Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7211 Rock Dragon Body

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Jiang Tian was surprised!

The rough girl actually took the initiative to blow up two stone dragons!

What is this for?

Just when he was hesitating, the two stone dragons that exploded turned into countless fragments and rolled back.

It seems that there is a rainstorm of gravel on the opposite side!

Countless pieces of stone wrapped the rough woman into a huge stone dragon in an instant!

"This is the blood talent of the rock dragon blood!"

"Dragon Stone Girl actually inspired the power of blood!"

"Is she going to fight the other party desperately?"

The onlookers were shocked!

This is the first time they have seen Dragon Stone Girl use such a method!



Shilong suddenly opened his huge mouth, spraying out a yellow mist!


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he decisively activated the magical power of "Phantom Eye".


The purple tide suddenly swayed, and everything in front of me regained clarity!

But his face was full of astonishment!

In this short span of time, the giant dragon transformed by Long Shinu has already surrounded him!

The huge stone dragon body formed a hollow stone dragon ball around him!

"This..." Jiang Tian frowned slightly, quite surprised.


Whether it was the physical body or some other means, Dragon Stone Girl caught his eye and gave him a lot of "surprises".

And this is enough to prove that the evildoers of the Holy Land of the True Dragon Family are by no means comparable to those of their peers at the Qianlong Wuhui!

However, Jiang Tian was not afraid at this time.

To break the restriction of the dragon body, he has at least several methods.

The easiest way is to use the power of space to teleport out!

This will make the other party busy!

But he didn't do that!

He wants to feel Shilong's true power!

Even if it takes a little risk, it's worth it to break through the bottleneck of the physical body!

"Do you really think that a mere body of a stone dragon can do nothing for me?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

"Extremely arrogant, you will regret it immediately!"

Dragon Stone Girl let out a loud shout, and the huge dragon body began to shrink and crush crazily!

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

The space formed by the dragon's body shrank sharply, and the inside became dark and pitch black!

"Have your movements always been this slow?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"Bold, when you beg for mercy!"

Lady Longshi was furious!

Jiang Tian has been deeply imprisoned, and he dared to provoke him with words.

She will crush the other party severely, and let him beg for mercy under the layers of stone dragon's body!

The dragon's body suddenly tightened, imprisoning Jiang Tian layer by layer, making it airtight!

Bang bang, click!


Huge pressure came wave by wave, and there was a dull abnormal sound in Jiang Tian's body!

The physical bottleneck of the real dragon's domineering body began to be continuously impacted!

"Not bad, good time!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, very excited!

That's right, that's what he wanted!

Waiting for this feeling!

"Dragon Stone Girl, why is your strength so weak? Could it be that you have been in seclusion for three years and starved to death?"

Jiang Tian provoked loudly.

"Extreme arrogance!"

Dragon Stone Girl was furious!

Being entangled in layers by her body of a rock dragon, an ordinary person would have screamed and begged for mercy.

This new guy is still provoking her to stimulate her, it's too arrogant!

"Still screaming? Do you really think I dare not crush you!"

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

The dragon stone girl urged the body of the rock dragon to start a crazy crush!

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of strange light, and he became more and more excited!

This moment!

His entire body was tightly wrapped by the body of the rock dragon.

Terrifying pressure came from all directions, hitting the bottleneck of his physical body crazily!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

There was a violent abnormal sound in Jiang Tian's body, and the meridians, muscles and bones began to appear strange restlessness under the impact of extreme pressure.

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian became more and more excited!

It has always been extremely difficult to advance to the True Dragon Hegemony, especially relying on one's own strength to advance, it is necessary to face many obstacles and obstacles.

And relying on external forces will undoubtedly make him get twice the result with half the effort, and the effect will be better.

"What nonsense rock dragon blood, I think your strength is not even as good as a mutated demon python!"

While Jiang Tian was excited, he kept stimulating his opponent.

Although there is a lot of pressure now, it is still not enough for him!

He needs more pressure and needs to approach the limit further until he reaches the bottleneck completely.

Only in this way can the physical body show the breakthrough he wants!

"It's unreasonable! Let me see how long you can be rampant?"

Long Shilong gritted his teeth and drank crazily, already aroused true anger.

In Yanlong's huge dragon pupils, a strong hostility suddenly appeared.

"The power of the bloodline, increase it for me!"


Crack... bang bang bang bang!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and waves of terrifying physical coercion rippled crazily.

There are also huge waves formed by the power of the dragon blood!

These giant waves attacked inward again and again, but because they were too violent in a short period of time, the huge waves of blood collided and rebounded strongly.

So start to backlash outwards!

This situation is not surprising to Longshinu.

Because this is the situation that will inevitably occur when the power is exerted to the limit!

Her power is like raging furious waves, one wave after another, each wave is as fast as one wave.

Before the ones in front had time to dissipate completely, the ones behind had already been crushed crazily.

Some kind of special power barriers and barriers are formed between each other, just like thick walls of spiritual power, which are repeatedly plundered by the subsequent violent power.

Under this crazy superposition, there will also be some kind of strong backlash and repulsion between each other.

And this phenomenon caused Jiang Tian, ​​who was wrapped in the body of the rock dragon, to suffer a more complicated and violent impact!

"Yes, this is what it looks like!"

Jiang Tian is excited!

This berserk power was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that the Dragon Stone Girl would not be able to give him too much impact, but now it seems that this is not the case.

After Longshinv stimulated the power of her blood, the power of the rock dragon's body rose again and again, becoming more and more violent!

"It's a pity!"

"What a pity?" Dragon Stone Girl asked sharply.

"It's a pity that this power is still nothing to me, Dragon Stone Girl, are you arousing the body of the rock dragon just to tickle me?"

Under tremendous pressure, Jiang Tian deliberately made a gesture of indifference to stimulate the other party.

"New here, I have to teach you an unforgettable lesson!"

Dragon Stone Girl was completely furious!

The blood of the rock dragon is her biggest hole card that she is proud of, and it is also her biggest reliance on getting lost in the holy land of the real dragon family.

How can a new boy be questioned?

Ho ho ho!

She frantically stimulated the power of the bloodline, the aura of the rock dragon's body surged wildly, and the contraction of the body intensified again.

The power that erupted rose again!

"New here, what's the matter, have you felt my terrifying strength?"

Long Shinu inevitably felt a little proud.

After all, this power has reached the limit of her normal level.

Compared with her most intense fight before, it was even worse.

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