Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7223 will not be fooled

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"Why did it start again?"

"Is it more than a drop?"

The monsters waiting outside were shocked!

Unexpectedly, before he made a move, the opponent's aura would fluctuate again!

"What are the rewards for this Qianlong Martial Arts?"

"Will there really be two drops of blood that are powerful in the god-making realm?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Someone retorted loudly.

One drop of the dragon's blood, which is powerful in the god-making realm, is beyond imagination, and it is almost impossible for anyone to give out two drops as a reward.

This is too exaggerated and too extravagant!

"So, does anyone know what the reward for the first place in Qianlong Wushu this time is?"

Long Yi asked loudly.

"It's said...it's said to be the Dragon Vein Blood Quenching Pill!"


"Dragon Vein Quenching Blood Pill!"


Everyone was drooling!

This kind of elixir is extremely effective for dragon warriors, and can greatly improve the strength of warriors, almost achieving the effect of reborn!

Even in the True Dragon Family, one pill is hard to find!

"It makes no sense!"

"We missed it, we missed it!"

"If we knew this earlier, why should we wait here?"

Everyone was very annoyed, and some were so angry that they beat their chests and stamped their feet.

If they had known about this situation earlier, they would have rushed into the stone palace to snatch the treasure without hesitation.

It's too late now!

"what to do?"

"Can't wait!"

"Yes! Take it now, otherwise who knows what good things he will eat?"


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Before the words were finished, five or six monsters rushed into the stone palace together!

"Jiang Tian, ​​hand over all the rewards from the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, we will never make things difficult for you!"

"If you refuse to submit, don't blame us..."



Everyone rushed into the stone hall and wanted to seize the treasure by force, but they were interrupted by sharp shouts before they could finish speaking.

Jiang Tian caught off guard with a punch and sent one of them flying!

"Uh... poof!"

This person flew upside down from the stone hall, vomited blood and landed in a state of embarrassment!

"Good boy, we haven't made a move yet, how dare you make a move first, it's too arrogant!"

"If that's the case, then it's no wonder we!"

Boom... Boom!

Everyone's aura was soaring, and they forcibly shot Jiang Tian who was refining the elixir!


The faces of the monsters watching outside changed drastically, and they were all terrified!

"It's over!"

"Siege at this stall, Brother Jiang, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good!"

"The strength of these people is not much worse than that of Long Lin. If several people team up to besiege, the Jiang family brother may not be able to withstand it!"

"No way, this is the rule of the Holy Land!"

The monstrous onlookers only dared to watch from a distance, and did not dare to get close, otherwise they would be easily affected and reduced to cannon fodder.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and decisively opened the phantom pupil!

As soon as the illusion opened, the five evildoers of the Holy Land fell instantly!

They were trapped in an illusion, their strength was imprisoned, and they were completely powerless to fight back.

Jiang Tian swung out his palm and shook them all out of the stone palace!


Puff puff puff... wow!

"What a powerful illusion!"

"Being able to temporarily block my strength, this is by no means an ordinary illusion!"

"What cards does this kid hold?"


The six evildoers looked at each other, their faces extremely ugly!

The five teamed up to besiege, they had absolute confidence.

No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, it is impossible to carry it down.

But now, it's no longer a question of whether Jiang Tian can carry it, but that they can't use their strength at all.

It has become a one-sided crushing trend!

"Impossible, maybe it was just an illusion brought to us by illusion!"

"I also think it's impossible. Even if he is stronger than us, how can he suppress the strength of the five of us in an instant?"

"This kind of method can only be done by a real god-making power?"

The more people think about it, the more they feel wrong.

"That's right, but this Jiang Tian is obviously not a great power in the God-making realm!"

"So, he must have relied on some special treasure or some other means to make us fall into the illusion that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, so that we mistakenly think that our strength is banned, and we fall into fear and passivity!"

"Yes! If I do it again, I will definitely not be fooled!"

"Then why hesitate, let's do it!"


The five people who had just been blasted out of the stone palace yelled and rushed in again!

This time, they prepared ahead of time.

Even if you fall into an illusion, you won't be fooled by the "illusion" of being imprisoned by strength!


As soon as the five entered the stone palace, they were suppressed by the illusion!

But because they were prepared, they didn't panic!

"Don't be afraid, this is an illusion caused by illusion!"

"As expected, this kid is deceiving us by illusions, so he can easily scare us away!"

"Think about it, too. Our strength is not in vain. How could we be suppressed casually?"

"Find him out, give him a good beating, and let him know how powerful we are!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you can't frighten us with illusions, if you have the ability, come out and fight us head-on!"

The five evildoers shouted wildly, ignoring the suppression of the illusion.

Jiang Tian shook his head and laughed while refining the elixir.

"Do you really think that this is just an illusion effect?"

"Is not it?"

"To put it nicely, it's called illusion, but to put it bluntly, it's just a trick!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't you feel ashamed that you use this method to suppress us?"

Their strength has reached the outer peak, and they can go to the central area of ​​the Holy Land to practice at any time.

And as the top evildoers of the True Dragon Family, they have a strong bloodline and outstanding talent, so they despise things like illusion from the bottom of their hearts.

There is no shortage of evildoers who are good at illusions in the True Dragon Family, but those illusions, as they say, are essentially just a "trick".

Its function is to create illusions to make the opponent lost, and then take the opportunity to make a surprise attack and suppress the opponent!

To put it bluntly, it is a tricky way!

Without the help of illusion, those people wouldn't be able to gain any advantage in a head-to-head confrontation.

Moreover, the hard power of martial artists who practice illusion is often slightly lower than that of the same level, so it is more necessary to make up for illusion!

Such people are naturally despised by these monsters who claim to be powerful!

In their eyes, Jiang Tian was like this!

"To tell you the truth, the True Dragon Family also has a lot of illusion blood, but almost none of those people can enter the Holy Land!"

"We'll drag you out right now, let's see how long you can pretend?"

Boom... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the stone palace, and then, screams rang out!

Such a fierce scene attracted more and more evildoers from the Holy Land to come and watch.

Hearing these screams, they were terrified!

"Hiss! How miserable!"

"It seems that Brother Jiang Clan will not be able to withstand their violent attack after all!"

"What nonsense, Jiang Clan brother! You take 'Jiang Clan brother' one at a time, do you really regard him as one of your own?"

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