Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7222--Andrew Longmai quenching blood pill

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Before the words were finished, evildoers rushed out of the stone hall one by one, staring and watching.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, you will be shocked when you see it!

"Isn't that the stone palace of Longlin?"

"Didn't he already go to the central region, why did he come back?"

"No, this is not the breath of Longlin, who is it inside?"

Everyone was very surprised!

That cave was occupied by Long Lin, and even the top evildoers in the peripheral area did not dare to touch them easily.

Who on earth occupied Longlin's cave?

At this time, the purple light and the golden light in that stone cave complement each other, and they are still exuding a violent breath.

Feeling these auras, everyone's expressions changed!

"No! This is the bloodline breath of the god-making realm power!"

"Someone is refining the blood of the mighty god-making realm!"

"How can it be?"

Exclaimed everywhere!

Some people were shocked, unbelievable!

"Of course it's impossible under normal circumstances, but what about special circumstances, such as..."

"Hiding Dragon Martial Arts?"

"That's right!"

As the top evildoers in the True Dragon Holy Land, they suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

According to the past practice, the head of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association will often be called to practice in the Holy Land.

And the corresponding rewards may be the dragon blood of the clan's great god-making realm!

Although there may be only one drop, it is after all the blood that contains the power of the god-making realm, and its value is inestimable!

"There is also a possibility that a certain evildoer of our clan brought the blood essence of a powerful elder in the god-making realm to retreat here!"

"Who is this person?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to guess each other's identity for a while.

In fact, they wanted to rush in immediately to see what happened, but due to various scruples, it was not easy to put it into practice.

Someone immediately called a fellow clan.

"Say, who's in there?"

"Report to Brother Longyi, the one inside... the one inside is Brother Jiang Tian!"

"Jiang Tian?"

"A person with a foreign surname!"

"Is he the first name of this Qianlong martial arts?"

Everyone asked eagerly.

"Yes, yes, it is him!"

"I see!"

Everyone understood, but another doubt emerged.

"Even if he is the top name of Qianlong Wuhui, how dare he occupy Longlin's cave?"

"Don't Long Lin know?"

"Report to all the clan brothers, the Longlin clan brother has already come, but... but was defeated by the Jiang clan brother!"


"Can he defeat Long Lin?"

Everyone's face changed slightly, and they were all shocked!

"Yes, we have seen with our own eyes that brother Longlin is no match for him at all!" the man explained.

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"

"It seems that we have another strong enemy!" Someone said in a deep voice.

"Wrong! It's not that we have an extra formidable opponent, but the monsters in the central region have an extra formidable opponent!"

"Yeah, a monster like him will definitely not stay here for too long!"

Being able to easily defeat Long Lin was enough to show Jiang Tian's strength.

In fact, he can go to the central region to settle down now.

The reason why I didn't go may be to refine the blood essence of the god-making realm here.


"Yes, if this drop of blood essence is refined by us, we will be able to gain a foothold in the central region immediately!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed with great regret.

You must know that even among the real dragon family members, even these holy land evildoers, not all of them can enjoy the dragon blood of the god-making realm!

The blood of the dragon clan and the blood essence of the strong dragon clan are two different concepts!

Although there is only one word difference, the value of the two is very different!

Dragon bloodline is the essence of bloodline inherited in the body of dragon warriors!

The blood essence of the dragon clan is just a drop of blood essence in the body of a dragon warrior!

The value of the latter is far inferior to the former!

Feeling the majestic blood aura emanating from the stone palace, everyone was jealous.

But they knew that it was not appropriate to rush in at this time.

Because that drop of essence and blood has been swallowed by Jiang Tian, ​​it is impossible to get it now, and instead it has to face the violent impact of Longwei.

The best way is to wait for Jiang Tian to finish his retreat before asking him for some benefits.

If possible, it would be a good harvest to join hands with him to take a few drops of dragon blood!

"Everyone, this is a living treasure house of blood!"

"Opportunity not to be missed!"

"Hey! Even Long Lin is no match for him, I advise everyone to calm down, so as not to make mistakes!" A slightly older youth shook his head and sneered, his face full of self-deprecation.

Everyone fell silent, but the greed in their hearts finally defeated their reason!

"Opportunity is in danger. I have waited for retreat so far, and my strength is not inferior to Longlin. I may not lose to him!"

"In this case, then seize the opportunity!"


Everyone mobilized their blood and spiritual power silently, ready to take action after Jiang Tian's breath stabilized.

"There are still people coveting this drop of blood?"

Jiang Tian had already noticed the strange situation outside, and was quite surprised by this.

From the looks of it, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the powerful dragon blood of the god-making realm even if they are the evildoers of the holy land of these aristocratic families!

"This Qianlong Martial Arts is really not a loss!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

This drop of dragon blood, which is directly descended from the god-making realm, has a very high value!

After being suppressed by the blood power of the brutal blood dragon, it brought him huge gains, and even made him feel the opportunity to advance.

But he didn't advance rashly!

Because most of the evildoers in the True Dragon Holy Land are also suppressing the realm.

For example, Long Lin, including the former Dragon Stone Girl, and others.

In their situation, they should have been able to enter the god-making realm long ago, but they didn't.

There can only be one explanation for this: they are suppressing the realm and consolidating the foundation!

After all, as an evildoer of the real dragon family and a holy land evildoer, it is impossible to lack such things as attracting charms.

There are a large number of great powers in the God-making Realm of the True Dragon Family, and it will definitely not be too difficult for them to advance!

After nearly an hour, Jiang Tian's blood aura gradually stabilized.

At this time, he once again felt the opportunity to advance!

But he has not advanced!

At this time, Jiang Tian was silently feeling the changes in his own blood.

After refining this drop of powerful blood in the god-making realm, he has already deeply felt the will of the bloodline in the god-making realm.

It can be said that the basic conditions for breaking through the god-making realm have been met.

But he still restrained his impulse and took out the Dragon Vein Tempering Blood Pill!

This alchemy was carefully refined by a senior alchemy master of the True Dragon Family, and it is of great benefit to the evildoers of the dragon clan.

It can greatly enhance the strength of the physical body, and can make the blood of dragon warriors more pure, and the overall strength will be greatly improved, achieving an almost reborn effect!

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian has no time to pay attention to the guys outside who are ready to move.

After the breath became stable, he decisively swallowed the Dragon Vein Blood Quenching Pill!


After the elixir entered the stomach, the majestic essence of the medicinal power spread out instantly.

Trigger a violent storm in his sea of ​​air!

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