Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7235 dragon antelope change face

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"Hahahaha, do you really think that I, Longlu, are easy to deal with?"

Longlu suddenly laughed wildly!

The two palm prints of Qinghuilong's rotating palm are actually just a cover-up.

The current crack in space is where its real power lies!

Crack, crack!


Terrible roars resounded through the void, and hundreds of huge space cracks intertwined and converged, like terrifying demons relieving themselves and rushing towards Jiang Tian at a frightening speed!


Long Lin's face was pale, and he was already desperate!

"Jiang Tian!"

Longshi exclaimed, mournfully and solemnly!

If he reacted earlier, Jiang Tian would still have a chance to dodge.

Even if you want to hide now, I'm afraid it's too late!

Even if he possessed space escapism, under the blockade and strangulation of hundreds of space cracks, it was too late to use it.

Even if it is forcibly used, it is impossible to retreat completely!

This time, Jiang Tian will definitely lose!

"One light and one dark, there are indeed some ways, but it's a pity you can't do anything to me!"


Jiang Tian stood where he was, letting the terrible crack in space strangle him.

Just when everyone thought he was going to be smashed to pieces, a terrifying scene appeared!

When these spatial cracks touched his body, they disappeared strangely without a trace!

It neither tore his body apart nor seriously injured him.

Not to mention destroying his physical body as everyone imagined, Jiang Tian stood motionless except for the turbulence of his robe.

Look, maybe even have some fun?

"My God!"

"how come?"

Long Lin and Long Shinu looked at each other, and they both saw incredible expressions on each other's faces!

"How can it be?"

The exclamation sounded, it came from Longlu!

He looked at Jiang Tian in shock, almost thinking it was a hallucination!

"Space super-body, no, it's a void super-body!"

Long Ling spoke suddenly, his eyes were extremely cold!

At first, she also thought that Jiang Tian was nothing special.

But as time went by, she found that everyone underestimated this outsider.

"Void overlord?"

Longlu suppressed the shock in his heart, his face was extremely ugly.


Only the Void Hegemony can safely withstand or even ignore the strangling of hundreds of space cracks, and even enjoy it.

If it is an ordinary space hegemony, it can't be so easy!

"Void Dominant Physique, Brother Jiang Clan, so you are Void Dominant Physique!"

Long Shinu laughed, and the worries in her heart were swept away.

Longlu's method is mixed with the dual power of blood and space, and its strength is very strong.

She once felt fear and despair for Jiang Tian!

But since Jiang Tian is a Void Overlord, the effect of Longlu's methods will be greatly reduced!

Because for this kind of physique, space cracks and space spiritual power are not only not a threat, they are even a good nourishment.

"Damn it! I, Dragon Deer..."

"Don't fight anymore, you are not his opponent!"

Long Ling spoke coldly, signaling to stop fighting.

"I...I don't accept it!"

Longlu's fists were clenched, obviously unwilling to admit defeat.

But he obviously has no confidence, otherwise he would have rushed forward to fight.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are very strong. On behalf of the monsters in the central region, I welcome you to join me!"

Long Ling did not choose to make a move, but showed his favor to Jiang Tian!

It's just that her expression is extremely cold!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was somewhat surprised.

I thought that Longling would attack him after Longlu, but I didn't expect this woman to stay out of the matter!

"Longling, what are you doing?"

Longlu questioned angrily!

He had just been robbed of the limelight by Jiang Tian, ​​and Long Ling actually regarded him as a good person, what did he think of him?

"Longlu, you have to calm down. If you don't accept it, you can continue to fight with him. I won't stop you!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you don't need to stay in the outer area anymore. Come with me to the central area. I will introduce you to the top experts there. By the way, I can find you a good place to stay and lay a good foundation for your future in the True Dragon Family!"

Long Ling still had no expression on his face, but his words were very seductive and sounded very sincere.

"Sister Longling invites you personally, it's a rare opportunity!" Long Lin's eyes brightened!

The background of the dragon antelope is much stronger than that of the dragon and deer, and its strength is also stronger.

It's good for Jiang Tian to make friends with this kind of person!

"Brother Jiang Clan, promise her quickly!"

Long Shinu is also urging Jiang Tian.

Opportunities like this are hard to come by.

What's more, if the other party proposes it on his own initiative, if he doesn't agree quickly, what else is he thinking?

"No need! I will go to the central region by myself, and you don't need to lead the way."

Jiang Tian said lightly, directly rejecting the other party's kindness!

"Brother Jiang Clan, do you know what you missed?"

"Sister Longling has a great influence in the central region, she has a wide network of contacts, and her background is also very strong. With her, you will save a lot of detours!" Long Lin and Long Shinu were deeply surprised.

But they couldn't change Jiang Tian's attitude, they could only be anxious.

"Sister Longling Clan, I don't appreciate your kindness!"

Ka Ka Ka!

Longlu clenched his fists more and more loudly, and even fanned the flames, trying to provoke Longlu.

But Long Ling's city is much deeper than his!

He just smiled coldly: "Brother Jiang's pride is admirable, since you don't want to rely on others, I didn't say anything just now.

Not all masters in the central region are as good as Longlu. When you get there, you have to be more cautious and take care of yourself!

I still have to practice, so let me say goodbye first! "

After Long Ling finished speaking, he turned around and swept away without haste.

Leave Longlu frozen in place!

"Longling, I've learned the lesson!" Longlu shouted at the far away Longling.

Long Ling didn't seem to hear him, and ignored him at all!

"High, really high!"

Long Lin couldn't help sighing.

In the beginning, Long Ling indeed came with Long Lu and the others, and they were very aggressive.

It seems to be a camp that wants to stand up for Long Han, Long Zheng and the others.

But with Longlu's defeat, Longling said something surprising and also took a surprising position!

Although Longlu was angry, there was nothing he could do!

"Being used as a gunman, and still not looking back, such an idiot is really hopeless!"

Long Shinu sneered mockingly, and glanced at Longlu from the corner of her eye.

"Dragon Stone Girl, who are you talking about?"

Longlu was worried that he couldn't find a target to vent his anger on, and when he heard Long Shinu's insinuations, his anger was almost uncontrollable!

"Who do you think I'm talking about?" Long Shinu asked with a sneer.

"I...I want to teach you a lesson!"

Longlu was completely furious!

With a wave of his big hand, he slapped Long Shinu fiercely.

At this time, Long Shinv didn't hide at all, she stood there waiting for the palm print to fall.



Jiang Tian blasted out with one punch, knocking Longlu back!

The palm prints that fell in the air were also scattered by him!


Longlu was pushed back by Jiang Tianzhen, and blood rushed to his throat.

But in order to maintain the image of a strong man in the central region, he swallowed it abruptly.

"Well...Jiang Tian, ​​today's humiliation will be reported in the future!"

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