Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7224 Hitting the wrong person!

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Hey! A bloodline with a foreign surname from a mere branch, are you really willing to be his little brother?"

"It's up to you if you want to, don't kidnap us!"

"As the evildoers of the Holy Land of the aristocratic family, we will never recognize this outsider!"

After more people were focused, various voices appeared.

Some people expressed sympathy for Jiang Tian, ​​while others dismissed him, and even disgusted him so much that they uttered all kinds of fierce words.

The atmosphere was once very awkward!

But soon, the few people who had been in contact with Jiang Tian before heard something was wrong!

"Hey, the situation is wrong!"

"There is indeed a problem!"

"It seems that none of these voices belong to brother Jiang!"

"It seems that his illusion is not so easy to crack!"

Bang bang... boom boom!

The violent roar kept ringing, and the fight lasted for nearly ten breaths. The chaos in the stone palace did not stop and intensified!

This situation surprised all the warriors present.

As evildoers of the Holy Land, they are not fools, and they have already discovered something is wrong.

"The screams are so intense, Jiang Tian should have been suppressed a long time ago, and even seriously injured!"

"If, as they said, none of these voices came from Jiang Tian, ​​then there is something wrong!"

"It seems that his illusion is indeed very powerful, so powerful that it is difficult for the top evildoers in our peripheral area to join forces to break it!"

"It seems that we have underestimated this person after all!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with a bit more seriousness on their faces!

The evildoers who questioned and even attacked Jiang Tian before began to doubt it now!

"You are right. If the scream just now was really made by Jiang Tian, ​​he would have been defeated long ago!"

"The current situation can only explain one problem, that is, Jiang Tian used the cover of the illusion to fight back and forth with them, and even took advantage of it!"

"I don't think it's that simple! After being so fierce for so long, he didn't even make a sound. Instead, his opponents, our brothers from the same clan kept screaming, which shows that he took advantage of it!"

"Is his illusion really so strong?"

"How about the specifics, won't it be clear if you go in and feel it yourself?"

"Hey! Do you think I'm a fool?"

Let's talk, let's talk!

These people are still very conscious.

Even if they looked down on Jiang Tian, ​​they didn't dare to get involved rashly.

After all, watching the fire from the other side is the safest!

But soon, things started to get weird!



Suddenly there was a loud noise in the stone palace!

Immediately afterwards, there was an ear-piercing scream!


At the same time as the screams came out, there was a burst of wild laughter, full of incomparable pleasure!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​is this your strength? Doesn't it feel good to be injured?"

"Hahaha, I thought you were so powerful, but now it seems nothing more than that!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you have anything else to say?"

"Hand over your treasure immediately, kneel down and beg for mercy!"

It seems that several dragon monsters have succeeded, but this movement sounds a little strange!

"Several...several fellow clansmen, stop!"

There was a miserable hiss, which sounded full of anger!

However, the one who responded to the hiss was an angry reprimand!

"You don't admit defeat?"

"You still dare to resist?"

"It seems that you still haven't suffered enough!"

"If you don't cry if you don't see the coffin, then I will teach you an unforgettable lesson!"

Bang, click... Boom!


Everyone shot again, and screams sounded one after another.

But this time the voice was obviously different from before!

The screams just now were messy and came from different people.

This time the screams obviously came from the same person.

The crowd is indeed besieging him!

"Is it Jiang Tian this time?"

"You guys, tell me, is this Jiang Tian's voice?"

The evildoers who watched outside the stone palace asked one after another.

"No... not like!"

"No, it's not him at all!"

"If it's not Jiang Tian, ​​who else could it be?"

"No! Magic, they probably hit the wrong person, right?"


"Fuck! Isn't that true?"

There was an uproar outside the stone palace!

All the people who watched the hit were stunned!

The illusion can be faked, but the sounds of fighting and screams are real!

If the voice really wasn't Jiang Tian, ​​it meant that the besieged person was one of the other monsters.

"Don't say it, it's really fucking possible!"

"That's too bloody!"

"Under the illusion, what can't happen?"


After reacting, everyone gasped!

The anxiety in my heart suddenly increased!

"No wonder the screams were so messy just now, obviously they all suffered a lot!"

"In other words, Jiang Tian beat all of them!"

"This is not a fight, it's a sneak attack!"

"That's right, it was a sneak attack under the cover of illusion!"

"Is there any essential difference between being beaten under the illusion and being defeated head-on?" an older evildoer asked mockingly.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless!

Being beaten under the illusion, and being beaten under normal circumstances, the result is not being beaten!

There is a fart difference!

"It seems that this Jiang Tian really has two brushes!"

"This is obviously due to the illusion. He can carry so many people, and the role of illusion is at least 60%!"

"With so much reliance on illusion, his strength is obviously not too strong!"

"In other words, as long as we restrain his illusion, we can restrain him without too much effort!"


Everyone's eyes brightened, and their confidence soared!

Avoid the reality and attack the virtual, and you will be able to defeat the enemy and win!

Avoiding reality means avoiding the enemy's strengths, so that the means he relies on the most cannot play their due role.

Hitting the void is to hit the enemy's weaknesses, making him passive and unable to fight back!

As long as you can do this, why worry?

"A group of idiots, you hit the wrong person, fuck it, shit!"

A loud curse resounded in the stone hall, causing the audience to fall into silence!

Someone recognized the voice!

"This...is this like the sound of a dragon kite?"

"It's not like, it's him!"

"So, the target of their siege is not Jiang Tian, ​​but Long Zheng?"

As soon as the words fell, there were exclamations in the stone palace!


"Wrong person?"

"Aren't you Jiang Tian?"

A stunned voice came from the stone hall, and those who besieged him also realized that something was wrong.

"It's your mother!"

Long Zheng was furious and cursed loudly, finally waking up everyone!

"Illusion, we are still in his illusion!"

"Damn! Why is he so strong?"

"Longzheng, I'm sorry, I blame Jiang Tian for being too treacherous, we didn't mean to hit you!"

"Quick, he's over there!"

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