Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7237 Go straight to the quasi-divine vein

"Brother Jiang Clan, we have never known each other before fighting. My loyalty to you can be demonstrated by heaven and earth, and can be seen by the sun and the moon. Unlike some people who become arrogant once they become stronger!"

"Hmph! Brother Jiang Clan and I are truly acquainted without fighting. Who do you think you are?"

After saying a few words, the two quarreled again.

"You guys fight, I'll find a place to stay first."

Jiang Tian stepped forward and swept the two of them to the spot.

"Brother Jiang Clan, wait for me! Dragon Stone Girl, I'll take care of you later!"

“It’s not yet certain who will deal with who!”

Boom, boom!

The two of them rushed to follow.

As a monster in the central region, Long Lin is more familiar with the environment here.

At this time, he used his advantage to lead the way for Jiang Tian.

"Brother Jiang Clan, although the best places to stay in the central area are the three quasi-divine veins, those three places are all occupied by the top monsters here. We are new here. To be on the safe side, we can choose places with less spiritual energy, such as the ones in front. A mountain!"

Long Lin pointed to the mountains ahead.

The clouds are floating there and the light is brilliant!

Those flowing clouds are obviously spiritual clouds condensed with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

"There are three quasi-divine veins in the central area?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Yes! Their qualities are somewhat different. The one in the middle is of the best grade, while the other two are slightly inferior, but both have reached the level of quasi-divine veins. It's a pity that they have been taken over by others!

Therefore, I recommend Brother Clan to settle in the peaks ahead. It is close to the three quasi-divine veins and is the second best place for spiritual energy in the central region. It is barely worthy of Brother Clan’s talent! "

Long Lin introduced the situation here to Jiang Tian, ​​with an attentive smile on his face.

"Tsk!" Long Shinu suddenly sneered!

"Dragon Stone Girl, why are you laughing?" Long Lin was a little annoyed!

"I laugh at you for having too low a vision and for underestimating Brother Jiang's strength. Only the best spiritual veins can match him. Why should we settle for second best?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Brother Jiang, I don't mean to offend, just to be on the safe side. After all, you have just arrived in the central region and have not yet competed with the top monsters here. Their strength is not comparable to that of Dragon Deer and Dragon Antelope. of!"

Long Lin explained quickly, his face turned red with anxiety!

Of course Jiang Tian wouldn't care about this.

He waved his hands gently and said: "It doesn't make much difference to me where I settle down, but Long Shinu is right, I really don't need to settle for the second best!"

Long Lin's expression changed: "Brother Jiang clan...are you really going to challenge the quasi-divine vein?"

"Hahaha, that's right! Long Lin, you are really confused!"

Long Shinv laughed heartily, excited about her judgment, and stepped on Long Lin.

"That's unreasonable!" Long Lin was so angry that his face turned livid.

His suggestion was entirely out of safety considerations, but unexpectedly it became a stepping stone for Long Shinu, giving her an advantage over Jiang Tian.

"If Brother Jiang Clan wants to go there, I will have no problem, but I have to be careful about the top monsters there, they are really strong!"

"Do you know the situation in the core area?"

Jiang Tian suddenly asked!

"core zone?"


Long Lin and Long Shinu gasped at the same time!

"The monsters in the core area are far more powerful than those in the central area. They are not on the same level at all!"

"I heard that someone there seems to have entered the realm of god creation. Is it true or not?"

Although they are both in the True Dragon Holy Land, the core area is still a mysterious place for them.

They don't know the real situation there, and most of their existing knowledge comes from certain rumors.

"The people who practice in the True Dragon Holy Land are all young monsters of their own clan. Almost all of them are at the half-step level of the God-creating realm. However, with the continuous improvement of their strength, the top monsters who have entered the core area will not be able to break through to the God-making realm. Impossible!" Long Lin looked extremely solemn!

"Long Lin is right about this. I suggest Brother Jiang to establish a foothold in the central area first, and then go to the core area after his strength reaches a certain level!"

Long Shinu rarely refuted Long Lin, and her attitude was extremely cautious.

"Now that I'm here, I naturally want to feel the top combat power here. Let's go!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward and headed straight for the mountain peak ahead.

Long Lin's eyes lit up, and he finally regained a sense of superiority!

"How about it, Dragon Stone Girl, Brother Jiang Clan, you should accept my suggestion, right?"

"Tsk! What's there to show off? Isn't it obvious?"

Long Shinu rolled her eyes at him. It seemed that Long Lin had the upper hand this round.

But they were soon stunned!

Jiang Tian did not stop at the peaks Long Lin mentioned, but passed straight by and continued forward!

"What does Brother Jiang want to do? He shouldn't..."

"That's right! Brother Jiang Clan must be going straight to the quasi-divine vein!"

Long Lin couldn't believe it, but Long Shinu was firm.

Jiang Tian did not settle on those mountain peaks, he was obviously going straight to the quasi-divine vein!

"Follow up quickly!"

The two of them did not dare to neglect and followed as quickly as possible.

After Jiang Tian crossed the mountain range, he stood in the air and stared at the three giant peaks in front of him!

It's surrounded by clouds and full of aura!

It is the place where the three quasi-divine veins are located!

Every divine vein is hidden deep in a giant peak!

There is no stone palace on the giant peak, only caves carved into the mountain!

Such a setting can allow warriors to enjoy the nourishment of spiritual veins to the greatest extent and reduce the loss of spiritual vein essence.

After waiting and watching for a while, Jiang Tian headed straight for these three giant peaks!

"The quasi-divine veins on the left and right are about the same level. Which one will Brother Jiang go to?" Long Lin touched his chin and murmured to himself.

"I guess he will definitely go to the one in the middle!" Long Shinu said.

"No way, the people above are the top monsters in the central region. Their strength far exceeds that of Longlu and Longling. Brother Jiang Clan may not be able to cope with it!"

Long Lin did not agree with the other party's judgment.

But the next moment, he was stunned!

Sure enough, as Long Shinu guessed, Jiang Tian had a clear goal and went straight to the giant peak in the middle!

"Oh my God, he really wants to challenge that quasi-divine vein in the middle!"

"Follow me quickly, there will definitely be a good show to watch later!" Long Shinu was extremely excited!

"Dragon Stone Girl, are you making fun of Brother Jiang? Aren't you afraid that I will sue you?"

Long Lin's face darkened, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When Long Shinu said this, she seemed to be looking down on Jiang Tian, ​​and even seemed to be gloating about his misfortune!

"Long Lin, you are such a pig-brained person. Did you hear that I was making fun of Brother Jiang?"

"You are clearly the one!" Long Lin growled!

"Tsk! What I mean is that Brother Jiang will soon show combat power beyond your imagination, shocking the top monsters in the central region. What do you think?"

"Dragon Stone Girl, this is not how flattering works. No matter how optimistic you are about Brother Jiang, we have to face reality!"

Long Lin was a little dissatisfied!

Yes, Jiang Tian is indeed very strong, but not so strong that he ignores everything.

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