Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7241 Dragon Spin Seal

The front side of this palm print is a rapidly rotating ripple, and the back side is a slowly rotating spiral vortex!

One positive and one negative, one fast and one slow!

Gives people a strange feeling!

The monsters present felt extremely uncomfortable just by taking a glance at it.

It's like your neck is being pinched by an invisible hand. The almost suffocating feeling makes you want to get away from the top of the mountain quickly!

"Spinning Dragon Seal! This is the method that Brother Xiaonan is proud of!"

"Brother Xiaonan finally showed his true skills!"

"With this palm, Jiang Tian will be defeated!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, the Whirling Dragon Seal had already blasted in front of Jiang Tian.

The aura surged along the way, and the power reached its peak!

"Spinning Dragon Seal? Break it for me!"


Jiang Tian used his right fist and hit hard again!

The moment the two forces came into contact, the Whirling Dragon Seal suddenly changed!

The rapidly rotating ripples on its front suddenly turned into a white net covering Jiang Tian's right arm.

The white vortex on the opposite side reversed instantly, erupting with terrifying twisting power, as if it was about to twist Jiang Tian's arm off!


"What a terrible method!"

"Brother Xiaonan is amazing!"

Shouts of exclamation resounded throughout the audience, and the spirits of the Holy Land monsters who were watching the battle were greatly boosted!

Such a method was completely caught off guard.

The two palm prints seem to be superimposed, but in fact they are independent of each other, which is amazing!

The former grabbed Jiang Tian's arm firmly at the moment of collision, preventing him from breaking free!

The latter changed his previous direction and suddenly reversed course, catching Jiang Tian off guard!

Under the crazy reversal of huge force, it may be difficult to save his arm, and it may be too late to forcefully break free!

An indifferent smile appeared on Long Xiaonan's face!

It was the smile of a winner, a look of disdain from above.

If Jiang Tian dodges this palm in time, he may still have the power to deal with it.

But he still took it hard like before, and there was no chance to escape!

"Cut it off!"

Long Xiaonan's face darkened slightly, and he yelled!


Bang bang bang!

The abnormal sound of hard objects breaking followed, which sounded heart-stopping!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian lost!"

"Not only was he defeated, but he was also severely injured and could not save his arm!"

"Brother Xiaonan is already very polite. He may still have a chance to heal on his own!"

A half-step god-creating warrior with a very powerful self-healing ability.

A broken arm can be easily restored.

"Hmph, even if he can heal himself, his strength will definitely be damaged and it will be difficult to recover in a short time!"

"This is the price of arrogance!"

"People still need to be self-aware and know how much they weigh, otherwise if they blindly challenge a strong person who is far above themselves, the end result will not be an ordinary embarrassment!"

Everyone sneered and mocked Jiang Tian.

Long Ling was also shocked at this moment!

In her opinion, Jiang Tian didn't seem to be such a reckless person, and she didn't expect that he would do such a stupid thing!

But the next moment, she suddenly made a sound of surprise!



At the same time, Long Xiaonan also showed an unexpected expression!

Bang bang bang... click, boom!

With a violent explosion, the white vortex that should have broken Jiang Tian's arm suddenly exploded!


"what's the situation?"

"what happens?"

Everyone’s expressions changed slightly!

Looking at it, I imagined that Jiang Tian's twisted and broken arm was intact!

Instead, the seemingly powerful vortex palm print completely collapsed!

"How can it be?"

"He actually forcibly dispersed Brother Xiaonan's Dragon Spin Seal!"

"How could his power be so strong?"

Exclamations sounded one after another!

The scene in front of them shocked everyone!

The whirlpool palm seal is already extremely powerful, but its sudden reversal will make people confused and caught off guard!

Not to mention an arm, even the strongest top-level fairy treasure will be torn to pieces!

Jiang Tian withstood this terrifying twisting power, and in turn shattered the vortex palm print?

Simply incredible!

"The physical body dominates the body!"

Long Xiaonan's face darkened!

Being able to withstand the terrifying twisting power and forcefully break his Dragon Spin Seal, Jiang Tian's physical dominance is absolutely extraordinary!

"You and I both took three shots, but it's really boring to fight like this. Next, let's have a head-on battle!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward, raised his right fist and punched the opponent directly.


Long Xiaonan didn't hesitate and clapped out with both palms!


The violent giant waves suddenly swayed, and the entire mountain top shook violently!

An amazing scene followed!

Jiang Tian's feet were motionless, but Long Xiaonan's body shook violently and was almost knocked back!

"How can this be?"

"Jiang Tian's power is actually stronger than brother Xiaonan's?"

"No, Brother Xiaonan must be careless!"

"Brother Xiaonan, stop holding back and teach him a lesson!"

"Show your true strength and crush this arrogant outsider!"

"The top evildoer of our True Dragon Family will never lose to an outsider!"

Everyone raised their arms and cheered for Long Xiaonan.

Long Xiaonan's power has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In their opinion, it is impossible to lose and they must firmly gain the upper hand!

The scene in front of me was just a small accident.

Long Xiaonan must have underestimated the enemy and failed to show his true strength.

As long as he takes it seriously and takes action seriously, Jiang Tian will definitely be defeated!

"That's unreasonable!"

Long Xiaonan was also anxious!

He is the number one evildoer in the central region, a being that everyone awes.

He maintained a superior and scornful attitude from the moment he came on the scene. They fought for several rounds without taking any advantage.

It’s really embarrassing!

In order to maintain his dignity and prove his strength, he must defeat Jiang Tian as soon as possible and crush this outsider in public!


"Jiang Tian, ​​get down here!"

Long Xiaonan's aura surged and he used all his strength!

Both palms clapped wildly, and white palm prints flew down towards Jiang Tian.

It was as if thick clouds were falling from the sky, and a terrifying pressure enveloped the entire mountain!

The faces of the monsters watching the battle changed, they fled in panic, and were in great embarrassment for a moment!

But the more embarrassed they are, the more excited they are!

This means that Long Xiaonan has become angry and finally showed his true skills!

Boom boom boom… boom boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and one after another ripple palm prints and vortex palm prints were crushed down crazily, constantly superimposed, making the pressure of the void reach a terrifying level!

If it weren't for the powerful protective circle, the top of the mountain would have collapsed!

"Have you finally shown your true skills? Come on then!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly!

Both fists shook and struck with heavy palm prints!

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click!

A terrifying loud noise spread across the void, the physical power exploded crazily, white ripples and swirling palm prints exploded crazily!

But this time, Long Xiaonan's offensive is not that simple!

"Do you really think that I, Long Xiaonan, have a false reputation?"

Long Xiaonan's whole body was filled with fighting spirit, and he took a step forward and rushed straight towards Jiang Tian.

Swing your palms fiercely and strike hard!

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