Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7242 Soaring Dragon Seal

"Get off the top of the mountain!"


A terrifying loud noise suddenly erupted, and Long Xiaonan's two palms struck with all his strength erupted with terrifying pressure!

The entire mountain peak was almost shattered!

While Jiang Tian was resisting the palm prints falling from the sky, it would be difficult to deal with his surprise attack.

This time, defeat is inevitable!

But the next moment, Long Xiaonan was shocked!

The palm print he blasted exploded instantly, and his palm hit two hard objects unexpectedly!

This hard object is none other than Jiang Tian's fists!

"Hiss! Not good!"


Jiang Tian shook his fists together, and violent power surged out from his fists.

Long Xiaonan couldn't hold on anymore and was immediately knocked away!


Long Xiaonan flew backwards a hundred feet away and forced himself to stand still.


His legs were forced into the ground!

He had to do this, otherwise it would be difficult to stop!


"how so?"

"Brother Xiaonan... was actually forced to retreat!"

"Jiang Tian can't be his opponent, there must be something weird!"

"Yes, this is probably our misunderstanding!"

Most of the dragon monsters present could not accept Long Xiaonan's defeat, or even accept that he was at a disadvantage.

Longling has an ambiguous attitude!

Neither on Long Xiaonan’s side, nor on Jiang Tian’s side!

She is an aloof and arrogant person, but also an all-rounder!

Only Long Lin and Long Shinu really cheered for Jiang Tian!

"Brother Jiang clan did a great job!"

"Brother Jiang is awesome, keep attacking and defeat him!"

Among the exclamations in the audience, only these two voices were supporting Jiang Tian!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​he didn't care about the voices and attitudes of the outside world.

Whether a warrior wins or loses in a battle can only be determined by his own strength. Other factors have no influence on him!

"My carelessness allowed you to take advantage of me, but I won't lose to you!"

Long Xiaonan took a deep breath and soared into the air like a cannonball.

The next moment, he moved his palms into the air, attracting a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy accumulated in front of him and turned into a huge white mist!

Soon, a dragon roar came from the white mist!

"Tenglong Seal!"

"Oh my god! This is said to be Brother Xiaonan's strongest trump card!"

"Is this the legendary Soaring Dragon Seal?"

"We are really in for a treat!"

The monsters who were watching were instantly ecstatic!

The Soaring Dragon Seal is one of Long Xiaonan's strongest trump cards. It has never been used since entering the Holy Land.

This method was originally reserved for dealing with powerful enemies that were stronger than him.

But now, it was forced to be used on Jiang Tian!

"I didn't expect that I would have to use the Tenglong Seal to face a monster with a foreign surname. Jiang Tian, ​​you are still honored even though you are defeated!"

"Tsk! The outcome is unknown, you are too happy too soon!"

"Jiang Tian! In the face of great strength, we cannot tolerate your arrogance!"

Long Xiaonan roared and activated the Soaring Dragon Seal to blast out.

Roar... boom!

The violent roar of the dragon resounded through the void, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the entire central area poured in crazily at this moment!


Jiang Tian curled his lips slightly, then revealed a sneer.

The momentum of the Soaring Dragon Seal is indeed very powerful, and the aura of the heaven and earth alone is shocking.

Seeing the power of Tenglong Seal, the monsters onlookers were completely excited!

Everyone was cheering for Long Xiaonan!

Long Lin and Long Shinv looked a little ugly, but they still supported Jiang Tian.

It's just that their voices were too weak, and were completely drowned out by the crowd's wild shouts and the thunderous roar of the dragon!

Roar... boom!

The Soaring Dragon Seal soared into the sky, wildly devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from all directions.

Soon it turned into a giant white dragon thousands of feet long!

There is a white vortex slowly rotating in the dragon's eyes.

Just one look at it seems to swallow you up!

And its huge dragon body was covered with countless white ripples!

The entire body is composed of rapidly rippling ripples, exuding terrifying pressure!


The next moment, the giant white dragon that had absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushed down and rushed straight towards Jiang Tian!

Rumble... click!

The giant dragon swooped down, and the void collapsed all the way. The violent waves of the void it aroused were actually swallowed into its belly, making its breath even more violent!


"The power of the Soaring Dragon Seal is so terrifying!"


"Brother Xiaonan used such a method to kill Jiang Tian in one fell swoop, right?"

"Although the rules of the Holy Land do not allow killing, he has repeatedly provoked and talked big words. Even if something goes wrong, I can't blame Brother Xiaonan!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​prepare for this fiasco!"

Roar... boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and the thousands-foot-long giant dragon transformed from the Soaring Dragon Seal slammed down crazily. The momentum seemed to smash the entire giant mountain into pieces!

"The Dragon Transformation Technique, get up!"

hold head high!


Jiang Tian pointed to the sky, and purple light surged crazily around him!

Transformed into a giant purple dragon and swept straight into the void!

The dragon roar that erupted was majestic and domineering, and its momentum was not inferior to that of the giant white dragon!

It seems that it is the real overlord, and that white dragon is destined to be crushed by it!

"Dragon Transformation Technique?"

"What method is this?"

"Does our True Dragon Family have this inheritance?"

Everyone looked at each other, confused for a moment!

This name sounds somewhat familiar, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that the True Dragon Family does not have this secret technique inheritance.

But the purple dragon it condensed is extremely powerful!

As soon as Fang appeared, he faintly overshadowed the white giant dragon. As he rushed forward, he had a strong tendency to turn against the guests!

Hoho... bang!

Click... boom, boom!

The next moment, two giant dragons collided crazily, and giant waves burst into the sky!

The sky was torn apart instantly, and then began to collapse in large areas!

"Two juniors, be careful when taking action, don't damage this place!"


A majestic and old voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a mighty pressure swept through the void, forcibly calming down the huge waves caused by the two giant dragons.

Everyone’s expressions changed!

"It's the elder of the Holy Land!"

"He is taking action to suppress the chaos here!"

"Strong, too strong!"

There were exclamations everywhere, everyone was shocked by the elder's reaction.

There have been countless demon showdowns in the central area of ​​the True Dragon Holy Land, but almost none of them attracted the elders' close attention.

This time Long Xiaonan and Jiang Tian fought against each other, but they did it!

"Look, those two giant dragons haven't disappeared!"

"The elder only suppressed the vision of heaven and earth and did not interfere with their duel!"

"It seems that even the elders are curious about the outcome of the two!"

"Dragon Transformation Technique" versus Soaring Dragon Seal, two giant dragons, one purple and one white, fought madly in mid-air, arousing waves of spiritual power.

Explode space cracks!

The horrifying scene forced many monsters to retreat continuously, until they were thousands of feet away before they could barely stand still.

At this time, the elders of the Holy Land were even more surprised!

And more than one person came to watch the battle!

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