Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7209 Dragon Stone Girl

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"That's right, I'm new here, I just arrived at the Holy Land today!"

Jiang Tian said lightly.

"I just came today, hehe, you're out of luck! It's not good for you to break into someone else's cave, but why did you break into my place?"

The ugly woman sneered again and again.

"Could it be that this cave of yours is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?" Jiang Tian asked with a sneer.

"You are right, this cave of mine is the Longtan and Tiger's Den!"


The rough woman stepped on her right foot, and a majestic coercion rushed straight to Jiang Tian!

Ka Ka Ka!

With the rushing out of this coercion, the surrounding cave arms squeezed unbelievably, trying to imprison Jiang Tian to death!

"Good method!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help admiring!

This woman's bloodline is quite special, and she can urge the walls of rocky caves to attack with her gestures.

If it were any other evildoer, I'm afraid he would be helpless at this moment!

But to Jiang Tian, ​​it was nothing!


Accompanied by a muffled loud noise, a majestic coercion rose from his body, and he actually forcibly supported the cave walls that were squeezed around him!

"Flesh dominance!"

"Interesting, hahaha, interesting!"

The rough woman laughed and looked at Jiang Tian's body repeatedly.

He even licked his tongue excitedly!


Faced with such a move, Jiang Tian couldn't help feeling a little cold!

This rough woman, doesn't she have any special hobbies?

"Do you know what bloodline I am? I am the bloodline of the rock dragon!"

"Looking at the entire Holy Land, there are not many people who have physically compared to me. You are a newcomer who dares to compare with me in the physical body, and you are destined to suffer!"

The rough woman laughed loudly, and stepped forward with her right foot!


Stone pillars emerged from the ground, hitting Jiang Tian directly!

"That's all!"

Jiang Tian punched hard.

Bang, click!

The stone pillars shattered one by one!

"Rock Dragon Slash!"


The rough woman shouted violently, and the entire cave seemed to collapse instantly, and a large number of boulders condensed into a stone dragon and rushed straight to Jiang Tian!


Shi Long roared violently, carrying a huge dragon power!

"Blood of the rock dragon?"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

The scene in front of him reminded him of the giant Qingyan dragon he had seen at the Qianlongwuhui.

The Qingyan giant dragon is quite similar to the rock dragon blood of this rough woman.

There may even be some kind of origin!

But there is no doubt that the dragon blood of the woman in front of her is obviously stronger than the Qingyan dragon!

"Well done!"

Click... Boom!

Jiang Tian punched hard with his right fist, and Ziguang was killed!

Shilong's head collapsed immediately!

However, there was a weird smile on the corner of the rough woman's mouth, which was no surprise!


Ho ho!

Before Jiang Tian could react, an amazing scene had already been staged!

The faucet's head that was blown away by his punch re-condensed in an instant!

Moreover, the breath of the re-condensed dragon head is stronger than before!

Roar... Boom!

The re-condensed stone dragon's huge mouth opened violently, spewing out a long torrent!

"Sure enough, there are ways!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly surprised!

This torrent is impressively composed of hard gravel, but they all exude a biting sword intent!

"It's still a sword cultivator, but it's useless!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, clenched his fist again and blasted out.


Amidst the violent roar, Shi Long's head collapsed again.

But this time, Jiang Tian's right fist numb slightly, which surprised him!

You know, that blow just now was completely an understatement.

But this time, destroying the dragon's head made his right hand go numb.

This means that Shilong's strength has been greatly improved after reuniting the dragon head!

"Hahahaha, not bad, you can withstand Shi Long's two attacks, and you can at least rank in the top ten opponents I have encountered. Come again!"

With a wave of the rough woman's hand, Shi Long condensed his dragon head again, and went straight to Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian still used the same method, destroying the dragon's head with one punch.

But this time, half of his palm was aching!

"Shilong's power has increased again!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly surprised!

Every time it is re-condensed, Shilong's strength will increase significantly.

This is already the third time!

Next, how many more times?

How far will Shilong's power reach?

It can make his true dragon body feel so stressed, the blood of the rock dragon is really amazing!

"Come on, let me see where your limit is!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, and launched an attack with all his strength.

"Hahahaha, arrogant, I should be the one to see where your limit is!"

The rough woman waved her big hand, and the reunited Shilong attacked for the fourth time!

Click... bang!

Shilong's head collapsed, and Jiang Tian's right palm trembled!

"Come again!"

In an instant, the fifth collision unfolded!

Crack... Boom!

Purple light exploded to death, and the faucet collapsed!

Jiang Tian's entire right forearm began to ache!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was even more surprised!

The strength of the True Dragon Overlord Body is already extremely strong, and has reached a certain critical point.

But the stone dragon condensed for the fifth time can make his forearm feel pain.

The strength of it surprised him!

"Hey, that's not right!"

Suddenly, Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he faintly caught some kind of weirdness.

Mr. Shi Long condensed five times, although his strength has increased, but his own breath has not changed significantly.

Under the condition that there is no significant change in breath, why does the strength increase sharply again and again?

"Could it be..."

Suddenly Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, thinking of a certain possibility!

The strength of the stone dragon itself may indeed not be weak.

But a large part of the shocks brought to him by these collisions may come from the recoil of power!

That is to say, the stone dragon rebounded his power back with some special means.

Coupled with Shilong's own power, the power backlash he received increased step by step!

"Try it!"


Shilong gathered for the sixth time, and Jiang Tian attacked for the sixth time!

This time, he quietly controlled his strength, roughly only about 80% of the fifth shot!


At the place where the purple light burst, Jiang Tian's right arm shook slightly.

Half of Shilong's dragon head was shattered, but it didn't completely collapse!

"Huh?" The rough woman was surprised first and then delighted!

Surprisingly, Jiang Tian's reaction was significantly lighter than last time.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian's punch did not smash the dragon's head like before.

This means that the opponent's strength may have reached its limit!

"Hahahaha! It's amazing for you to survive until the sixth time!"

"Among the opponents of the same generation I have met, you are enough to rank in the top five!"

The rough woman stared at Jiang Tian, ​​her words were full of admiration.


At this time, Jiang Tian was full of disdain.

At this time, he has completely understood the way of Yanlong.

It mainly relies on rebounding the opponent's strength to attack, but its own strength is not too strong.

After realizing this, he became excited instead!

The physical body of the True Dragon Overlord Body has reached a critical point, but there is still a layer of barriers to breakthrough.

The appearance of Shilong just gave him a chance to polish his body.

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