Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7238 The top cave in the central region

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Today is his second day in the True Dragon Holy Land. The risk is too great to directly challenge the top monster in the central region!

"We'll see!"

"Hmph, let me see how long you can keep your words?"

Long Lin flicked his sleeves and followed.

at this time!

Jiang Tian has landed on the giant peak in the middle!

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, he headed straight to the top of the mountain!

There is a majestic stone gate there. It is the cave with the best location and spiritual energy conditions in this quasi-divine vein!

"Hiss! Brother Jiang Clan is actually going there!"

Long Lin's expression suddenly changed!

"Who is in that cave?" Long Shinu asked.

"Long Xiaonan!"

"It's him!"

Hearing Long Lin's answer, Long Shinv's expression changed immediately!

Long Xiaonan is the top evildoer of the younger generation of the True Dragon Family, and he also has great intimidation power in the True Dragon Holy Land.

Ever since he entered the Holy Land, there have been countless monsters who wanted to please him and become his little brother.

But perhaps it was because he was too strong and his genius' arrogance made him disdain to be associated with anyone.

So I have never accepted anyone’s flattery as a vassal!

His arrival also broke many records in the True Dragon Holy Land!

He only stayed in the outer area for three days before breaking into the central area.

And after only staying in the central area for five days, he broke into the quasi-divine vein!

He defeated one of the three top masters in the central region at that time and grabbed the best-positioned cave on the quasi-divine vein on the left.

Then it took another five days to seize the right to use the quasi-divine vein in the middle!

Since then, he has been practicing in this cave for half a year now!

In half a year, everyone's respect for Long Xiaonan has grown day by day!

No one knows how powerful Long Xiaonan is now.

But everyone knows that Long Xiaonan is much more powerful now than he was half a year ago!

Therefore, in the past six months, no one has dared to challenge Long Xiaonan!

Everyone is waiting for him to leave!

Only after he goes to the core area will others have the opportunity to compete for the right to use this quasi-divine vein and this top cave!

"Brother Jiang clan, please don't. The person inside is Long Xiaonan! This person swept across the central region half a year ago. He has been in seclusion for half a year and now, his strength has reached an unknown level. No one in this area dares to challenge him!"

"Brother Jiang Clan, Long Lin is right, I think it's better to be more cautious!"

Dragon Stone Girl was also a little worried.

Long Xiaonan's reputation is like thunder. Although she has a hot temper, she is also self-aware.

Although Jiang Tian is much stronger than her, if he encounters an opponent like Long Xiaonan, he will probably fail!

Jiang Tian looked calm, as if he didn't hear the two men's dissuasion.

He spoke coldly and only uttered one word!



The word "war" turned into rolling thunder and boomed into the cave.


A dull loud noise echoed in the cave, but was soon suppressed by an even more violent roar!

"Arrogant! Since I entered the central region, no one has dared to challenge me for half a year. Who are you to dare to challenge me?"

This is Long Xiaonan's voice!

Like thunder, it surged out of the cave and headed straight for Jiang Tian!


The aura around Jiang Tian swayed, and the two auras collided with each other, causing a terrifying loud noise!

The void twisted and vibrated, stirring up waves of spiritual power!

The terrifying noise immediately attracted many monsters to watch!

"Hiss! What's going on?"

"Someone is calling for war against Long Xiaonan!"

"Who is he? How can he have the courage to challenge Long Xiaonan? Doesn't he know Long Xiaonan's record?"

One by one, the monsters flew out of the cave and watched enthusiastically.

"Hey, it's a stranger!"

"Which elder is this new guy a descendant of?"

"If you dare to challenge Long Xiaonan, you must have some background. Does anyone know him?"

Everyone was talking a lot, trying to find out the details of this person.

For a while, no one could answer it!

Because none of these people know Jiang Tian!

"Why is it him?"

The exclamation suddenly sounded!

An "acquaintance" came near Jufeng.

The moment I saw Jiang Tian, ​​I couldn't help but be surprised!

This person is none other than Jiang Tian’s mobile phone defeater, Long Lu!

Jiang Tian had just defeated him and came to the central area so quickly.

At this moment, he felt huge pressure!

"Longlu, do you know him?" someone asked.

"Not only do we know each other, we have also fought against him!"

Longlu's face was ashen.

"You have fought against him. How is his strength?"

"Haha, needless to say, it seems you have been defeated by him!"

"This man can defeat you, and his strength is not bad. Tell me, which elder is he a descendant of?"

Everyone asked questions one after another, eager to know the details of Jiang Tian.

Long Lu frowned: "He is not a descendant of any elder, but an outsider!"



"Are you kidding me? How dare an outsider challenge Long Xiaonan casually?"

"How long has he been here? I haven't seen him in the central area. He has been practicing in the outer area for a long time, right?"

Everyone asked.

Longlu's face was extremely ugly and he didn't want to explain at all.

What should he say?

Do you want to tell everyone that Jiang Tian only has more than a day to arrive at the True Dragon Holy Land?

In that case, where would he put his face?

"His name is Jiang Tian. He is the top leader in this Qianlong Martial Arts Association. He comes from the Moju Mountain lineage!"

A cold voice sounded, and a woman appeared in front of everyone.

It’s none other than Longling!

"Longling, do you know his details?"

"It turns out to be from a branch lineage. Hasn't the top name in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association always been from the True Tong lineage?"

"Moju Mountain? If I remember correctly, this is a weak branch ranked in the middle and lower reaches!"

"Such a weak branch can also win the first place in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association. You can't be mistaken, right?"

Everyone looked at Longling and kept asking questions.

Long Ling said coldly: "I also hope it's a mistake, but unfortunately it's not!"

After returning to the central area, she had confirmed Jiang Tian's origins with the elders behind her, so there was nothing wrong.

"If it's true, that's an exaggeration!"

"Hey, wait a minute, since you come from the Moju Mountain lineage, why is your surname Jiang? Is it a return of the foreign surname to the bloodline?"

"Yes, you guessed it right!" Longling nodded.

"Hiss! My surname has returned to my bloodline, and I can actually get the first place in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association. It's not easy!"

"No wonder he has the courage to challenge Long Xiaonan, but he is afraid that he doesn't know how powerful Long Xiaonan is, and he will definitely fail this time!"

"Hmph, a foreign surname from a branch has returned to the bloodline and dares to challenge the number one evildoer in the central region. It is appropriate to teach him a lesson!"

After a brief moment of surprise, everyone sneered and cast disdainful looks at Jiang Tian.

However, Longling always maintained a cold expression: "You may not know yet, but today is his second day in the True Dragon Holy Land!"

"The next day, did he arrive in the central area yesterday?" Someone blurted out and asked, but was interrupted by Longling.

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