Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7228 Refining Introducer

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This is a golden talisman, which seals a ray of god-making artistic conception of great power in the god-making realm!

At this moment, he injected blood spiritual power without hesitation to activate it!


Accompanied by a strange hum, an invisible wave enveloped him!

Buzz buzz!

Inside this shield, there is a special will slowly rippling!

It is different from the power of the original god, and it is also different from the will of the half-step god-making realm powerhouse.

Trying to integrate into Jiang Tian's body!

But while blending in, he was also suppressing Jiang Tian's breath!

High above, as if it is the master of this space.

And Jiang Tian is just a junior who looks up to it!

"Is this the so-called god-making artistic conception?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered.

It's not that he has never been in contact with the great powers of the god-making realm, such as Longqian, Longyou, Longshi, and Longchen.

But these people did not deliberately show their will to create gods in front of him.

Just now, he also refined a drop of dragon blood that is powerful in the god-making realm.

But I just felt the power of the blood of the god-making realm, which is still very different from the god-making artistic conception in front of me!

The artistic conception of creating gods is supposed to be a variation of the power of the stars, the power of the galaxy, the power of the starry sky, and the power of the original god.

But the feeling this attractor gave him was completely different from what he had imagined!

There is only one attracting talisman, and he has no experience in how to refine it.

But he understands a truth!

If warriors want to become stronger, they cannot rely on begging and yielding!

Because the process of improving strength is a process of constantly becoming stronger and more courageous as you fight!

And the power emanating from this attracting talisman was clearly crushing him, despising him, treating him like an ant!

If this is how the talisman is used, then even if he can feel the artistic conception of creating a god, it will bury some unspeakable hidden dangers for the subsequent cultivation!

"No matter how powerful you are, it's just a dream to subdue me in such a superior and contemptuous way!"

Jiang Tian gave a cold shout, and decisively inspired the power of the original god!


A majestic aura rises from his body, launching a special contest with the god-making artistic conception covering his body!

Sensing the change in Jiang Tian's breath, the god-making artistic conception released by the attractor began to become stronger!

Buzz... boom boom!

A series of invisible fluctuations kept attacking Jiang Tian, ​​trying to suppress him forcibly.

But before touching Jiang Tian's body, he was blocked by the power of the original god released by him!

As a higher-level power, God-creating Artistic Conception has an absolute crushing power in front of the power of the original god!

The collision of the two forces will result in no surprises!

next moment!

Hum rumble!

The power of the original god released by Jiang Tian was instantly suppressed, rolled back layer by layer, and retreated back into the body!

"The artistic conception of creating gods is indeed very strong!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he deeply felt the power of the artistic conception of creating gods.

Compared with the layer-by-layer infiltration just now, the artistic conception of God-making at this moment has obviously become stronger, full of domineering and irresistible will!

It was as if a high-ranking superpower was showing him supreme majesty and crushing him with a strong will.

But the more this is the case, the less he will give in!

"I do want to become stronger, but not on my knees to become stronger, but to face up to difficulties and become stronger as I fight!"

Jiang Tian yelled, and once again urged the power of the original god to fight against him.

Buzz buzz!


Under his urging, the power of the original god rushed up against the trend, launching a violent impact on the artistic conception of God-making.

Although it can't change the pattern of strength and weakness, but in this way, it does give the god-making artistic conception a lot of confrontation.


The aura of God-making artistic conception is getting stronger and stronger!

Generally speaking, when a half-step god-making realm warrior refines the god-making mood, he will succumb to the opponent's lustful power wholeheartedly.

Let these breaths permeate into the body layer by layer, so as to gain a comprehensive understanding.

But in fact, even if they wanted to resist, they couldn't do it!

Because this is a super will from the superpower of the god-making realm, and it is simply not something they can compete with.

So no matter whether they voluntarily surrender or passively accept, once they are aroused, they can only let the attracting talisman show off their power crazily, and finally complete a process of baptism and infusion of the artistic conception of creation.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​gaining enlightenment in this way of surrender does not fit with his path of practice!

Ever since he stepped into martial arts in the lower realm, any improvement in his strength has never been achieved by yielding and forbearance!

No matter how strong his opponent is, he will face it!

This is his way of martial arts, this is his heart!

Facing the artistic conception of creating gods at this moment, the original intention will not be changed!

Otherwise, his martial arts path will be completely rewritten!

His Dao heart will also be distorted!

Once the original intention disappears, how can the Dao heart be maintained?

"I would rather not have such power!"

Jiang Tian let out an angry roar.

If he knew this was the case from the beginning, he would have decisively discarded it!

But now, the attracting talisman has been activated by him, and the powerful god-making artistic conception has enveloped him and continued to suppress it.

He has no other choice but to deal with it in his own way!

"Come on, let me see how strong the so-called god-making artistic conception can be?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and pushed the power of the original god to the limit!

Buzz buzz!


There were bursts of terrifying roars in the stone hall.

The two forces are opposing each other, and the artistic conception of creating gods clearly has the upper hand.

Because this is the crushing of realms, not just the difference between strength and weakness!

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Tian's body began to tremble violently, as if he was about to be unable to bear this force!

Although his power of the original god has reached the limit, but because of the weak realm, it is difficult to break through the shroud of the god-making artistic conception.

However, the artistic conception of creating gods can easily suppress the power of the original god, and still have the power to continue to attack his body!

At the same time, a strange voice rang in his ears!

"Stupid junior, how dare you fight against the god-making artistic conception, why don't you put away your original god's power and want to be smashed to pieces?"


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his heart shook!

This voice sounds without any emotion, and it is still full of the meaning of being high above and looking down on all living beings!

Needless to say, it is the manifestation of the will of the God-making Realm power who sacrificed the talisman!

But such a warning cannot make him yield!

At this moment, he has no way out!

If he stops halfway, his martial arts path and his heart will still be impacted and shaken.

"Give up your stupid resistance, immediately obey the god-making artistic conception, and feel the power of the god-making power, and you will get the opportunity to enter the god-making realm!"

"Give up, obey?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered!

In his dictionary, there has never been such words as "giving up" and "obedience"!

He wants to become stronger, not weaker!

For him, giving up and obeying is tantamount to becoming weaker!

This is not his martial art, let alone the power he wants!

"What kind of bullshit creates the artistic conception of gods, you can't do it if you want to make me succumb!"

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