Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7212 crazy crushing

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"Hahahaha, it seems that this is your limit, bad, too bad!"

Jiang Tian couldn't stop laughing wildly, but at the same time, he was constantly bombarding the bottleneck of the physical body with the help of the other party's power.

This moment!

There were constant abnormal noises in his body, and strange crackling noises came out one after another!

The physical power of the real dragon overlord has shown signs of transformation!


To be precise, transformation is already taking place!

Although this metamorphosis is slow, it has been slowly accelerating!

As long as this momentum continues to develop, it won't take long for quantitative changes to qualitative changes.

By then, his physical bottleneck will be completely broken!

The physical physique of the real dragon domineering body will also be improved to a higher level, achieving a huge leap!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian looked forward to it!

Never before has the physical strength of a true dragon overlord been so close to a breakthrough as it is now!

"How can it be?"

Long Shinu was stunned by Jiang Tian's reaction!

She has used the strongest strength under normal standards, but still can't make the opponent surrender?

She also suspected that Jiang Tian was holding on, but it didn't look like it after a closer look!

Because under her heavy crushing and repeated impact, Jiang Tian did not show any signs of decline, but kept clamoring!

This made her extremely furious!

"New here, I, Dragon Stone Girl, have been in the Holy Land for several years. If I can't crush you today, what face do I have to continue cultivating in the Holy Land?"

"The power of the rock dragon, give me the power!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Dragon Stone Girl desperately stimulated the power of her blood.

The aura of the huge rock dragon's body soared, and its strength reached its peak in an instant!


This is her limit!

It was the highest level she could reach in three years of retreat!

She had exerted her ultimate physical strength and began to crush Jiang Tian for the final time.

There is no restriction on evildoers fighting against each other in the Holy Land, even if they beat each other seriously, they will not be held accountable.

But it is not easy to see life and death in the Holy Land!

Because everyone is a young genius from the True Dragon Family, many of the elders have very deep relationships with each other.

Therefore, in the Holy Land of the True Dragon Family, except for a few accidents, life and death battles rarely occur.

But this time, she was completely enraged!

This new outsider dared to challenge her and despise her so crazily, is it tolerable or unbearable?

"Boy, if you don't admit defeat, you will bear the consequences!"

Longshinv was completely furious, exerting her strength crazily, crushing Jiang Tian.

Want to approach him and admit defeat!

"Hahahaha! Don't you think it's ridiculous to force me to admit defeat with your strength?"

Jiang Tian couldn't stop laughing, his words were full of sarcasm.

"Extreme arrogance!"

Dragon Stone Girl was furious.

But not stupid!

Although Jiang Tian yelled loudly, she still couldn't get rid of the confinement of her rock dragon body.

What does this mean?

This shows that the other party may have a certain amount of resistance, but cannot completely resist her power.

"Hahahaha! New here, I think you can only talk about it to get over your addiction. No matter how loud you shout, won't you still be suppressed by me?"

"Oh, is it?"

Jiang Tian smiled!

That's right, just now he has been using the opponent's strength to hit the bottleneck of the physical body, and it really didn't put too much pressure on the opponent.

"That's what you said!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, urging his physical strength to counter pressure!


Ho ho ho ho... groan!

The breath soared before the moment!

A brilliant purple divine light erupted from Jiang Tian's body!

The violent physical strength began to recoil outward, bringing unprecedented pressure on Long Shinu!

Bang bang... click!


Dragon Stone Girl's complexion suddenly changed!

At this time, Jiang Tian gave her a very different feeling!

The previous Jiang Tian was ruthlessly crushed by her.

The current Jiang Tian makes her feel powerless!

"How is it possible that your physical strength is so strong?"

Long Shinu became more and more surprised, and even turned into shock!

In her opinion, for a new warrior, it would be good if he could barely gain a foothold in the outer area, and it would be impossible for him to have the strength to resist her crushing.

But the fact is far beyond expectations!

Jiang Tian not only withstood her heavy pressure, but even brought him unprecedented pressure in turn!

This is too exaggerated!

"Impossible! I, Dragon Stone Girl, have a majestic body of a rock dragon, there is no way I can't crush you!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The violent dragon chant sounded again!

The yellow light around the body of the rock dragon swelled up, and the rock-like body seemed to be cracked inch by inch, and terrifying blood-colored lights shot out from it.

The terrifying dragon's power spread out in the air, shocking the people watching around in shock!

"What is she doing?"

"Is the body of the rock dragon really unable to withstand the opponent's mad attack, and is it about to explode?"

"Of course not! Didn't you see that she is drawing the power of the blood!"

"The power to induce blood?"

"Yes! She wants to stimulate the will of the dragon blood and forcefully suppress the opponent!"

"Hiss! The body of the rock dragon is known for its physical strength, but she still has the will of the blood. Doesn't this mean that this newcomer has already put a lot of pressure on her?"

"Indeed, otherwise, would she need to stimulate the will of the blood?"


At this time, dozens of dragon monsters came to watch!

These people are all monsters on the outskirts of the True Dragon Sacred Land. Most of them have practiced here for less than a year, and a few of them have been cultivating for a little longer than a year.

For them, Dragon Stone Girl is actually an unshakable existence.

Otherwise, Longshinv's cave has been silent for three years, and it is impossible that no one would dare to test it.

In fact, people who dared to provoke Longshinv were not uncommon in the past three years.

Especially during her first year of retreat, at least a dozen people came to provoke her one after another.

As a result, without exception, they all suffered a big loss.

After that, no one in the peripheral area dared to provoke her again.

It was also because of this that the front of her cave was covered with dust, and there were no traces of warriors entering or leaving.

It was for this reason that Jiang Tian mistakenly thought that there was no one in the cave.

And these dragon monsters could have reminded Jiang Tian, ​​but they didn't remind this newcomer out of the mentality of watching the excitement and gloating.

I thought that after he entered the hole, he would be abused like his previous companions.

But he didn't expect that he would fight back and forth with Long Shinu!

Not only forced out the body of the opponent's rock dragon, but even forced the opponent to arouse the will of the blood!

"Exaggerated, too exaggerated!"

"What kind of blood is this newcomer? Why can his physical body compete with the body of a rock dragon?"

"I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

Dozens of evildoers from the Holy Land surrounded the body of the rock dragon and kept looking at it.

Instead, they paid more attention to the newcomer!

It's just because the body of Yanlong imprisoned Jiang Tian so tightly that they couldn't see Jiang Tian at all.

You can only guess Jiang Tian's situation by watching the movement of Yanlong's body.

They thought that Jiang Tian would fail miserably soon!

But now, the situation that everyone imagined has not appeared.

On the contrary, Dragon Stone Girl became more and more violent!

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