Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7220 flattering

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"Yeah!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

"Which elder is behind Brother Jiang?" Long Lin asked tentatively.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly.

Long Lin's body trembled in fright!

"Hiss! My little brother has no intention of inquiring about Brother Jiang's background, but just wants to understand so that we can have a sense of proportion in the follow-up actions!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly: "I'm a foreigner with no background!"

"No background?" Long Lin was stunned!

Of course he doesn't believe that!

Although the rule of the Holy Land is that strength is paramount, there are also cases of reporting groups.

Moreover, some top evildoers in the central and core areas will deliberately cultivate their own forces and have many fans and followers.

In this case, the situation in the Holy Land is actually complicated!

It is not a rule of supremacy of strength that can be simply explained clearly!

Therefore, judging from Jiang Tian's means and style, it is impossible for him to have no background at all!

"Then... Brother Jiang always has an elder to guide him, right?" Long Lin asked boldly.

He had to find out about Jiang Tian's situation, so as not to offend someone related to the elder.

Otherwise, maybe one day when you fight against someone, you may still provoke that person.

At that time, maybe the other party will let Jiang Tian deal with him with a word, which is not what he wants to see!

"Get the elder?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

Of course he didn't have much to attract the elders, but someone did bring him into the True Dragon Family.

"Elder Long You brought me here. He is the presiding elder of Qianlong Wuhui this time." Jiang Tian said.

"Elder Longyou, I understand!"

The corner of Long Lin's eyes twitched, and he thought of a lot in an instant!

Among the high-level members of the clan, Long You's status is considered to be above average.

Not too strong authority elders.

But Jiang Tian's words told him a fact from the side: Long You is the host of this Qianlong Wuhui!

In other words, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the senior management of the family to supervise this Qianlong martial arts meeting!

And after the end of the Qianlong Wuhui, Jiang Tian was brought back to the True Dragon Family and into the True Dragon Holy Land!

That being the case, then Jiang Tian can undoubtedly be regarded as Long You's confidant!

"Brother Jiang Clan, don't worry, I know what to do!"

Long Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Among all the sects of Elder Long You, there are indeed a few monsters practicing in the Holy Land.

And like him, they are all in the central area of ​​the Holy Land!

It's just that those people have been relatively low-key, and they have no grievances with him.

This made him greatly relieved!

"How about this, Brother Jiang, if you are willing, please move to the central area with me, and I will give you the cave over there!"

Long Lin thought about it, and decided to give the other party a big gift.

Jiang Tian smiled!

"I'm going to the central region, where do you want to live?"

"I...I can come here!" Long Lin flattered his face.

The evildoers of the True Dragon Holy Land must rely on their strength to work hard if they want to enter the high-level area from the low-level area.

But returning from the high-level area is not subject to any restrictions!

As long as he wants, he can come back anytime!

"I'm busy, no need!"

Jiang Tian refused the other party's favor, turned around and walked back to the stone palace.

"Uh...respectfully send Brother Jiang Clan back home!"

Long Lin reacted quickly, and hastily bent down to send the other party into the stone hall respectfully.

Looking at the damaged palace gate, my heart tightened!

He broke this thing!

Although Jiang Tian didn't say anything, he didn't dare to leave it alone!

He hurriedly called the onlookers to come up and help!

"You guys, come over here and help me repair the palace gate!"

"I'm coming!"

The evildoers who watched did not dare to neglect, whether it was their fear of Long Lin or their reverence for Jiang Tian, ​​they had to do their best to show it.

After a while, the damaged palace gate was restored as before!

"Brother Longlin, we're done!"

"Okay, get out!"

Long Lin yelled loudly, everyone turned pale with fright, and hurriedly left.

But before leaving, they still didn't forget to please Jiang Tian.

"Cough, Brother Jiang Clan, let's go!"

"En!" Jiang Tian's faint voice came from the hall.

Everyone was relieved and left quickly.

"Brother Jiang is practicing with peace of mind, and my younger brother has also left. If you need anything, just come to me!"

"Oh, by the way, clan brother doesn't need to run himself, just let those people pass the word!"

"Brother Jiang Clan, I'm going!"

Long Lin finished his flattery and hurried back to the central area.

at this time!

Jiang Tian opened the phantom pupil again in the stone palace, silently feeling its power.

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian nodded again and again with a smile on his face.

Although the real pupil collapsed, he unexpectedly gained a phantom pupil.

It was a surprise!

Compared with the two, the real pupil has more restrictions, and must be forcibly blended into the center of the eyebrows before it can be activated.

Phantom Pupils are quite different!

Not only has it perfectly inherited the power of the true pupil, but it also has the ability to follow the heart and move with a thought!

And unlimited!

The inspired illusion can completely suppress the opponent's cultivation base, making the opponent powerful and difficult to use, as if being crippled!

After the actual combat just now, at least an opponent of Long Lin's level is completely powerless to resist!

This is equivalent to greatly strengthening his "Purple Light Profound Eyes" and taking his illusion to a higher level!

The problem of the real pupil has been solved, and Jiang Tian immediately turned his attention to the transformation of the physical body.

In the contest with Dragon Stone Girl, his physical body underwent a mysterious transformation.

But it didn't progress as smoothly as he expected!

This situation surprised him!

At this moment, he was silently sensing the various changes in the true dragon's overlord body.

It is found that the strength of the physical body has indeed changed significantly, but there is still a long way to go before a real breakthrough!

"The obvious transformation did not bring about a real advancement!

It's just that the strength has increased, as if tearing off one layer of bottlenecks, and seeing another layer of bottlenecks!

And this new bottleneck seems to be even stronger! "

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, carefully feeling the changes in his physical body.

This situation surprised him.

He thought that he had reached the critical point of physical breakthrough, but it was not!

The strength of the true dragon hegemony is already extremely high, but now it has been enhanced by transformation, making his physical combat power reach an unprecedented height!

The overall combat power has also been greatly improved!

But there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and the difficulty of subsequent advancement will be even greater!

Where will the real dragon overlord take his physical body?

This point, he himself has no way of judging!

After a while, he turned his gaze to the realm of cultivation.

Today, he is already a monster at the level of half-step god-making realm!

At least in terms of realm, it is on par with most of the monsters in True Dragon Holy Land!

Most of the evildoers in the outer area of ​​the holy land are half-step god-making realm, and some are even at the peak of the original god realm.

And the powerhouses in the middle of the holy land, such as Long Lin, are only half-step to the god-making state!

So far, he hasn't seen a real evildoer in the Holy Land of the God-making Realm!

"Will there be one in the central area of ​​the Holy Land?"

"What about the core area?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes serious!

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