Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7213 The prestige of the overlord

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"Newcomer, defeat me!"

"New here, I will crush you!"

"Let you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Dragon Stone Girl roared violently, and her blood will soared crazily, reaching its peak!

"Hahahaha! Dragon Stone Girl, it seems that this is really your limit!"

Jiang Tian laughed, but he was extremely depressed in his heart.

Dragon Stone Girl's strength should have reached its limit!

At least in this case the limit has been reached.

Next, unless she fights desperately, it will be difficult for her strength to improve significantly!

"Arrogant, do you really think that I, Dragon Stone Girl, can't do anything about you?"

Dragon Stone Girl was extremely furious!

A terrifying yellow light erupted from a pair of dragon pupils!

The next moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

I saw the rock dragon's huge mouth soared, and it even bit off the huge front claws, and started chewing frantically!



"What is she doing?"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they were all shocked!

Dragon Stone Girl's strength has reached its limit, and she swallowed her front paws at this moment, what is she going to do?

The next moment, as the aura of Dragon Stone Girl began to rise sharply, the answer was revealed!

The aura of the body of the rock dragon soared to a certain extent, reaching a terrifying level!


"Dragon Stone Girl actually swallowed the dragon's claws herself, and forcibly stimulated the potential of her bloodline!"

"With a newcomer, is it necessary?"

"Of course! Don't you see that she has fallen into a disadvantage?"

"Underwind? Not so!" Someone retorted loudly.

"Isn't it? Are you blind? Are you already passive if you don't see Dragon Stone Girl?" Someone sternly cared!

Everyone seemed to be woken up, and only then did they realize that Longshinv's situation has reached an extremely difficult situation!

The Dragon Stone Girl at this moment has actually stood on the edge of the cliff!

Hard to get off!

If Jiang Tian can't be defeated, she will become a joke of the Holy Land.

At least it's a joke in the outer area!

From an existence that no one dared to provoke in this area, he became a loser who couldn't even beat a rookie.

At that time, the majestic image she has established over the past few years will completely collapse!

And all this, only because of the appearance of a newcomer!

No matter who it is, it will never be tolerated!

"New here, if you want to provoke me, Dragon Stone Girl, you are still far away!"

Dragon Stone Girl's voice exudes strong confidence!

She swallowed the dragon's claws by herself, inspired the potential of her bloodline, and asked herself if she could win the final victory.

Facing her crazy soaring limit power, the new kid will definitely be unable to hold on, and will be defeated quickly!

But then, a scene that surprised her appeared!

"Blood potential? Hahahaha, your strength is nothing more than that!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, and the purple light around him rose sharply.

The violent force propped the body of the rock dragon apart abruptly, creating a space for him!

Although this space is not large, it is only slightly larger than his size.

But it was enough for him to use it!


Jiang Tian yelled violently, and his body spun rapidly.

Inside the stone ball surrounded by the body of the rock dragon, violent storms of the physical body were brought up one after another!


"So strong!"

"His physical body is too exaggerated!"

"You can feel the fierce storm he brought up through the body of the rock dragon. This son's blood must not be simple!"

"I thought there was nothing special about the newcomer, but I didn't expect him to bring us such a big surprise?"

"I think it should be frightened?" A slightly older youth said in a deep voice.

As the words spread, the faces of dozens of people present were all serious!

Jiang Tian's strength is not a good sign for them!

The fight between Jiang Tian and Longshinv had nothing to do with them directly.

But because of the special status of Dragon Stone Girl, she has an inseparable relationship with them!

Once Jiang Tian defeats Longshinv head-on, he will also be promoted to the king of this area!

Or boss!

At that time, they will all depend on Jiang Tian's face!

"It makes no sense!"

"too exaggerated!"

"It's been less than an hour since we arrived at the Holy Land, and this kid has driven Long Shinv into a desperate situation!"

"Is he really capable of defeating Dragon Stone Girl?"

Everyone fell into silence!

And after a brief silence, all reached a consensus!

"Whether he can defeat Dragon Stone Girl, we will see right away!"

Everyone stopped talking, but watched the battle intently!


The violent roar resounded through the void!

It was mixed with extremely furious roars!

This is the roar of the rock dragon!

Long Shinv tried her best, but she was unable to completely crush Jiang Tian.

At this moment, Jiang Tian forced him into a panic, and his decline loomed!

"Impossible! It is impossible for me, Dragon Stone Girl, to lose to a newcomer from outside!"

"The body of the rock dragon, crush him for me!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!


The body of the rock dragon exerted its strength crazily, but suddenly there was a painful roar!

Bang bang... click!

Immediately afterwards, a disturbing noise came out!



"what sound?"

The expressions of dozens of monsters from the Holy Land who were watching the battle changed!

This sound sounds like the sound of some kind of hard object breaking!

Who is its source?

Is the body of Dragon Stone Girl's rock dragon about to collapse?

Or was Jiang Tian, ​​who was crushed crazily by the body of the rock dragon, finally about to be unable to hold on?

At this moment, huge suspense lingers in everyone's mind!

They even couldn't wait to rush up and peel off the layers of coiled flesh of the rock dragon's body to see what happened!

Hoho... woohoo!

"Impossible, no, it's impossible!"

Finally, Dragon Stone Girl let out a horrified scream!

The rock dragon's body shook violently, and horror erupted from its huge pupils!

Even if she swallowed her front paws and stimulated the blood potential, she still couldn't crush Jiang Tian!

Instead, Jiang Tian's resistance is getting stronger and stronger!

"How did this happen, how did this happen?"

Long Shinu yelled fiercely, she couldn't believe her own feelings.

"True dragon overlord, break it away!"

At this time, Jiang Tian had a very strong breath.

But the mood is extremely depressed!

He originally thought that this extreme pressure would take the opportunity to break the bottleneck of his physical body.

But the fact is far beyond expectations!

His physical body has not broken through!

It just completed some kind of subtle transformation!

This kind of transformation has significantly increased his physical strength, but it is far from enough to break the limit of his physical body!

"what happened?"

Jiang Tian himself was very puzzled!

It seems that there should be a small "advancement" in his physical body.

But it didn't actually break through!

This transformation only made the real dragon body stronger!

"do not care!"

Let's go out first!

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and the purple light shot up all over his body!

A majestic and terrifying physical coercion began to expand rapidly outward!

Ho ho ho ho... groan!

The violent roar resounded through the rock dragon's body, shocking the monsters watching the battle all around with fear!


"The body of the rock dragon is about to be overwhelmed!"

"This newcomer is so powerful?"

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