Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Is this how we lost to this outsider?"

"If it's an evildoer of our own family, it's fine, and it's not too shameful to lose, but if we lose to a branch evildoer who has just arrived in the Holy Land for less than half a day, and someone with a foreign surname, we will definitely become the laughing stock of the Holy Land and even the entire family!"

"We really can't afford to lose this battle, so let's show the strongest cards!"

Several people quickly reached a consensus through voice transmission.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you're going crazy!"

"We didn't do our best just now, but now, you forced us!"


Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void!

All kinds of aura surged wildly, and in an instant, they sacrificed treasures one after another!

Two of them took out long knives and giant swords covered with dragon patterns, and slashed straight at Jiang Tian!

The other two sacrificed a huge red dragon bell, and the other waved a cyan keel hammer and bombarded wildly!

The last two sacrificed two talismans, one gold and one silver, and turned into two giant dragons of gold and silver, winding towards Jiang Tian.


"They actually used magic weapons!"

"Go back!"

The evildoers who watched screamed and backed away, for fear of being affected.

These heavy treasures include both attacking treasures, suppressing treasures, and even imprisoning talismans.

It can be said that Jiang Tian must be hard to resist with a complete range and proper coordination.

"Brother Jiang Clan is going to lose after all!"

"His potential is astonishing, but when it comes to wealth background, it is obviously not comparable to our own evildoers!"

"What's more, these six people are still the top evildoers in the peripheral area, and they are almost supported by the elders of our own clan behind them!"

Everyone couldn't help feeling sorry for Jiang Tian.

But I have to say that Jiang Tian was so high-profile when he first arrived in the Holy Land, and it was inevitable that he would be suppressed!

These evildoers of their own clan who pride themselves on their noble blood and superior status will never sit back and watch him, an "outsider", gain the limelight.

Roar, roar!


The long knife and giant sword slashed down, splitting the void into two huge ravines, showing amazing power!

At the same time, the huge dragon-patterned bell hangs high in the air, casting huge golden bell shadows one after another, launching an invisible suppression on Jiang Tian!

"This is the Haolong Bell, which can suppress the spiritual power of a warrior's bloodline, making his bloodline sluggish, and even unable to mobilize it in a short period of time!"

"Suppressing this one heavy treasure alone will greatly reduce Jiang Tian's combat power, plus several other heavy treasures, Jiang Tian will undoubtedly lose this battle!"

"Not only will he lose, he will definitely be seriously injured!"

Everyone shook their heads.

Jiang Tian came to the clan from a branch, and facing the oppression of many evildoers in the holy land, it is inevitable to be injured and defeated!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy!

With two punches like lightning, the gold and silver dragons transformed by the magic talisman exploded!

At the same time, the offensive of long knives and giant swords has already attacked the body!

"That's too late!"

Although everyone was shocked by Jiang Tian's performance, but seeing the two attacking treasures coming, it seemed that they had to grit their teeth and admit defeat after seeing his miserable defeat, vomiting blood and screaming.

But the next moment, an amazing scene appeared!

Jiang Tian suddenly stepped into the air, facing the long knife and giant sword with both fists!

Crack... Rumble!

The aura burst, and the terrifying fluctuations in spiritual power instantly engulfed Jiang Tian's figure!


"How dare he?"

"That's not an ordinary magic weapon, but a treasure of the Dragon Clan!"

"How dare he use his physical body to harden it, isn't he afraid of death?"

Everyone was shocked by Jiang Tian's actions, but their hearts became more and more convinced that he could not escape the ending of serious injury and fiasco.

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​what else do you have to say now?"

"Although those two talismans were exploded, they were worth it!"

Several top evildoers breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the two talismans failed to play a direct role, Jiang Tian also missed the time to dodge in order to defeat them.

As a result, he was hit by the long knife and the giant sword, and he must have been severely injured at this moment.

He couldn't even utter a scream, and he was probably unconscious.

When the spiritual power dissipates, the result will be revealed.

But at this moment, a cold drink suddenly came from midair!

"The treasure of the dragon clan, or the treasure of attacking, is very suitable for me. I want these two things!"



The faces of the evildoers below all changed!

Before the words were finished, the bodies of the long knife and giant sword suddenly disappeared!

They have been forcibly collected by Jiang Tian and thrown into the Zixuan Realm!

At this moment, the spiritual power began to fade, and Jiang Tian's figure was looming!

"No, knock him down!"

"Look at us!"



Another evildoer urged furiously, and the Haolong Bell made a loud noise that shook the sky.

A huge bell shadow crashed down violently, causing the void to twist violently. The terrifying coercion was shocking!

"True dragon body!"


Jiang Tian shook his arms together and blocked the blow with his physical strength!

Shocked the audience!


At the same time, the last top evildoer swung the keel hammer and slammed through the air!

Crack... bang rumble!

I saw the blue light burst, and a terrifying hammer shadow slammed into Jiang Tian fiercely!

The next moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian didn't retreat but advanced, and blasted out against the phantom of the giant hammer!



The blue light exploded, and a terrifying wave arose in the void!

Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared!

The next moment, the dragon monster with a bone hammer suddenly appeared forward.

Before the other party could react, he slapped it flying with a palm, grabbed the bone hammer like lightning, and threw it directly into the Zixuan Realm!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"


At this moment, everyone couldn't care less about face and dignity.

The six of them worked together, and Jiang Tian couldn't be dealt with even with heavy treasures, and it would be miserable if he waited.

So they fled down the mountain without looking back.

Several empty stone palaces were left behind.

This scene stunned the people present!

After a while of silence, someone shouted!

"Brother Jiang Clan is mighty!"

"Brother Jiang is too strong with one enemy and six!"

"Brother Jiang's physical body is actually stronger than those heavy treasures. It's really shocking!"

Everyone came up to flatter.

Jiang Tian just smiled lightly and ignored it.

He let go of his divine sense and swept lightly, and walked into the largest stone hall in front of him.

That stone palace is the largest one on the top of the mountain.

The previous master was one of the six evildoers who had been beaten away by him.

Now, these six stone palaces are all vacant, so naturally he can choose them at will.

This is the rule of the Holy Land, the strong are respected!

As long as you are strong enough, you can snatch everything in the Holy Land!

Jiang Tian came to the stone palace, silently feeling the changes in his own cultivation.

Before that, he had successively refined the Dragon Bloodline and Dragon Vein Blood Quenching Pill, which were powerful in the god-making realm, and his cultivation had reached a whole new level.

But the distance to advance is obviously still a bit short!

The bottleneck power leading to the god-making realm is greater than he imagined, and he will continue to work hard to settle it.


Jiang Tian closed the palace door and took out the attractor.

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