Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7208 Resurrection of the Stone Statue

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Of course, there are also strong and weak evildoers in the peripheral area, such as the brothers and sisters Long Xuanqing and Long Xuanyan you fought against just now, their strength is enough to reach the middle level in this area.

You were able to defeat Long Xuanqing and frighten Long Xuanyan away when you first entered the Holy Land. It can be seen that your talent, aptitude, and combat power have reached the middle level of the outer periphery of the Holy Land, and you may even have a glimpse into a higher level. This really makes this old man shine!

Young man, I am optimistic about you! "

Long Chen's words were full of praise, as if he really liked Jiang Tian.

However, Jiang Tian had an inexplicable repulsion, even disgust, towards this Elder Longzhu!

"Thank you, Elder Long Zao, for your guidance, and I will take my leave!"

After Jiang Tian finished speaking, he turned and left.

Long Zai watched him leave, his eyes became extremely cold.

The smile on duty all over his face has also turned into a sneer, looking a little ferocious!

"What a Jiang Tian, ​​what a Moju Mountain, no wonder Long Qian attaches so much importance to you, if it were me, I would also regard you as a serious threat!

But in the final analysis, the real headache is you Long Qian! "

Long Chen hid into the void with a sneer on his face.

Jiang Tian naturally wouldn't believe everything Long Chen said.

He skimmed up a thousand-foot-high mountain, ready to find a foothold.

There are dozens of stone temples on this mountain, they don't look luxurious, and the scale is not large, they only occupy an area of ​​tens of feet.

To put it bluntly, it is a larger stone house.

They are mainly located at the top of the mountain, and the rest are all large and small caves.

A few are natural caves, and the vast majority are man-made caves.

Jiang Tian let go of his spiritual thoughts and swept forward, and found that there were several caves halfway up the mountain that were uninhabited.

Step up and view now.

"New here, there are already people in these caves, if you don't want to cause trouble, just change places."

A holy land monster wearing a green robe reminded.


Jiang Tian did not argue with the opponent, but decisively changed the target.

Because he has already seen that there are traces of warriors entering and exiting the entrances of these nearby stone caves, and there are even some spiritual power left.

It shows that these caves should be caves with owners, so naturally it is not suitable to occupy them by force.

He just wanted to find a foothold, and he didn't want to make trouble and waste time.

After walking forward for a while, he came to a certain stone cave!

This cave doesn't look big, and it's only medium-sized compared to others.

The gate of the cave is about ten feet high and half a foot wide.

The entrance of the cave is covered with weeds, and the ground is covered with dust. It is obvious that no one has lived there for a long time!

It should be an ownerless cave!

"Here it is!"

Jiang Tian didn't want to waste time.

Because he has some things that need to be dealt with urgently.

One of them is the chaos caused by the true pupil.

In fact, long before he arrived at the Holy Land, he wanted to deal with it.

It's just that it was inconvenient to be on Longyou's flying boat at that time.

Therefore, he was going to check the condition of the real pupil immediately after he settled down.

But to him, there is no difference between a stone cave and a stone palace.

Because there is no difference in the aura of heaven and earth in the peripheral area, there is no special benefit to living in the Stone Palace.

And the masters of those stone palaces are obviously some powerful people.

He doesn't want to attract too much attention until he's done with some of the things at hand.

Solving problems and improving one's own strength is the first priority!

After Jiang Tian made sure that there was no one in the cave, he walked in.

And after he walked into the cave, several holy land evildoers immediately gathered from the side.

All of them with strange smiles, gloated and waited and watched!

"This newcomer is really brave, he dares to go there!"

"He obviously doesn't know whose cave this is. If he knew, he wouldn't dare to go in even if he had the courage!"

"But it's okay, someone will wake him up!"

Everyone gathers together, ready to watch a good show.

at this time!

Jiang Tian has come to the depths of the cave.

This cave is not deep, only a dozen feet inward.

But when he came to the bottom of the cave, he frowned!

"Well, this is..."

Jiang Tian was full of surprise.

He saw a strange "stone statue" at the bottom of the cave!

It seems that this stone statue is lifeless, and it doesn't have any spiritual energy.

But the feeling it gave him was extremely weird!

With a sweep of his mind, Jiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief!

That's right, this is indeed an ordinary stone statue, and its spiritual sense induction is no different from that of ordinary rocks.

But he always felt that something was weird!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


A piece of purple billows swayed in front of his eyes, and the stone statue in front of him instantly became illusory!


Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly!

This seemingly ordinary "stone statue" actually hides a mystery!

"I didn't expect that there was such a weird existence in the True Dragon Family!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shone strangely, and he looked at this "stone statue" carefully.

On the surface, it seems ordinary, as if it is a beautiful sculpture left by some evildoer who once lived in the cave.

But under the supernatural power of "Phantom Eye", it is strange!


This is not a stone statue, but the flesh body of a dragon monster with a special bloodline!



Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered.

If it is really a dead thing, it cannot be placed here for a long time.

I'm afraid he was thrown out of the cave by the evildoers later, or cleared out by the elders of the Holy Land.

"It turns out that this cave already has an owner, please excuse me!"

This dragon monster with a special bloodline may be practicing some kind of special skills.

Jiang Tian had no intention of attacking the opponent, let alone sneaking up on a defenseless and stranger.

Even in the Holy Land of True Dragon, where strength is the most important thing, he would not bother to do such a thing!

"Sorry, goodbye!"

Jiang Tian turned around immediately, ready to leave.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!


A spiritual pattern suddenly lit up, blocking his way.

At the same time, the "stone statue" at the bottom of the cave also made a strange "click" sound, slowly waking up!


Jiang Tian turned around and looked back, his face sank slightly!

This restriction was set up very cleverly, and he couldn't hide when he walked into the cave.

But when he was about to leave, he was suddenly excited, which was obviously not an accident!

It's the owner of the cave, doing it on purpose!


"Hehe, hahahaha, after three years of retreat, it was finally broken!"

"Let me see which unlucky guy it is, and let me 'thank' you!"

A rough voice sounded from the bottom of the cave.

The stone skin on the surface of the "stone statue" fell off, and a dragon monster stood up!

Staring at Jiang Tian for a few glances, his face was full of surprise!

"You're new here, how long have you been here?"

Jiang Tian looked at him and couldn't help being stunned!

Listening to the voice, this is obviously a rough man.

But looking at her real body, she is a woman with not so delicate appearance and thick lines!

To say it's not exquisite is to be euphemistic, but in fact, this woman is tall and has a rather ugly appearance!

Big head, big body, thick hands, thicker legs!

There is a majestic breath exuding from the whole body!

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