Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7239 Long Xiaonan

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"You made a mistake, he didn't come to the Central Region the next day, but the True Dragon Sacred Land the next day!"


"Is this true?"

Everyone was amazed!

The next day when I came to the True Dragon Sacred Land, did I come to challenge Long Xiaonan?

This Jiang Tian is no ordinary arrogance!

"Hmph, this person really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"Long Xiaonan's strength is beyond your comparability. If you dare to challenge him, you will definitely suffer a disastrous defeat!"

"I advise you not to waste your efforts in vain, Long Xiaonan won't talk to you, if he really comes out, your end will be miserable!"

"Go back and practice for a few more years. Who is Long Xiaonan, and you can provoke him casually?"

Everyone mocked Jiang Tian wantonly, not optimistic about him at all.

"Don't underestimate him, I think he has the ability to deal with Long Xiaonan, after all, his strength is above mine!"

"Oh, so you really like him?"

Long Ling's evaluation surprised everyone!

As a master in the central region, Longling's strength is even higher than that of Longlu, and has reached a first-class level.

But she thinks she can't beat Jiang Tian, ​​and thinks that this person can deal with Long Xiaonan, which is really surprising!

"Unless Long Xiaonan refuses to fight, this battle will never be dull!"

Long Ling said coldly.

These words seemed to be answering everyone's questions, but in fact, they were for Long Xiaonan!

Because she also wanted to witness such a contest!

When defeating Longlu in the encirclement area just now, Jiang Tian didn't show his real skills at all, and he understated it from beginning to end.

If Long Xiaonan showed up, Jiang Tian would definitely fight with all his strength.

At that time, she will know Jiang Tian's limit!

"Long Ling, don't waste your time, I won't fight a new junior, you are not qualified to test my strength!"

Long Xiaonan's voice came out again, but it was much calmer than before.

He has heard the evaluation from the outside.

If the top evildoer in the central region challenges him, he may come out.

But since he is a foreigner who has just arrived in the Holy Land, he is really not interested.

This is probably Long Ling's strategy, wanting to use the hand of this foreigner to test his depth.

Among the evildoers in the central region, Long Ling has always been known for his resourcefulness, and his city is extremely deep.

But he won't take advantage of it easily and satisfy Long Ling's wish!

"Long Xiaonan, you overestimate me, whether to fight or not is your own business, it has nothing to do with me!

But to be honest, I feel more and more that this person with a foreign surname may really pose a threat to you.

Because he has broken many records since you entered the Holy Land, unless you dare not fight, this battle will definitely be suspenseful! "

Long Ling said with a sneer.

"Ridiculous, extremely speechless! No matter how talented and aptitude a person with a foreign surname has just entered the Holy Land, he can't threaten me, Long Xiaonan!

But since you said so, I really want to see if your strength is as strong as you said! "

Long Xiaonan walked out of the cave.

As soon as Fang appeared, there was a burst of exclamation!

"My God!"

"What a terrible breath!"

"His aura is much stronger than it was half a year ago!"

"It seems that this high-level quasi-spiritual vein has given him enough nourishment!"

Everyone was shocked by Long Xiaonan's change, and looked down on Jiang Tian even more.

"Such a Long Xiaonan, how can Jiang Tian, ​​an outsider, be able to compare?"

"After all, he is still reckless. If he had known Long Xiaonan's strength earlier, he would not have dared to provoke him arrogantly!"

"It's ridiculous to dare to challenge the top evildoers in the central region after just a day or two in the Holy Land!"

"He must regret it, but it's too late!"

Everyone sneered, ready to see Jiang Tian's joke.

In the face of Long Xiaonan's terrifying strength, Jiang Tian is bound to reap a crushing defeat!

"I haven't seen you in half a year, but you are so strong?" At this time, Long Ling's expression also changed suddenly!

She spoke provocatively just now because she was afraid that Long Xiaonan would not come out.

Because she also wanted to know the changes in Long Xiaonan in the past six months.

At this moment, she finally found out that Long Xiaonan's strength had improved far beyond her expectations!

This person is not something she can compete with at all!

There may not even be a chance to deal with it!

"Are you surprised?"

Long Xiaonan's eyes were indifferent, and there was a look of contempt in his words!

Long Ling stared at him for a moment, and suddenly the corners of his eyes shrank!

"In fact, you already have the strength to go to the core area, but you have been occupying the best quasi-spiritual cave in the central area. If I guessed correctly, you should have been able to advance, but you have been suppressing the realm, right?"

"As you can see!"

Long Xiaonan sneered and did not explain.

Long Ling was right, he was indeed suppressing the realm, and he didn't want to advance too early.

Because at the juncture of the half-step god-making state, the stronger the foundation is, the stronger the strength will be after the advancement.

As one of the top evildoers of the younger generation of the True Dragon Family, what he wants is not a flashy realm, but an extremely powerful cultivation base and combat power!

Therefore, he has been unable to retreat for half a year, quietly accumulating in this quasi-spiritual cave with the best conditions.

Originally, after a while, he planned to leave here and go to the core area.

Because of his accumulation, it's almost there.

It doesn't make much sense to continue to stay here!

It's just that he didn't expect that a bloodline with a foreign surname would call out to him at this time.

Coupled with Long Ling's insinuations, he simply stopped retreating.

"Long Ling, you don't need to try to find out my details. If you are really interested, you can fight with me. You two, let's fight together!"

"Go together?"

Long Ling's face was a little ugly.

Long Xiaonan actually asked her to fight with Jiang Tian, ​​two against one!

This showed that Long Xiaonan was absolutely sure of this battle, and did not take her and Jiang Tian seriously at all.

But of course she would not agree to such an "invitation"!

"My strength is indeed not as good as yours. There is no need to compare with you, but this strongest evildoer from Qianlong Wuhui may not be as weak as you think!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Long Ling's mouth.

The word "strongest" deliberately accentuated the tone, never forgetting to stimulate the other party.

"Jiang Tian, ​​let's do it!"

Long Xiaonan looked at Jiang Tian, ​​but he didn't take the initiative to attack, but let the other party do it first.

It is still a high-ranking and strong attitude!

"I want this cave!"

Jiang Tian was naturally not polite.

He came here just to rob this cave!

The rules of the True Dragon Holy Land are like this, there is nothing to say!

Jiang Tian clenched his right hand and blasted straight out, the violent force burst instantly, causing a burst of exclamation!

"Physical strength!"

"Is he so powerful?"

"It is indeed the top evildoer who has emerged from the Qianlongwuhui, it seems that it should not be underestimated!"

Those who have experienced Jiang Tian's strength will naturally not be surprised by this.

But those evildoers who don't know Jiang Tian are surprised at the moment!

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