Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

At this moment, Long Lin suddenly arrived!

"Long Lin! Hahaha, it seems that someone is more anxious than me to teach you a lesson!"

Long Shinu laughed, ready to watch the excitement.

"Long Lin?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly!

Seeing his expression, Long Lin, who flew up from the sky, hurriedly explained before he landed.

"Brother Jiang Clan, don't worry, I'm not here to provoke you, I'm here to report!"

"Report, you report to him?"

Dragon Stone Girl was stunned!

Yesterday she went to bed after fighting with Jiang Tian, ​​and didn't know what happened afterwards.

I thought Long Lin was here to trouble Jiang Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that the other party looked like he was licking a dog!

What's the situation?

"Can anyone tell me what happened yesterday?"

Dragon Stone girl is in a hurry!

Turning his head and glanced, he immediately grabbed a certain evildoer in the holy land who was watching the excitement.

"you say!"

"Shi... Sister Shi Nu clan calm down, I say, I say everything!

Yesterday Long Lin came to challenge Brother Jiang, and was severely beaten by him... Not only that, the six top evildoers Long Han and Long Zheng in the outer area besieged Brother Jiang, and they were all easily crushed by him, and he also..."

"Enough! I see!"

Long Shinu interrupted her, and she was extremely shocked!

Turning his head to look at Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes are extremely dignified!

Long Lin, Long Han, Long Zheng and others were all defeated by Jiang Tian, ​​which is enough to explain the problem.

Such Jiang Tian, ​​she is indeed no match!

"Jiang Tian, ​​oh no, Brother Jiang Clan, your strength is already so strong, why are you still staying in the outer area?"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian looked at Long Shinu, somewhat surprised.

I thought the other party would be furious and entangled endlessly, but I didn't expect the attitude to change so quickly!

But Longshinv's attitude is different from that of Long Lin's licking dogs. She seems to really admire her own strength?

"Brother Jiang, I admire your strength. I am not qualified to challenge you in a short time, but I still have to tell the truth, the outer area is not where you stay, you can go to the central area!"

"Well, I do have such a plan." Jiang Tian said lightly.

Not to mention the peripheral areas, he never thought of staying too long even in the True Dragon Family.

The purpose of his coming to the True Dragon Family is to go to the Star Market!

If there was no reason for the star market, Jiang Tian would even refuse to come to the Holy Land of the True Dragon!

Long You knows this!

"Brother Jiang, don't waste any more time here. You are new here and you don't understand the situation, but I can tell you that the superior resources of the True Dragon Sacred Land start from the central area. The outer area is just like its name. It is just a peripheral area. Except that the aura condition is better than the outside of the Holy Land, there is actually nothing!"

Long Shinv opened the chatterbox, eloquently, appearing extremely enthusiastic.

Jiang Tian knew that everything the other party said was true.

Although it's only been a day since he came here, he has already seen it.

There are indeed no commendable resources in the peripheral area, not even a decent spiritual vein!

The real good things must be in the central region.

And the top resources of the Holy Land obviously only exist in the core area!

"Since that's the case, why are you hesitating, Brother Jiang, go with me, anyway, I've had enough of staying in the outer area!"

Long Shinu looked familiar, and she was going to pull Jiang Tian away!

"Hey, hello, Longshi girl, men and women can't kiss each other, what are you doing? Let go of Brother Jiang, what's coming at me!"

Long Lin opened Longshinv's hand with a slap, and shouted in a serious manner.

"Get out! I'm talking to brother Jiang, what are you trying to get close to?" Long Shinu scolded.

Long Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to inform Brother Jiang that Long Han and Long Zheng, who were defeated by him yesterday, went to the central area of ​​the Holy Land to file a complaint. They gathered a group of experts from the central area to settle accounts with Brother Jiang. I'm here to remind him to stay away for a while!"

"Oh, Long Lin, are you really so kind?"

Dragon Stone Girl couldn't help but sneer!

Long Lin doesn't have a very good reputation in the Holy Land.

"You, Long Lin, are a bullying guy. Shouldn't you take refuge in those strong men and deal with brother Jiang clan together to wash away yesterday's shame?"

"Wipe your ass!" Long Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Do you think you're really stupid? Brother Jiang's strength may not be as strong as those in the central region for the time being, but he's only been in the Holy Land for a day, so he's already so powerful. His future potential must be immeasurable. I, Long Lin, will not abandon the light to the dark!"

"I see!" Dragon Stone Girl laughed!

Turning to look at Jiang Tian.

"Brother Jiang, you heard Long Lin's words, so let me ask you, are you afraid?"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly: "What do I have to be afraid of? They are willing to come, just let them come!"

"Very good! I'll just say this to you, you are my friend, and I'm a girl from Longshi!"

Long Shinv patted her chest, laughed and stood beside Jiang Tian.

"..." Jiang Tian couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

A moment ago, Long Shinu was still fighting with him, but in the blink of an eye she forcibly regarded herself as a friend, somewhat speechless!

But I have to say that Long Shinu's daring character is much brighter than Long Han and Long Zheng who can't afford to lose!

Those people thought they were strong at the beginning, but they couldn't afford to lose after losing, and they refused to admit they lost, so they ran to find backers and came back to take revenge.

He has seen this kind of routine too much!

Long Lin originally wanted to dodge for a while, but seeing that Long Shinu was so determined, he couldn't dodge anymore.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "I, Long Lin, have also made friends like Jiang Clan Brother. If they want to come, let them come. I, Long Lin and Jiang Clan Brother, will do it with them!"


Before the words fell, more than a dozen figures rushed from the central area, shaking the void rumbling!

Several of them were Long Han, Long Zheng and others who were beaten by Jiang Tianchuang yesterday.

"Brother Longlu, sister Longling, he is Jiang Tian!"

Long Han led the way, pointing at Jiang Tian and yelling loudly before landing.

"This is the person who took advantage of us yesterday by relying on illusion, and didn't pay attention to the masters in the central region!"

"Brother Longlu, sister Longling, you must teach him a lesson today!"

The crowd came to the top of the mountain, condescending and full of momentum.

"You are Jiang Tian, ​​I want to see, what skills do you have?"

Longlu looked at Jiang Tian coldly, with the air of a condescending strongman.

"Longlu, Longling, you are also strong in the central region after all. So many people beat a newcomer, isn't it too bullying?"

Long Shinv pointed at the dragon deer and the dragon antelope and loudly cared for them.

"Longshinv, today's matter has nothing to do with you, you stand far away!"

Longlu issued a warning to Longshinv.

"Hmph, I, Longshinv, just can't stand your bullying behavior. If you want to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​then fight me too!"

"Dragon Stone Girl, don't think we dare not touch you!"

"Then you come!"

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