Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7234 Qinghui Longyu

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"Arrogance!" Long Ling's face darkened!

As the proud daughter of the Dragon Clan, she has always relied on herself to be strong.

Facing the provocation at this moment, he is already angry!

"I'll teach her a lesson!"

Longlu slapped out from the air.

A palm print like a grinding disc appeared above Longshi Nu, and it spun rapidly, summoning the aura of heaven and earth around it, turning into a huge vortex and hitting it down with a huge palm!

Kachacha... Boom!

"not good!"

Dragon Stone Girl's complexion suddenly changed!

Longlu is worthy of being a master in the central area, this palm is so powerful that she is almost powerless to resist!

At this moment, she relied on the body of the rock dragon to forcefully support it, but the boulder on the surface of her body had already begun to crack!

If this continues, she will be severely injured!

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he punched out!


The giant vortex palm collapsed, and the pressure on Longshinu disappeared instantly!

"Brother Jiang Clan, you are too strong!"

Dragon Stone Girl is overjoyed!

Although this palm was not a direct contest, it also proved that Jiang Tian had the ability to fight against Longlu.

As for who will win, she still dare not say for sure.

After all, Longlu didn't use his full strength in this attack!

But there is no doubt that there will be a good show to watch next!

At this time, Longlu no longer paid attention to Longshinv.

Because his goal here is Jiang Tian!

And he has some scruples about Dragon Stone Girl.

Firstly, the other party has a strong backer, and secondly, no matter what, Longshinv is the direct blood of the real dragon family, so it is not appropriate to form an enmity unless necessary.

But Jiang Tian is different!

For the evildoers of this clan, Jiang Tian is an outsider. Not only does he have no backing on the side of his clan, but even on the side of the branch, he is just a bloodline with a foreign surname.

Facing such an opponent, he certainly would not have any scruples!

"An outsider dares to come to my True Dragon Holy Land to make a fortune, let me teach you a lesson!"

Longlu shouted violently, raised his hand and patted Jiang Tian with a palm.


The huge vortex of palm energy shrouded down like a cloud that filled the sky.

The terrifying coercion made Long Shinu's face change drastically!

"Brother Jiang Clan, you don't have to hold on, hurry back!"

At this time, the Dragon Stone lady really realized how big the gap between her and Longlu was.

Compared with the attack just now, the coercion of Longlu's palm is nearly doubled!

If she carried it with the body of a rock dragon, she would definitely be severely injured!

Although Jiang Tian is stronger, he may not be able to bear this palm.

"There's nothing to be afraid of!"

Jiang Tian looked calm, raised his hand and punched out.


There was a violent roar, and this seemingly terrifying palm print burst apart!

"Huh?" A trace of seriousness appeared on Longlu's face for the first time!

He was not too surprised that Jiang Tian blocked the previous palm.

After all, he crushed Long Han and Long Zheng with one opponent.

But this time, it really surprised him!

"You are indeed capable, but in front of me, Longlu, you will definitely lose!"


Longlu took a deep breath, and a dazzling green light burst out from his body!

A mighty dragon's prestige then spread out, covering the entire mountain top!

"Qinghui Longyu, Brother Longlu Clan is amazing!"

Long Han and Long Zheng shouted excitedly!

"No, it's Qinghui Longyu, brother Jiang clan, go back!"

Long Shinv felt inappropriate, and reminded Jiang Tian to retreat.

"Brother Jiang Clan doesn't know that Qinghui Longyu is the blood talent that Longlu is proud of. This Qinghui contains the power of the dragon bloodline. Being in it can increase his strength by a few percent out of thin air, and the opponent's strength will be forcibly lowered by a few percent. Under the ups and downs, he can easily crush his opponent. Even if he meets someone stronger than him, he can remain invincible!"

"Qinghui Longyu is no small matter, Brother Jiang Clan can't take it hard!"

Long Lin broke free from the mountain and shouted anxiously.

He was overwhelmed by Jiang Tian's strength, and thus became Jiang Tian's licking dog.

But his ultimate goal is to cling to Jiang Tian, ​​the future "big tree", so that he can enjoy the shade in the future.

It seems that the hope is great, but in fact it is nothing more than a big gamble!

If Jiang Tian was seriously injured by Longlu and his foundation was damaged, his bet would be lost.

And after offending Longlu, he will be suppressed everywhere in the central region, and it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold!

"Brother Jiang Clan, retreat quickly!"

Long Lin roared anxiously!

But Jiang Tian has no intention of backing down!

"Qinghui Longyu, try my sword domain!"


Jiang Tian sacrificed the Star Sword Field, and slammed into the Qinghui Dragon Field fiercely!

With a loud noise that shook the sky, the void above the top of the mountain slammed and trembled violently!



Long Lin's complexion changed drastically, Long Shinu felt bad!

Facing the powerful Qinghui Longyu, instead of hiding, Jiang Tian chose to challenge head-on.

It is unwise!

The next moment, the exclamation sounded suddenly!

And this exclamation did not come from Jiang Tian, ​​but from Longlu on the opposite side!

"How can it be?"


Violet light flickered wildly in mid-air, and the purple-black sword field rose up, abruptly breaking through the Qinghui Dragon Field, and heading towards Longlu to suppress it.

"It makes no sense!"

A fierce look flashed in Longlu's eyes, and he rubbed his palms together, and he wanted to use another method.

But at this moment, Long Ling, who hadn't made a move, suddenly grabbed his shoulders, a silver light flashed all over his body, and both of them disappeared in place!

Boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The purple-black sword field rolled down, blasting a huge hole where the two of them stood!

The sword intent is rampant, showing a terrifying power!

"Longling, what are you doing?"

Longlu questioned Longling, very annoyed.

Long Ling said expressionlessly: "You can't bear the power of this sword field!"

"Impossible! My strong man in the central area of ​​Longlu Tangtang will never be suppressed by his foreign blood!"

Longlu's eyes were ferocious, and he refused to accept it.

Glaring at Jiang Tian, ​​he roared sharply!

"Jiang Tian, ​​defeat me!"

He swayed towards Jiang Tian, ​​and rubbed his hands violently. Two huge cyan palm prints emerged at the same time, one left and one right twisting against each other to press against Jiang Tian.

"Qinghui Dragon's Spinning Palm!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Long Ling's face!

The Qinghui Dragon Spinning Palm is one of Longlu's trump cards, it contains the powerful power of Qinghui Longyu, and it is extremely powerful.

Even if she confronts her, you have to be careful.

Can Jiang Tian hold this palm?

"Qinghui Dragon's Spinning Palm!"

"It's over!"

The hearts of Long Lin and Long Shinu have already sunk!

They have heard the ominous name of Qinghui Dragon's Spinning Palm a long time ago!

With this method, Longlu has defeated many peers who are stronger than him.

In the face of such means, Jiang Tian is afraid that he will no longer be able to resist!

The two palm prints rotated in opposite directions, echoing left and right, twisting and shaking the void!

The powerful coercion makes it difficult for the opponent to adapt. Most people can only dodge with all their strength when encountering this situation.

But Jiang Tian, ​​who didn't dodge at the beginning, now even if he wanted to dodge, it's too late!

The hearts of Long Lin and Long Shinv sank to the bottom of the valley, as if seeing Jiang Tian being severely injured!

"That's all!"

Jiang Tian sneered and struck out with both fists!

Boom, chacha!

The two counter-rotating palm prints exploded at the sound, and the huge coercion did not have any impact on Jiang Tian!

But at the same time as these two palm prints exploded, hundreds of terrifying spatial cracks suddenly formed!

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