Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7240 Three chances

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This person with a foreign surname is not as weak as they thought, and is even much stronger than they imagined!

Facing Jiang Tian's attack, Long Xiaonan did not dodge or even make any move to resist.

Just standing there, expressionless, taking Jiang Tian's punch!

The loud noise mixed with the rolling spiritual power spread wantonly, and the entire mountain top shook!

Everyone stared at the fight between the two with wide eyes!

A strange ripple suddenly appeared in front of Long Xiaonan, and he received Jiang Tian's punch like a water surface!

"What a strong defense!"

"What method is this?"

Many people exclaimed, shocked by Long Xiaonan's strength.

He stood motionless and took Jiang Tian's punch lightly.

This kind of defense is really too powerful!

"Sure enough!"

Longling was not surprised by this.

Long Xiaonan was already ridiculously strong half a year ago.

Jiang Tian's punch seemed powerful, but it could not threaten the opponent at all, not even Long Xiaonan half a year ago!

"Brother Long Xiaonan is too powerful, Jiang Tian can't threaten him at all!"

"There is no suspense in this battle. In fact, there is nothing surprising!"

"Hmph, a newcomer dares to challenge Long Xiaonan without even looking at what the True Dragon Holy Land is?"

"He's so swollen just two days after he arrived. Brother Long Xiaonan will teach him how to behave!"

Everyone sneered, and the little suspense in their hearts completely disappeared.

Jiang Tian's strength is far different from Long Xiaonan's, and they cannot threaten each other at all.

To challenge forcefully is simply to hit an egg with an egg and to overestimate your own capabilities!

"Come again, I will let you take action three times. After three times, I will take action!"

Long Xiaonan said.

Although the words were calm, everyone could hear the cruel meaning!

This means that Jiang Tian has three chances to shake the opponent!

If the opponent cannot be defeated within three times, Long Xiaonan will have to take action.

By then, Jiang Tian might not be able to withstand even one of his attacks!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really have no self-awareness? Do you still want to challenge brother Long Xiaonan even though you know you are no match?"

"If I were you, I would give in immediately, lest I end up in a disastrous defeat after three moves!"

Everyone taunted him and reminded him to admit defeat.

Jiang Tian had an indifferent look on his face, and without saying a word, he lightly punched twice in succession.

Bang, bang!

The force of these two punches was even worse than the first punch, and they didn't even touch the white ripples in front of the opponent!

Such an action shocked the entire audience!


"What is he doing?"

"Is this admitting defeat?"

Everyone was confused!

If you really want to admit defeat, this is not the way to do it, right?

Long Ling suddenly laughed: "Can't you see, he is responding to Long Xiaonan in this way!"


"too exaggerated!"

"How dare he?"

Everyone shook their heads, and some even felt angry!

Jiang Tian challenged Long Xiaonan as a weakling, which was already very reluctant.

The other party gave him three chances to take action, which was the greatest mercy!

He should seize the opportunity and give his best every time!

It’s even installed!

"You dare to provoke brother Long Xiaonan with this attitude, Jiang Tian, ​​who do you think you are?"

"You deliberately wasted the three opportunities given to you by Brother Xiaonan. You are so arrogant!"

"The opportunity is in your hands. If you don't seize it yourself, then you have no one else to blame!"

"Brother Xiaonan, teach him a profound lesson and let him sober up!"

"Yes, use your great strength to let him know what kind of thing he is, and let him know the level of monsters in our Holy Land!"

"Crush him!"

"Teach him a lesson!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, urging Long Xiaonan to take action.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are more arrogant than I thought. Now, it's my turn to take action!"

Long Xiaonan's eyes were cold and he gently flicked the back of his right hand forward.


The white ripple suspended in front of him suddenly swept out and headed straight for Jiang Tian!

The ripples rotated slowly as they swept out, making them look very gentle.

But everyone knows how powerful it is!

The first time Jiang Tian took action, the astonishing physical power hit it, but it only caused a few faint ripples.

If this hits him, how can Jiang Tian withstand it?

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian struck again, still slamming with his right fist!

The next moment, everyone's expressions changed immediately!


Accompanied by a violent loud noise, this punch hit the white ripples!

The seemingly stable ripples actually rippled rapidly!

"Oh?" Long Xiaonan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was also surprised!

The power of this punch was several times stronger than when Jiang Tian struck out for the first time!

After a blink of an eye!


White ripples exploded and were pierced by Jiang Tian's fist!

"Something good!"

Long Xiaonan's eyes were still indifferent, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

The opponent he thought he could easily crush was finally able to give him a little surprise.

"Come again!"

Long Xiaonan flipped his right palm over and struck hard through the air with his palm outward.


This time, a huge rippled palm print struck out.

The void nearby shook violently, and violent pressure swept across the entire place like a violent storm!


"So strong!"


"Brother Xiaonan is starting to use his strength. He didn't take any serious action just now!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, Long Xiaonan took out his palm prints and rushed towards Jiang Tian!



Jiang Tian shouted coldly and punched out with his right fist again!

Or the power of the physical body!

Still the same way!

The rippled giant palm touched his palm, and violent forces suddenly exploded!

What's shocking is that no matter how restless these powers are, they can't get past Jiang Tian's fist!


"Oh my God!"

"How can it be?"

"He can actually block Brother Xiaonan's attack?"

"It's impossible. He's just holding on. He'll probably fail miserably soon. Just wait and see!"

Someone makes analysis and judgment!

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise!

Jiang Tian's right fist shook slightly, and the giant white rippled fist suddenly exploded in front of him!

"The second time!"

A strange light suddenly appeared in Longling's eyes!

To say that Long Xiaonan's first attack was just a trial would be an understatement.

So this time, he used at least about 70% of his strength.

But this amazingly powerful palm couldn't even cross Jiang Tian's fist!

It’s really a bit exaggerated!

"not bad, very good!"

The sound of admiration came from Long Xiaonan!

He looked at Jiang Tian with a smile on his face!

It's just that the smile is cold and exudes a domineering temperament!

"If you can block this palm, you are indeed qualified to be my challenger. I underestimated you just now. Now, I will no longer hold back!"

Long Xiaonan's face darkened, and his eyes became extremely cold!

He waved both palms together, and two rippled palm prints appeared at the same time!

While rushing towards Jiang Tian, ​​his palms joined together and turned into a strange palm print!

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