Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7225 Refining with all strength

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Everyone turned their heads and saw Jiang Tian appearing behind them.

Immediately shot with anger, crazy bombardment.

But at the same time as the offensive was launched, "Jiang Tian" on the opposite side burst into curses!

"A group of idiots, I am a dragon..."


"Pfft... wow!"

Before he finished speaking, "Jiang Tian" was overwhelmed by the violent offensive and fell heavily out of the stone palace.

After landing, blood spurted wildly, and his breath was in disarray!

"Long Han, it's Long Han!"

"My God!"

Of course, the evildoers who watched the excitement recognized this person, it was Long Han who was very familiar with them.

At this time, Long Han was injured by four or five companions, his face was extremely ugly, and he was already in a state of despair.

He yelled at the people in the stone palace, but he was not without rejoicing in his heart.

Fortunately, he was blasted out and took this opportunity to get rid of the illusion.

Otherwise, I don't know how badly I will be beaten!

"Brother Longhan, what happened inside?"

"Tell us about it!"

Everyone gathered around Long Han, impatiently asking questions.

"What the fuck! Do you want to see Lao Tzu's jokes?"

Long Han cursed angrily, his face extremely ugly.

As the top evildoer in the peripheral area, he was looked up to and worshiped by everyone.

But today, he lost all face!

After he and the same broke into the stone palace, he didn't even touch Jiang Tian's cold hair, but he was beaten miserably. I really regret it!

"The situation is wrong, let's go back quickly!"

"His illusion is too strong, avoid the edge for now!"


There was a burst of exclamation in the stone hall, and everyone realized the complexity of the situation and dared not be tough.

But when they wanted to retreat, they found that they couldn't find a way out!

The powerful illusion has already blocked the sight, and even the divine sense is suppressed, and it is impossible to find where the gate of the stone palace is.

At this time, they were in a fiery illusion, full of violent flames and gushing magma!

It's like being in a fiery hell!

These things seem to be just illusions, but they bring them an indisputable sense of threat, making them afraid to approach them.

"Hahahaha, a group of idiots, you can 'enjoy' in it!"

Long Han, who was blasted out, couldn't help laughing wildly.

He was too annoyed to be hammered by his companion.

Now seeing them fall into chaos because they couldn't find a way out, it's so refreshing!

"With your strength, you want to fight with me?"

A cold voice sounded!

"Jiang Tian, ​​it's his voice!"

"He finally spoke up!"

"Sure enough, he wasn't injured!"

People outside heard Jiang Tian's voice, which also confirmed the previous conjecture.

Jiang Tian's breath was extremely stable, like an ancient well without waves!

Where are the signs of injury?

"Leave your storage, and then... get lost!"


Puff puff puff... wow!

There was a sudden roar, and several figures flew out from the gate of the palace, one by one in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Their injuries vary in severity, and the only thing they have in common is that all the storage rings in their hands have been smashed!

"Damn it!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​if you have the ability to remove the illusion, fight with us for real!"

"Even if it's one-on-one, we're not afraid of you!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Everyone gritted their teeth and clenched their fists.

They were all injured without even touching Jiang Tian's cold hair, and lost their storage rings. The fury in their hearts can be imagined.

"You can't even break the illusion, and you still want to fight me head-on. I'm afraid you haven't been injured enough!"

"You can fight with me if you want, but I don't have time now, just wait!"

Buzz buzz!

The scene in the stone hall changed, and the shattered gate was blocked by a series of prohibitions.

Cover Jiang Tian in!

"It makes no sense!"

"This kid is really arrogant!"

"How can we be a monstrous evildoer of our own clan to be ridden on the neck by an outsider?"

"We must teach him a lesson today!"

Although everyone suffered a loss, they were naturally dissatisfied.

Can't wait to have a "head-to-head" confrontation with Jiang Tian!

But they didn't understand that Jiang Tian had kept his hand just now.

Otherwise, these people would only be hurt more severely because of refining the Dragon Vein Quen Xue Pill.

"Several fellow clansmen, just now Long Lin lost like this, you have already suffered a loss, I think it's better to accept it as soon as you see it!"

"It's good to see you? How can there be 'good'!"

"Are you being sarcastic?"

How many people were so angry that they cursed!

Just now, they didn't get the slightest benefit.

The only one who got a good one was Jiang Tian himself!

Therefore, they didn't listen to a word of persuasion from the crowd, and instead thought that the other party was mocking them.

So he became even more determined to beat Jiang Tian hard and save face!


The breath in the stone hall was surging, and Jiang Tian tried his best to refine the Dragon Vein Blood Quenching Pill!

The powerful medicinal power turned into torrents in his body, repeatedly hitting and circulating, nourishing his blood and body.


Purple light flickered all over Jiang Tian's body, and the aura of his cultivation gradually changed.

Towards the limit of the half-step god-making realm!

A huge barrier appeared ahead!

That is a cultivation bottleneck!

It is the only way from the half-step god-making realm to the god-making realm!

Now, this barrier has begun to initially appear!

But its power is beyond Jiang Tian's imagination.

Like a giant mountain towering in front of him!

"The barrier of the god-making realm is so powerful!"

Jiang Tian was secretly shocked!

It's no wonder that warriors in the half-step God Constructing Realm all need talismans or special pills with the same effect to assist in advancing.

Just looking at the strength of this bottleneck, even with the help of those things, it is quite difficult to break through!

If it was someone else, facing such a bottleneck, they might fall into despair.

But Jiang Tian's reaction was not that great.

He has walked all the way from the lower realm, always wandering on the edge of life and death.

Every time I get opportunities and insights in the limit state, I have long been used to the difficulties of practice.

Not to mention that he has a receiving talisman on his body, even if he doesn't have one, he won't despair.

Not to mention, he has already refined that drop of dragon blood, which is a direct lineage of the real dragon family.

Coupled with the help of the Dragon Blood Quenching Pill, the foundation for advanced god-making realm has actually been laid in an all-round way.

Just wait for the opportunity to appear, then you can give it a go and go all out to advance!

But now, it is obviously not the time for him to advance!

at this time!

A series of violent blood frenzy hit the barrier by itself.

The result did not exceed his expectations!

No matter how violent these blood frenzy are, they will always be able to shake this bottleneck.

Jiang Tian couldn't help frowning!

"The powerful dragon blood of the true dragon family's god-making lineage, plus this dragon vein quenching blood pill, can't it shake this bottleneck?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and couldn't help beeping.

He originally thought that with the help of those two treasures, the introduction talisman would become dispensable.

Now it seems that this is not the case!

"The reward value of Qianlongwuhui should not be lower than the attracting talisman, why is it useless for advancement?"

Jiang Tian was deeply confused.

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