Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7226 It's really shameless

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

The attractor is a reward from the Supernova Conference, and it has been a while since I got it.

The rewards of "Hidden Dragon Martial Arts" will follow!

With the background of the True Dragon Family, these rewards should be worth more, but why didn't they reach the height he expected?

Jiang Tian had to face up to the reality. The attractor, which he thought might not be needed, now seems to be very important!

"Advanced here?"

This idea flashed by, and Jiang Tian dismissed it immediately.

Although he has seen the bottleneck, it is obviously not an ideal choice to advance here.

This is only the outer area of ​​the True Dragon Holy Land, and there is no spiritual support.

Even if you can advance successfully, it will be a blood loss!

Breaking through the half-step God-making Realm to the God-Creating Realm will consume absolutely beyond imagination, and the vision it will cause will be extremely large.

If you attract the attention and suppression of the top evildoers in the middle and even the core area during the advancement process, the consequences will be disastrous!

With this in mind, Jiang Tian decisively interrupted the idea of ​​advancing.


He began to no longer deliberately pay attention to that huge barrier.

Although the power of the blood frenzy has not weakened, and is even steadily increasing, the current strength is obviously not enough to shake this barrier.

After three hours!

The changes in the stone palace subsided!

Jiang Tian's breath has also stabilized.

Compared with before refining, his bloodline spiritual power has increased significantly.

Under the suppression of the barrier of cultivation, it becomes more pure and thick!

And his physical body has also undergone a subtle transformation again!

After his breath stabilized, he immediately removed the restraint and walked out of the stone hall!

Opposite the stone hall, six top monsters are still waiting for him.

For three hours, they took medicine to heal their wounds, and their breath has recovered.

Seeing Jiang Tian at this moment, everyone was furious!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are finally willing to come out!"

"Without the cover of illusion, how can you protect yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together!"

Although everyone was furious, they did not dare to be too contemptuous.

After all, it is affirmation in itself that a branch of blood with a foreign surname can come to the Holy Land of the True Dragon.

Therefore, they did not dare to underestimate each other.

But they are more confident in their own strength, thinking that without the help of illusion, Jiang Tian will be vulnerable!

"Confrontation head-on, right? I'll help you all!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, raised his hand and shook the two people who were rushing forward with a palm!


Poof, wow!



"How can it be?"

"His strength... is so powerful!"

The four people behind stopped urgently and looked at Jiang Tian in shock.

This is the head-to-head confrontation they wanted, but why is the situation different from what they imagined?

Looking at Jiang Tian opposite, the six monsters panicked!

And those monstrosities watching the excitement also became restless at this time!

"How do I feel, his breath seems to have become stronger again!"

"It's not a feeling, he has indeed become stronger!"

"It seems that this is the effect of the drops of the god-making realm's powerful blood and the dragon's vein quenching blood pill!"

"As soon as Jiang Tian entered the Holy Land, he defeated Long Shinv and Long Lin. Now that the two great treasures of refining and refining have improved again, no one in the peripheral area may be able to restrict him!"

"Quick, too fast!"

"It's an exaggeration to enter the country like this!"

Everyone is filled with emotion!

Only half a day after Jiang Tian came to the holy land, he had already dominated the outer area.

In other words, he can now go to the central region to compete with those backbones who have been practicing for several years.

In comparison, those evildoers who have cultivated here for about a year, or even two or three years, are simply useless!

"Shut up for me!"

"A bloodline with a foreign surname, but it has taken advantage of us, is it worthy of your flattery?"

"Show me all, the monsters of our aristocratic family are the real dragon clan monsters!"

"The blood of this foreign surname is mixed and impure, and it is destined to be just a distant relative of the low-level dragon mutation!"

Even in the True Dragon Family, there are high and low bloodline levels!

Those first-line evildoers and super evildoers, because of their pure bloodlines, were paid special attention by the senior management of the aristocratic family from birth.

All the way to practice, it is also the existence that attracts the attention of thousands of people.

These people are in a similar situation!

Although their bloodlines are not top-notch in the True Dragon Family, they haven't been practicing in the Holy Land for too long, and their future potential is unlimited.

It is for this reason that they regard themselves as the most powerful dragon monsters.

Everyone has an ambition to become a powerful family.

In this special contest, naturally Jiang Tian, ​​an "outsider", cannot be allowed to gain the upper hand!

"Everyone, let's do it together!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you have just refined the blood of my family's god-making power, and you have eaten a dragon blood quenching pill. It is fair that we did not interrupt your refining!"

"The rules of the Holy Land do not limit siege, and we are not taking advantage of you!"

"Anyway, let's do it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A violent roar erupted suddenly!

Six top monsters attack Jiang Tian together!

This time, it was different from the previous two times!

There was an illusion suppression in the stone palace before, and for the first time, their strength could not be displayed directly.

The second time, Jiang Tian did not suppress their strength, but used illusion to make them attack each other.

Those two times they were very embarrassed!

But this time, they believed that they would not fail again!

But the self-proclaimed "fair" declaration just now made the onlookers extremely embarrassed!

"I...why do I feel a little hot?"

"I'm a bit hot too!"

"I have to say, they are indeed a bit shameless!"

"Six people besieged, and said that they didn't take advantage of it, and they lost all the face of the evildoers of this clan!"

"Be content. They at least know how to cover their faces. It would be really embarrassing if their faces were torn apart!"

The evildoers who were watching the excitement were no longer on the side of their own evildoers, because they really felt blushing.

A siege is a siege, why not admit generously?

It does not violate the rules of the Holy Land itself!

But it's really embarrassing to besiege and put gold on your face!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and punched out.


The combined offensive of the six collapsed!


"How can it be?"


The front of the hall was filled with horror, and the monsters onlookers were stunned!

If it was one-on-one, they wouldn't be surprised even if Jiang Tian crushed them one-sidedly.

After all, Long Shinv and Long Lin were defeated by Jiang Tian successively, which has proved that Jiang Tian is very powerful.

But it's really scary to easily crush one against six like this!

At this moment, the faces of the six evildoers are extremely ugly!

They already understood that they were not Jiang Tian's opponent at all.

Even if six people besiege, there is no chance of winning!

But they are already riding a tiger!

If you admit it, your dignity will be lost, and it will become a joke in the peripheral area.

"Everyone, what should I do?"

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