Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7210 The contest in the cave

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If the backlash of this stone dragon can continue to rise, maybe it can really help him break through the limits of his physical body!

"Come again!"

"Hahahaha, every time Shilong's attack is superimposed, the strength will increase by one level. If you fight it hard, you are doomed to lose!"

The rough woman waved her big hand, and Shi Long struck out for the seventh time.

But the next scene was quite different from what she had expected!

She thought that the other party still didn't dare to fight hard, after all, she had already shown some kind of decline before.

But the next moment, she saw a shocking scene!

"bring it on!"

Boom... Boom!

Jiang Tian yelled violently and punched out.

The purple light exploded, and the berserk force directly smashed Shi Long's head.

And the huge backlash also made his entire right arm ache!


The powerful self-healing ability of the real dragon overlord body suppresses all kinds of discomfort for the whole body.

Most of this counterattack force is his own power, and the remaining small part is the superposition of Shilong's power.

This kind of power is obviously more than his own power.

It stands to reason that such an impact could easily injure him.

But it is precisely this kind of pressure that slightly exceeds the limit that can make him approach the bottleneck of the physical body faster!

"Is this the end? Come again!"

"Where did you get your confidence?"

The rough woman is angry!

As a rock dragon bloodline, at least at the level of the physical body, few evildoers of the same generation dare to compete with her.

As soon as the newcomer arrived at the Holy Land, he invaded her cave and challenged her.

How insane!

He must be taught a profound lesson!

"Give me town!"

Roar... Boom!

Shilong attacked for the eighth time, and his strength increased significantly!

Jiang Tian also shot with all his strength, not retreating half a step!

Crack... bang rumble!

Half of Jiang Tian's body was numb!

In this fight, the power of backlash has strengthened again, and it is almost reaching his limit!


A terrifying loud noise shook the cave, and large pieces of gravel fell down.

Even the whole mountain was shaking!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly cold, but he didn't care.

After all, this is not his cave, even if it really collapses, it doesn't matter.

But rough women are different!

She has been here for several years, and this retreat alone has lasted for three years, so she naturally does not want the cave to be destroyed.

And don't want to be ruined by a newcomer!

"Get out of my cave!"

Roar... Boom!

The rough woman waved her arms violently, Shilong's body suddenly swelled up, filling the entire cave in an instant!

Wrapped with violent power, he couldn't help but blow Jiang Tian out of the cave!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy!

This is Dishi's ninth attack, and it's double dragons intertwined!

The strength is naturally extraordinary!

He shouted violently, and punched forward with both fists together.

Click, click... Boom!

A terrifying loud noise followed, and where Jiang Tian's fists struck, the two intertwined stone dragons instantly collapsed!

Thumb up!

Jiang Tian took several steps back, his body shaking one after another!

Bang bang, click... boom!

There was a slight abnormal noise in Jiang Tian's body!

An indescribable feeling spread all over the body!

Shilong's ninth attack, the huge counterattack force of the twin dragons' entanglement, almost touched the critical point of his physical body!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed!

The rough woman is already furious!

"Extremely arrogant! Do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

The rough woman stomped her feet, and the whole cave suddenly rolled violently from the inside to the outside!

It was as if a pocket had been forcibly turned over!



Before Jiang Tian had time to react, he was forcibly rolled out of the cave!

Immediately afterwards, the rough woman rushed out of the cave and glared at Jiang Tian!

"Newcomer, I admit that I underestimated the enemy. Among all my opponents, your strength is enough to rank in the top three...or even the top two!"

"Is it so low?" Jiang Tian sneered!

"You still think it's low? Hahahaha, how courageous!"

The rough woman seemed to have heard a big joke!

"Do you know who were the people who fought against me before?"

While speaking, the rough woman glanced at the central area of ​​the True Dragon Holy Land, exuding a strong arrogance all over her body.

"Who you fought against before has nothing to do with me, but I know that I am an opponent you can't beat!"

Jiang Tian sneered.

"When I beat you to the ground and make you kneel under my pomegranate skirt, you will know how powerful I am!"

"Pomegranate skirt? I'm afraid it's not gravel!"



The rough woman waved her hands together, and the two stone dragons intertwined again.

Before, the space in the cave was limited, and some of her methods were inconvenient to use.

Now that we have reached the open area outside the cave, we no longer have any scruples in shooting!

Ho ho!


The two stone dragons moved quickly and charged at Jiang Tian!

The whole body exudes a terrifying dragon power!

This coercion alone changed the expressions of many dragon monsters who came to watch the battle!

"Hey, who is this kid to mess with? He even messed with Dragon Stone Girl!"

"This is a freak that even the evildoers of the family are not willing to provoke easily. The newcomer will be in trouble!"

"Would it? But so far, he doesn't seem to have suffered much!" someone said.

"Hmph, he can defeat Long Xuanqing, of course he has some background, but it's probably useless in front of Long Shinu!"

"Look, I don't think it will take a while before he will kneel down in front of Dragon Stone Girl and beg for mercy like those people before!"

"Hey! I can't wait to see how embarrassed he is begging for mercy!"

More than a dozen monsters of the Dragon Clan stood on a nearby mountain to watch the battle.

At this time, Jiang Tian, ​​who had already touched the bottleneck of his physical body, was full of fighting spirit!

At this moment, it wasn't that the other party wanted to suppress him, but that he wanted to take the initiative to fight!

Even if the other party wants to stop, he will not agree!

Because the attack just now had slightly touched the bottleneck of his physical body.

Once this feeling appeared, he couldn't stop it.

He was already planning to break through this barrier in one go.

In this case, how can the opponent's shots be stopped?


Jiang Tian roared wildly, and punched out with both fists!

Boom, boom!

Crack... Rumble!

Roar, roar!

The heads of the two stone dragons exploded, and they roared fiercely!

Drum, pedal, pedal!

Jiang Tian retreated five steps in a row, his body swayed, and it seemed that he was struggling!

The rough woman frowned, and a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes!

"Can you still carry it?"

The blow just now was Shi Long's limit.

Among all the opponents she has fought, the strongest one can only barely compete with it.

But that was before she retreated!

Now after three years of retreat, her strength has risen greatly!

Ordinarily, it should be easy to crush the previous opponent.

But this newcomer in front of him was able to fight Shi Long like an indistinguishable one, his strength is obviously extraordinary!

"It seems that I still underestimated you. If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"


The rough woman waved her big hand, and the two stone dragons exploded together!


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