really beat him to serious injury or killed him, the elder's side will be somewhat difficult to explain?"

Many onlookers seemed to be speaking for Jiang Tian, ​​but in fact they were mocking Long Qingxuan as useless in disguise.

Long Xuanqing naturally understood everyone's true intentions, and became even more furious now!


If he was useful, how could he be forced by the bleeding phenomenon?

A newcomer can push him to such an extent, what face does he have to call himself a monster of the Holy Land?

So, today he has to suppress this newcomer no matter what!

Otherwise, once he loses, he will become the laughing stock of the entire Holy Land, and be ridiculed, spurned, and even insulted!

"very good!"

Looking at the vision of the green dragon stretching across the void, Jiang Tian smiled!

This is exactly what he wanted!

Directly devouring the opponent's blood will have a greater impact.

Without knowing the situation of the True Dragon Family and the rules of the Holy Land, it is not appropriate to act blindly.

Otherwise, it is likely to become the public enemy of the entire Holy Land and even the True Dragon Family.

He doesn't know how strong the strongest evildoer in the holy land is, but what is certain is that he is definitely no match for the powerful boss hidden in the real dragon family.

Therefore, everything should be safe!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian stepped up into the air with excitement on his face, and went straight to the cyan dragon!

"Good guy!"

"What is he going to do?"

"The other party used the bleeding vision, not only did he not hide, but he even took the initiative to meet it?"

"Does he really think he is strong? Isn't he afraid of being hit hard by the power of blood?"

Exclamations sounded one after another, and everyone watched Jiang Tian step into the air and rush towards the vision of the green dragon!

"Hahahaha, you asked for it yourself, no wonder I!"

Long Xuanqing laughed!

The bloodline vision is powerful, and if the opponent avoids it with all his strength, he may be able to deal with it for a while.

But such a head-on attack is completely blind self-confidence, not knowing whether to live or die!

"Give me town!"

Roar... Boom!

The cyan dragon roared down, and its huge fists volleyed wildly!

The huge dragon tail also attacked!

The ferocious giant mouth opened even more violently, ready to swallow Jiang Tian into it!

Each of this series of attacks is powerful, no matter which one is hit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

If he is hit by all three attacks, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die, and even his foundation may be destroyed!

"Hahahaha, new here, you asked for it yourself, no wonder me!"

"Suppress him for me!"

Roar... Boom!

Long Xuanqing waved wildly with his big hand, urging the blood vision to speed up the suppression.

The expressions of the onlookers also changed slightly!

At this time, the evildoers of Moju Mountain still don't hide?

It seems that Jiang Tian has been seriously injured, and may even face the risk of falling!

However, the next moment, a strange scene appeared!

Jiang Tian stood in the air, calmly facing the rushing cyan dragon.

Open your mouth and spit out the word "swallow" gently!


Hum rumble!

The spiritual power of the space suddenly swept over, and most of the dragon's body of the cyan dragon disappeared in an instant!



"What method is this?"

"The vision of blood, he swallowed the vision of Long Xuanqing's blood!"


All the people present were in an uproar!

Long Xuanqing's expression changed drastically!

"My blood vision... no!"

Long Xuanqing was horrified. Seeing that there was only half a broken dragon left in the air, he no longer cared about his face and dignity, so he forcibly took it back.

Aww... rumble!

Half of the remnant dragon turned into blue light and returned to the body, but Long Xuanqing's aura became weak!


Long Xuanqing's body shook violently, and her heart fell straight down!

His blood vision, directly lost more than half!

The best part is gone!

What was forcibly taken back was only the lower half of the dragon's body!

The dragon head, dragon body and dragon claws are all lost!

This means that his foundation has also been damaged, and his future cultivation potential is greatly reduced!

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