Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7218 Long Lin Appears

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The scene in front of him was obviously an illusion, and he planned to use the magical power of "Phantom Eye" to investigate.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared!

"Phantom Eye" didn't respond at all, it didn't obey orders!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

The magical power of "Phantom Eye" has long been integrated into his blood, and it can be activated with a single thought.

Why did it fail this time?

He couldn't figure out this question for a while!

After a while, he suddenly got a shock and thought of some weird possibility!

"Phantom pupil!"


Phantom pupil!

The problem he was facing was not that the "Phantom Eye" was malfunctioning.

It was his mind, or rather his whole body, who was trapped in the powerful illusion created by the phantom pupil!

And for a while, he couldn't find a way to get rid of it!

Whether it's teleportation, or the formation of space, or sword intent or thunder force, it doesn't work in this special space!

It seems that he has nothing to do!

After a moment of deep thinking, Jiang Tian suddenly thought of a way!

"Purple Light Profound Eyes, open!"

Break the illusion with illusion!

This is the only way Jiang Tian can think of now!

Purple Light Mysterious Eyes can create powerful illusions, making it impossible to distinguish between real and fake.

And he had used this method to break the opponent's powerful illusion, and he might be able to solve the predicament at this time.

But what happened next was completely unexpected!

Ziguang Xuanmu was also unresponsive, not as powerful as he imagined!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically!

Could it be that the power of this phantom pupil is so strong that even the Purple Light Profound Eye can be easily suppressed?


There must be something wrong!

Jiang Tian's mind was full of thoughts, but he couldn't find any obvious flaws after thinking about it.

What exactly went wrong?

Why did he fall into this almost incomprehensible illusion after looking at the phantom pupil for a short time?

Jiang Tian was puzzled.

Simply close your eyes and resolve your inner irritability!

But this unintentional move gave him an unimaginable surprise!


Moments after he closed his eyes, that chaotic feeling disappeared!

The phantoms are no more!

Although he closed his eyes, his heart was clear!

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian understands!

The moment he looked at the phantom pupil, he fell into the strange illusion of the phantom pupil, and couldn't extricate himself.

In that kind of illusion, no matter what means are useless.

Because all reactions are under the control of Huantong, it is impossible for Jiang Tian to break it.

After thinking about this, Jiang Tian immediately calmed down!

"Unexpectedly, the power of this little phantom pupil is even more amazing than the previous real pupil!"

Jiang Tian grinned, and sure enough, he used the "Swallowing Void Art" to swallow the phantom pupils into his body!


After the phantom pupil disappeared, Jiang Tian slowly opened his eyes.

Everything in front of me has been restored to its original state!

He was still standing on the ground of Zixuan Realm.

The phantom pupil that was floating in front of him has disappeared without a trace!

Between his brows, there are no more vertical pupils!

Because that phantom pupil itself is not an entity!

But the illusion it created surprised Jiang Tian!

To some extent, it can kill "Ziguang Xuanmu" in seconds!

The illusion created by Ziguang Xuanmu, although it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, is not too aggressive.

In the past, he used this method only as a cover to reap the opponent's life.

But now, after merging the phantom pupil, his illusion is completely different!

Phantom pupils evolved from real pupils, and have both real and phantom pupils!

The latter makes people fall into it, unable to extricate themselves!

The former can condense a substantial attack and turn illusion into reality!

This point, he had a deep understanding when he fought against Longdie in the Julong Mountain Range!

"It's not in vain this time!"

Jiang Tian was very pleasantly surprised!

I can't wait to find a strong opponent to verify it immediately.

At this moment, he received a reminder from the world spirit.

"Master, someone is coming outside!"

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian sneered and left Zixuan Realm!

As expected, it was Long Lin who came!

"Which arrogant guy dares to occupy my cave, don't you want to mess around?"


Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire mountain shook violently.

A giant blue dragon slammed down outside the cave, and then a young evildoer in a green robe appeared!

This person has a pair of triangular eyes, a pair of blue dragon horns on his head, and a violent dragon power exuding from his whole body!


"Long Lin!"

"He finally came!"

"Jiang Tian is going to be unlucky!"

The faces of the surrounding warriors all changed, as if they had seen the scene where Long Lin went berserk and suppressed Jiang Tian.

At this time, Jiang Tian didn't walk out of the cave for some reason.

And such a scene, in the eyes of everyone, it is obvious that Jiang Tian is guilty and timid!

"Which bastard who didn't know how to live or die robbed my cave?"

"You, get out of here!"


Long Lin yelled violently, grabbed one of the surrounding warriors, threw him on the ground and questioned him sharply.

"Long... Brother Longlin, please spare me!"

"Tell me honestly, or I will destroy you!" Long Lin yelled sharply, forcing the other party to tell the truth.

"Yes...it's the new Jiang...Brother Jiang Tianzu!"

"Jiang Tian? People with foreign surnames!"

A flash of hostility suddenly flashed in Long Lin's eyes!

Kicked away the person in front of him!

"You trash, didn't you warn him?"

"It's only been a year since I left. When did a person with a foreign surname dare to occupy my cave?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​get out of here!"

Long Lin roared sharply.

Seeing that no one answered in the stone hall, he opened the door of the hall with a palm and rushed in.

"Where are people?"

Long Lin rushed into the stone hall, but found no one around!


"what's the situation?"

The warriors watching were also extremely curious, but they dared not step forward to check.

Jiang Tian was clearly inside, why did Long Lin say there was no one there?

"You bastard, how dare you lie to me?"

"Get out of here!"


Long Lin rushed out of the stone hall angrily, and wanted to catch the man just now and beat him up again!

At this moment, all the surrounding warriors raised their fingers and pointed behind Long Lin!

"Long...Brother Long Lin Shi, he... is by your side!"


Long Lin was shocked when he heard this!

Could it be that the other party has an extremely clever concealment technique?

He didn't dare to be careless if he couldn't figure out the reality of the other party.

Find Jiang Tian quickly!

But he glanced around, but he didn't see the other party's shadow!

"Damn it, you still dare to lie to me, see if I don't beat you to death..."


Before Long Lin finished speaking, he was slapped across the face!

"You are Long Lin, the guy who unreasonably occupied the cave and prevented others from staying?"

Jiang Tian suddenly appeared opposite him!

Long Lin was stunned!

"You... where did you come from?"

Long Lin was stunned!

Jiang Tian sneered.

He has been standing in the same place, but he just moved the phantom pupil a little, so that the other party couldn't find Bei.

I have to say that the power of phantom pupils is really strong!

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