Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7231 The power of reception, the enemy of martial arts!

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"The artistic conception of making gods has not been completely annihilated!?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

This sound is nothing else, it is derived from the remaining god-making artistic conception!

Although he has forcibly devoured and refined the attracting talisman, there is still a trace of the artistic conception emanating from his body until now!

"The artistic conception of making gods is really extraordinary!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

It has to be said that the power of creating the artistic conception of gods is indeed beyond his imagination.

He thought that everything would be fine after refining the connecting talisman, but he didn't expect that after the connecting talisman disappeared, there was still a little bit of remaining power in the artistic conception of creation.

Fortunately, this remaining power no longer poses any real threat to him.

And this power is slowly dissipating.

But what is it that makes it so frightening?

After a moment of silence, the remaining power spoke out again, but it was mixed with some kind of rage and uneasiness!

"The power of receiving and attracting, you actually gave birth to the power of attracting and attracting, could it be God's will... the catastrophe of the god-making realm... the enemy of martial arts..."


The furious and uneasy voice gradually turned into an inaudible raving, and the remaining power finally completely disappeared.

"The power of attraction?"

What kind of power is this?

Jiang Tian frowned, not knowing why.

Along the way, he awakened various powers as his realm changed.

But I've never heard of the "power of reception".

Could it be that his power of the original god has transformed into the power of attracting?

So what exactly is "the power of attraction"?

Is there an inevitable connection with the citation symbol and the artistic conception of making gods?

Jiang Tian felt confused and fell into a huge confusion for a moment!

Calm analysis, he found something strange!

If this attracting power is really inevitable, the remaining God-making artistic conception should not be surprised!

This shows that the appearance of the power of attraction is accidental, not inevitable!

Because of this kind of power, if there is even a slight possibility of birth, the artistic conception of making gods will not have such a surprised reaction.

It's even more strange when you think about it this way!

"What exactly is the power of attraction?"

With this in mind, Jiang Tian immediately entered the Zixuan Realm!

"World Spirit, tell me, what is the power of attraction?"

"The power of receiving and attracting has never been heard by world spirits!"


Jie Ling's answer made Jiang Tian extremely depressed.

From the looks of it, the title "The Power of Guiding" is probably not commonly used in the martial arts world.

It is likely to be some kind of cognition of the master of the god-making artistic conception!

Maybe it is only spread in a small area, maybe it is a special existence that slowly evolved after the great changes in martial arts.

I don't know how many years the Zixuan Realm has existed, and it has suffered damage.

Similarly, Jie Ling is obviously an "old monster" that has existed for an unknown number of years.

It's normal to not know much about some new titles that appear in later generations!


Jiang Tian let out a sigh of relief and had to accept this fact.

But he obviously won't let this question keep weighing on his mind.

This statement must be clarified as soon as possible!

"The power of attraction, open!"


Jiang Tian urged the so-called power of attraction, silently feeling its nature and breath.

This power is much stronger than the former power of the original god, but it is very different from the god-making artistic conception sealed in the talisman!

Why does such a force make the remaining god-making artistic conception so uneasy?

What kind of terrifying power does it have?

Although he doesn't understand the power of reception, he knows the power of the stars and the power of the galaxy like the back of his hand!

With these powers, he has devoured the opponent's special will more than once.

Normally, these powers can only be swallowed by powers of the same level or higher.

For example, the power of the stars can only devour the power of the stars, or a will that is weaker than it.

The power of the galaxy at a higher level can devour the power of the stars.

But his star power can break the routine and devour the opponent's star power!

His star power can also devour the opponent's star power!

From the very beginning, the will born in his body has the ability to devour it by leaps and bounds.

The power of attracting and attracting that was born now must be the same, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian suddenly had a bold idea!

I want to find a master of the god-making realm to try it out immediately, and see if I can devour the other party's god-making realm!

But this idea is obviously not so easy to realize.

Because he is still at the level of the half-step God Constructing Realm, his own cultivation level has not been greatly improved by refining the attracting talisman.

With the current combat power, challenging the power of the god-making realm will almost inevitably be suppressed.

"I have to find a chance to try it out, or ask those great masters of the god-making realm for advice?"

Jiang Tian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to look back at this retreat.

He successively refined a drop of dragon blood, a dragon vein quenching blood pill, and a connecting talisman!

But none of these things allowed him to complete the breakthrough!

Just let his strength continue to change, and his combat power will increase!

In contrast, the biggest gain may be the so-called "power of reception"!

Night falls!

It was a peaceful night!

Early the next morning, Long Shinu came to call for a fight!

"Jiang Tian, ​​come out to this girl, I want revenge!"

"Dragon Stone Girl, you are really here!"

Jiang Tian walked out of the stone hall and looked at the other party lightly.

Today's Dragon Stone Girl still looks the same, but her aura is stronger than yesterday!

This surprised him quite a bit!


Long Shinv was also a little surprised when she noticed the change in Jiang Tian's breath.

But she didn't change her original intention and directly attacked Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​today you must..."


Before she finished speaking, Long Shinu was knocked back by Jiang Tian's punch!

"Hiss! How did your combat power... increase so much?"

Dragon Stone Girl was shocked!

She thought she would be able to catch up with Jiang Tian when she woke up.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian's combat power increased, far beyond her imagination!

Jiang Tian's strength is already above hers, and after a day, the changes are even greater than hers.

In other words, the gap between her and Jiang Tian is getting bigger and bigger!

Even if you go back and sleep for a few more days, you won't be able to catch up, and you'll even be left farther and farther behind!

"How is it possible, how did you cultivate, don't talk about it, let me guess!"

Long Shinv's mind was in a hurry. Under the seemingly ugly appearance, there was actually a clever heart hidden.

"I understand! You must have been retreating with all your strength yesterday, preparing for today's match, right?

I guess, you must have refined a lot of rare treasures!

Hehe, think about it too, you can come to True Dragon Sacred Land, you naturally have some background, and after coming here, you must do your best to improve your cultivation to stand firm!

So, in this case, I am not afraid of you! "

After some analysis, Long Shinu thought she had found the key to the problem.

In order to prepare for today's fight, a lot of rare resources have been refined. It can be seen that Jiang Tian is actually more nervous than her, for fear of losing!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​you are nothing more than that, let me sleep for another three days and you will lose, just wait for me!"

Long Shinu laughed loudly, and immediately went back to sleep!

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