Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7221 Refining the blood of the mighty dragon clan in the direct line of the god-making realm

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Most of the evildoers in the outer area of ​​the holy land have only cultivated for about a year, but there are also some people with weaker strength who have stayed here for two or three years.

Their strength has grown relatively slowly, and they are temporarily unable to move towards the central region.

And judging from the layout of the holy land, in the central region and even the core region, there will almost certainly be powerful monsters in the god-making realm!

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't help feeling dark!

With his current strength, he is basically invincible below the half-step God Constructing Realm!

But if you meet a real god-making powerhouse, there is absolutely no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation!


Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his gaze determined!

Although he doesn't plan to stay in the True Dragon Family for too long, since he has already come, he must gain a foothold here.

Even if you only stay for a few days, you must stand firm!

And if you want to stand firm here, strength is the only reliance!

"In front of the real God-making Realm power, half-step God-making Realm is not enough, we must improve our strength as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind, flipped his right hand, and took out the reward from Qianlongwuhui!

One: A drop of the blood of the powerful dragon clan of the real dragon family, the direct descendant of the god-making realm!

Second: A Dragon Vein Blood Quenching Pill refined by a senior alchemy master of the True Dragon Family!

Third: A piece of real dragon scale armor made by a senior craftsman in the real dragon family!

There were three rewards in total, and he quickly took the last one into the Zixuan Realm!

Because now he can't use this scale armor for the time being!

The most needed are the first two!

A drop of the blood of the powerful dragon clan in the god-making realm, the direct line of the real dragon family!

Dragon blood!

Jiang Tian opened the jade bottle, and streaks of golden light came out of it!

At the same time, the majestic aura of the blood of the Dragon Clan rises accordingly!

Moan! Rumble!

Ho ho!

The vigorous dragon chant resounded through the stone palace!

"Worthy of being the dragon bloodline of the true dragon family's direct lineage that can create gods!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, full of praise!

Although there is only one drop, the aura it exudes is extremely amazing!

Definitely the most powerful bloodline he has ever seen!

"bring it on!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian decisively activated the "Blood Devouring" talent!


Purple brilliance spewed out from his palm, plunged into the jade bottle like a purple dragon, and devoured it!

Whoosh... rumbling!

It was extremely difficult to refine this drop of the mighty blood of the god-making dragon clan.

But in front of his talent of "Blood Devouring", there was no obvious resistance, and he was swallowed into his body in an instant.

split into two!

Inject into Zixuanjie and his blood respectively!


hold head high!

The next moment, an amazing scene appeared!

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon chant, the purple light all over Jiang Tian's body soared, bursting out waves of majestic dragon might!

Fortunately, he had set up several layers of barriers in advance to prevent the breath from leaking out.

But soon, these layers of restrictions couldn't withstand the dragon power overflowing from his body, and he became precarious!

Bang, click!


After a while, these restrictions completely collapsed!


Jiang Tian's breath blasted through the stone gate again, but at the same time, another restriction lit up inside the stone hall!


Jiang Tian was surprised!

This is an extremely powerful restriction, it protects the entire stone palace, forcibly attracts the dragon's power it emits, and dissolves it with the restriction pattern.

"Mountain protection array!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

It turned out that the True Dragon Family had set up a large array of mountain guards throughout the holy land.

Once a coercion beyond a certain limit is released, it will be forcibly resolved.

I have to say, this setup is quite careful!

Otherwise, with so many monstrous evildoers practicing and fighting against each other, I am afraid that this mountain range will be razed to the ground within a few years!

The so-called True Dragon Holy Land no longer exists!

And these huge prohibition circles properly protected these stone temples, caves and mountains, allowing them to survive.

At the same time, he discovered that this mountain guard formation was not alone, but connected with other mountains.

Share the impact of spiritual power together!

This kind of array setting can resolve all kinds of shocks to the greatest extent, so that the monsters in the Holy Land can practice boldly with confidence.

"very good!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian lost his scruples.

Refining and absorbing this drop of dragon essence with all your strength!

Yinyin... Ang!

A high-pitched dragon chant suddenly sounded in his body!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he noticed something strange!

Although only half of the drop of dragon blood that had just entered his body was integrated into his veins, it caused an unimaginable blood movement!

After careful feeling, he found that this drop of blood had the potential to overwhelm him, and wanted to launch some kind of blood backlash against him!

He is no stranger to this situation!

There are descriptions in many classics, this is the normal reaction of one's own blood when it is impacted by the power of external blood.

Although this reaction is normal, if it gets out of control, it will have unimaginable consequences!

Once the foreign blood completely overwhelms his own blood, the warrior will become a puppet of the foreign blood, suppressed and swallowed by the power of the foreign blood!

At that time, damage to the foundation and decline in cultivation will be trivial matters, and it is possible to go crazy and lose blood!

"Do you really think you are very strong with the blood of the Dragon Clan?"

Jiang Tian sneered and scolded!

If it was someone else, they might have panicked at this time!

But who is he?

He is the one who bears the bloodline of the supreme savage dragon!

Without deliberate urging, the blood will of the brutal blood dragon has already unfolded, completely suppressing the impact of foreign blood!

Ho ho ho!

hold head high!


In the process of slow integration, the two bloodline forces collided violently!

Bang, click... Boom!

Vigorous and terrifying fluctuations came out of Jiang Tian's body, shaking the entire stone palace violently.

Even the entire mountain began to shake violently!



"What's the movement, why is it so big?"

In some other stone palaces, the monsters of the dragon clan who were staring at the retreat were all awakened!

A normal fight will not alarm them.

But the movement like now has begun to disturb their tranquility.

That's why Jiang Tian's previous fight with Long Lin, and his fight with Long Shinv earlier only attracted a limited crowd of onlookers, but didn't impress them.

And now, Jiang Tian's refining of this drop of dragon's powerful blood essence has finally woken them up!

"It makes no sense!"

"Who is here to disturb my peace?"

"Don't know if you want to find a quiet place to hit the bottleneck?"

Boom... Boom!

Angry reprimands came from one after another stone halls, and waves of tyrannical aura rippling along with it!

Qiqi pressed towards the stone palace where Jiang Tian was!

This stone hall is located on the left side of the top of the mountain.

The coercion of the dragon monsters condensed into a huge will, pressing hard on Jiang Tian's stone palace!

But the next moment, it was forcibly shaken away with a loud noise!


The violent roar carried waves of frenzied coercion and scatter wantonly, shaking and distorting the void!


"So strong!"

"Who exactly?"

"Is there anyone in our peripheral area who wants to break through?"

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