Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7219 admit counsel

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"Come in!" Jiang Tian said suddenly.


Before Long Lin could react, he fell into a strange illusion!

"Illusion, court death!"

Long Lin was shocked and furious!

Crazy shot, began to attack indiscriminately.

But he soon discovered that all his methods were useless!

The spiritual attack he was so proud of couldn't be used at all!

Not even the law can motivate it!

"How can it be?"

Long Lin was shocked!

In this situation, it was as if his cultivation base had been abolished!


He fell into the illusion of phantom pupils. He has all the strength in his body, but he can't use all kinds of methods!

Boom, boom!

A mountain peak fell from the sky, smashing him into the air instantly.

Pfft... wow!

Long Lin spattered wildly with blood, this time it was not a fake!

He really vomited blood, and suffered internal injuries!

"It's not an illusion!"

Long Lin was terrified!

The scene in front of me may be fake, but the mountain is real!

With his physical strength, he was injured by the shock.

If he does this a few more times, his foundation will definitely be damaged!

"Brother Jiang Clan, spare me, let me go!"


Long Lin knelt down and kowtowed, begging Jiang Tian for mercy.


At this time, a mountain suddenly stopped above him.

It was only Zhang Xu, and he was about to be hit.

The majestic coercion that engulfed him directly crushed him until his body was shaken, and his face was pale!


"My God!"

"This... what's the situation?"

"Why did Long Lin... knelt down to Jiang Tian and begged for mercy?"

The onlookers were extremely shocked!

Long Lin rushed over from the central area aggressively, and after only a moment, he knelt down and begged for mercy?

"Do you need to ask, he is obviously not the opponent of Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang seems to have mastered an amazing illusion, so that existences of Long Lin's level are deeply trapped in it and cannot break free!"

"It's ridiculous that we used to worry about him. Who knew he had such a hole card!"

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

The evildoers who watched relaxed one after another.

Compared with Long Lin, Jiang Tian is obviously much easier to get along with.

In the past, when Long Lin first arrived in the peripheral area, he almost beat up the newcomers and old people here.

A posture of being the only one who respects me!

Jiang Tian is completely different!

Never took the initiative to bully others.

The only Long Xuanqing who fought against each other was the main provocation!

As for the current Longlin, although Jiang Tian occupied the opponent's cave first, there was a reason for it!

Because this cave has been left unused for a long time, Long Lin forcibly occupied it.

Really, it's also Long Lin's fault!

But in the True Dragon Sacred Land, strength is paramount, even if the elders are called, the elders will not blame Long Lin!

But all of this has become completely different with Jiang Tian's victory!

After defeating Longlin, Jiang Tian had the absolute upper hand!

Even if the elders were called, they would not say anything.

"Anyway, this time, we really missed it!"

"It's not too surprising that Jiang Tian defeated Long Xuanqing, but it's really shocking that he can crush Long Lin so easily!"

"How strong is his illusion?"

"Want to know, go up and feel it yourself!"

"How dare I?"

The crowd continued to discuss, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

"Everyone, everyone is a discerning person, so I might as well say something straight. In my opinion, Jiang Tian's hole card is not just as simple as illusion!"

"That's right! No matter how brilliant the illusion technique is, it will be seen through one day. If you meet some opponents with unique bloodlines or who also practice illusion technique, it will be easy to be cracked!"

"What warriors can rely on is hard power after all!"

"Obviously, until now, Brother Jiang has not revealed his real cards!"

"If that's the case, how strong is he?"


Everyone gasped, looking at Jiang Tian with even more awe.

"Aren't you going to drive me away, get up and fight!" Jiang Tian said with a sneer.

"Don't dare! Little brother knows that his strength is not enough, so how dare he fight Brother Jiang!

Just now I overestimated my own strength, please forgive me, brother Jiang, the adults don't count the faults of the villains, let's leave it to the younger brother! "

Long Lin changed from his previous domineering and domineering behavior, and begged Jiang Tian for mercy like a pug.

Jiang Tian was also speechless!

When I heard someone talk about Long Lin before, their words were full of awe and fear.

He originally thought that Long Lin's character could be so violent, but he didn't expect a single illusion to scare the other party like this.

But it's also true, if he fights with hard power, Long Lin will only lose even worse!

"Brother Jiang, won't you forgive me?"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was silent, Long Lin was very disturbed!

He has experienced Jiang Tian's methods before, and he can't find Bei with just one illusion, and he can't use his strength at all.

If the other party refused to forgive, and then beat him seriously, it would be too late for him to cry!

Bang bang bang!

Long Lin's face turned pale with fright, and he kowtowed directly to Jiang Tian!

"It was the younger brother who offended the Jiang clan brother because he had no eyes, and the younger brother is willing to apologize to the Jiang clan brother!"

"This cave is given to Brother Jiang, and he will live as long as he likes. If anyone dares to snatch it from Brother Jiang, I will be the first to spare him!"

While flattering Long Lin, he observed Jiang Tian's reaction.

Seeing that he was still indifferent, I became more and more frightened!

"This storage ring contains a batch of cultivation resources that I have collected recently, all of which are treasures, please accept them, Brother Jiang Clan!"

Long Lin took out a storage ring and held it in front of Jiang Tian with both hands.

"The cultivation resources of the True Dragon Family?"

"Yes, these are rare resources produced by the aristocratic family. Cough... I snatched them from other evildoers in the Holy Land. Brother Jiang Clan, please accept them!"

"All right!"

Jiang Tian accepted the storage ring with a smile.

As a martial artist, who would think that there are too many cultivation resources?

Such a good thing, of course there is no reason not to!

What's more, the rules of the True Dragon Holy Land are like this.

Even if he tries hard to snatch it, the other party has nothing to say!

After taking the storage ring, Jiang Tian was surprised with a light sweep of his spiritual sense!

"As expected of the True Dragon Family, they are indeed good things!"

"That's that, the aura of heaven and earth in the True Dragon family is far superior, and the treasures produced are also extraordinary, and those of the same clan who can come to the holy land to practice are also extremely talented people, and they have the support of elders and relatives behind them!"

Long Lin explained graciously.

"Elder relatives?" Jiang Tian accepted the storage ring, frowned and said, "What's the situation inside the True Dragon Family?"

Long Lina said of course: "There are many factions in the family. The more powerful the elders with high status are, the more followers they will win over. This situation has led to many factions in the family. Take these holy land evildoers as an example. Basically, everyone has a background and background. If it is not because of the special rules of the holy land, I am afraid that they would not dare to fight wantonly here out of scruples!"

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