Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7217 phantom pupil

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This is obviously the result of crushing the will of the Blood Dragon's bloodline!

The instinct of the true pupil and the will of the real dragon's blood contained in it are still no match for the suppression of the will of the brutal blood dragon!

"If this thing is not completely surrendered and disposed of properly, it will be a disaster after all!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, various thoughts flashed through his mind.

At one point, he also wanted to blend this true pupil into the center of his eyebrows, but this idea was quickly dismissed by him!

This true pupil has been integrated into the eyebrows of Long Xuzi and Long Die successively, but neither of them can keep it.

He didn't want to try the same thing again!

Moreover, he himself has a powerful "phantom eye" magical power, and it seems a bit tasteless to forcibly fuse this real pupil.

After a brief weighing, he made an amazing move!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian opened his mouth directly and swallowed the true pupil!

"Oh?" Jie Ling seemed a little puzzled.

After the true pupil entered the body, it was sealed by the power of swallowing the void, seemingly calm and without waves.

Jiang Tian understood that doing so was not the final solution to the problem.

He resolutely mobilized the spiritual power of his blood, trying to forcibly refine this true pupil!

Rumble... boom!

The violent roar resounded through the sea of ​​air, and waves of blood spiritual power were mobilized, crazily enveloping and impacting that true pupil!

Feeling the tremendous pressure, Zhentong, who had been silent for a moment, became agitated again!

Buzzing... rumbling!

It trembled up and down in the special space formed by the Tunxu Jue, as if begging Jiang Tian for mercy!

Jiang Tian sneered again and again!

Little true pupil, with a weird nature!

It is simply more cunning than some monsters and human warriors, and it is completely untrustworthy!

"Give it to me!"


Jiang Tian stimulated the spiritual power of the bloodline, blessed the will of the bloodline of the savage blood dragon, and began to forcibly refine the true pupil.

Rumble... boom!


Real pupil felt a huge threat and made a terrified sound.

There was even a faint painful roar like a dragon's chant!

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, without hesitation, the refining momentum accelerated again!


The powerful bloodline spiritual power turned into countless strands of spiritual power, besieging Zhentong frantically!

Zhentong erupted with a violent phantom to resist.

But under the suppression of Jiang Tian's blood power, this illusion was quickly defeated.

Jiang Tian not only has the blood will of the brutal blood dragon, but also has the blessing of the magical power of "phantom eye".

Using illusions to create illusions, and illusions to break illusions, directly crushed the power of True Eye, making it helpless!

Hoho... woohoo!

After struggling for a while, Zhentong was completely desperate and let out a powerless roar.

"Refine it for me!"


Jiang Tian urged madly, and the power of blood gushed out frantically.

Countless strands of spiritual power frantically poured into the true pupil, ready to completely disintegrate it!

Just then, something unexpected happened!

Boom... Boom!

Accompanied by a strange muffled sound, Zhentong exploded on his own initiative!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face changed slightly, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes!

Zhentong obviously knew that the result was not good, so he blew himself up on his own initiative, wanting to kill everything.

But it overestimated its own strength, and even underestimated Jiang Tian's methods!

Confined by the power of Tunxu Jue, the power of self-destruction did not directly threaten Jiang Tian.

But not to mention yesterday, the power of Zhentong's self-explosion cannot be underestimated!

At the moment of self-explosion, the small space created by the Tunxu formula was forcibly destroyed!

Buzz... boom boom!

Although the true pupil had already burst, the berserk power still spread rapidly.

Scenes of strange phantoms evolved, and quickly swung in Jiang Tian's body!

Buzz... boom boom!

This drastic change even caused Jiang Tian's own blood to turmoil.

"Fortunately, there is the Tunxu Art to suppress it, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, not being intimidated by the violent change.

He immediately mobilized his blood and spiritual power to launch a strong suppression!

Boom... Boom!

Jiang Tian's breath was turbulent, and waves of blood and spiritual power began to crush inward.

At the same time, he also mobilized the magical power of the "Phantom Eye" to suppress the violent illusions one after another.

"What a powerful phantom power, it seems that I still underestimate you a little!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, with a strange light in his eyes.

Immediately, he closed his eyes suddenly, immersed himself in the illusion with all his strength, and fought against the power of Zhentong's self-explosion!

Speaking of it, if there is no power to imprison the swallowing formula, Zhentong's self-explosion will definitely cause unpredictable consequences.

Even now, it is quite troublesome!

Fortunately, his bloodline is strong enough, and he has the magical power of "Phantom Eye", so he is not afraid of the impact of phantoms.

"The power of blood, give me the power!"

Roar... Boom!

The strong will of the Brutal Blood Dragon launched a strong suppression and launched a berserk attack with an overwhelming momentum.

The change of Zhentong's self-explosion retreated steadily, and was finally compressed to a very small area.

"Swallow the void formula, imprison it!"


Jiang Tian performed the Tunxu formula again, forcibly imprisoning that power in his body.

After a while, the force slowly calmed down.

At this time, Jiang Tian carefully observed this force, but found a strange scene!

Although the true pupil had self-destructed and annihilated, the remaining special power turned into an illusory eye suspended in his sea of ​​energy!

"What's this?"

Jiang Tian was extremely surprised!

True pupil had already self-destructed, and the fluctuations caused by it were all suppressed.

Now why is there an illusory eye left?

Jiang Tian felt silently for a moment, only to find that the eyes were like nothingness, not real, but just a condensed form of spiritual power!

"Phantom pupil?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, thinking of a certain dragon classic that he had read.

According to the records in that classic, some special different pupils will form some kind of non-physical phantom pupils under the coincidence and harsh conditions after the entity is destroyed!

The illusory eyes in front of him, could it be that kind of thing?

Jiang Tian was extremely curious!

Silently feel the breath of phantom pupil!

Compared with the previous real pupils, the phantom pupils are obviously much quieter, and they no longer have that cunning and restless aura.

Jiang Tian reversed the formula of swallowing the void, opened his mouth gently, and spit it out of his body for a closer look!

Just as he expected, the phantom pupil didn't move in any way.

Instead, it quietly floated in front of him, seemingly real and unreal!

Before the real pupil burst, too much blood spiritual power was fused. At this moment, the aura emanating from this phantom pupil actually gave Jiang Tian a special sense of intimacy!


Jiang Tian stared at the phantom pupil thoughtfully.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred!

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly became dazed and ignored, blurred!

At the same time, that phantom pupil disappeared in front of him strangely!

The next moment, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared in a strange illusion!

"What's happening here?"

Jiang Tian woke up suddenly, his face changed drastically!

He and Huan Tong looked at each other for a moment, and then involuntarily fell into the illusion in front of him, completely defenseless.


Jiang Tian frowned slightly, looking around.

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