Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7248 This person needs to be trained intensively

Faced with the situation of the cave being robbed, not only was he not angry, but he did him a favor.

Comparing the two, the gap between the mental cities is not as big as usual!

"Long Xuanyi, right? I accept your favor, but I want to know what is the relationship between Long Tianyi and you just now?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"Haha, thanks to Brother Jiang Clan, I feel honored! To be honest, Long Tianyi and I are cousins ​​of the same lineage. He is one year older than me, but he has always had a bad temper. If he had just I have offended Brother Jiang, so I apologize to Brother Jiang on his behalf, and I also ask Brother to be more considerate and don’t blame him!”

Long Xuanyi repeatedly raised his hands, his posture was very low.

As the saying goes, don’t hit anyone with a smile!

For such a shrewd person who knows how to advance and retreat, it is indeed difficult for people to get angry.

"It's nothing. If I'm allowed to seize the cave, shouldn't others be angry? That's understandable!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and said.

"Tsk! Brother Jiang's mind is not that broad. Anyone else might not have allowed him to escape smoothly. I really did not misjudge the person. I would like to thank Brother Jiang for his kindness. In addition, please also Brother Jiang Clan, I personally pay homage to you!"


Long Xuanyi straightened his figure and saluted Jiang Tian solemnly.

Jiang Tian smiled!

I have to say that Long Zhuoyi’s flattering skills are really amazing!

His strength is obviously not weak, but he can still be so humble and calm, always smiling, making people feel like spring breeze.

If anyone dares to look down on such a character, they may pay the price at some point!

"We are all warriors from the Holy Land, so there is no need to be so polite. Thank you!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands in greeting, and then motioned to Long Shinu and Long Lin to choose the cave.

"I'll come first! Brother Jiang, I'm going to bed first!"

Long Shinu rushed into Long Tianyi's cave first.

The conditions of the two caves are actually similar, but as Long Xuanyi is the elder brother, and his apparent strength is slightly stronger than Long Xuanyi, he will naturally occupy the better cave.

Long Lin didn't have any objections. After all, they were all quasi-divine caves, and there was no difference between them to him.

Even if he had objections, he would not dare to compete with Dragon Stone Girl!

After all, his status is far less stable than that of Dragon Stone Girl.

If we really want to fight for it, Jiang Tian probably won't side with him!

People must learn to be content!

"Thank you, Brother Jiang Clan, for your kindness. My little brother is here!"

Long Lin didn't hesitate, he rushed into the quasi-divine vein cave on the right with a whoosh, and hurriedly went to practice.

His strength is now slightly higher than that of Dragon Stone Girl, and his advantage is not big at all.

With Dragon Stone Girl's talent, she could possibly surpass him as soon as she wakes up.

The current Dragon Stone Girl dares to slap him at every turn, but the future Dragon Stone Girl will not be able to trample him under her feet?

Therefore, he did not dare to neglect at all, he must seize all the time to practice crazily, and strive not to be widened by the Dragon Stone Girl!


A low roar soon came from Longlin's cave, and he had already begun to practice hard!


From the cave on the left, the sound of Dragon Stone Girl snoring could be heard!

In an instant, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

What a gift!

"This talent is amazing!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, somewhat speechless.

"Haha, Brother Jiang's two friends are really interesting!" Long Xuanyi said with a smile, as if he was happier than Jiang Tian.

"Haha, I thank you on their behalf!" Jiang Tian nodded in response.

"Brother Jiang is so polite. In fact, I'm very familiar with them. Even if Brother Jiang doesn't come forward, it's still right to give this cave to them!"

Long Zhuoyi's words became more and more pleasant as he spoke, and the flattery was flawless.

I have to say, it’s really high!

Facing such a scene, the monsters around looked at each other with expressions that were hard to explain!

Jiang Tian may not know, but they know very well that Long Xuanyi's temper is not that good!

Before Long Xiaonan arrived, the two cousins ​​Long Tianyi and Long Zhuoyi were the overlords of the central region!

There were hundreds, if not thousands, of their own clansmen who were defeated by them, and they never held back!

Before this, everyone had never seen the smiling face of Long Xuanyi, but today they saw it, and they were full of it!

"After all, Long Xuanyi is also the top monster in the central region. His strength is only lower than Long Xiaonan. To actually kneel down and lick him like this is too exaggerated!"

"Is it an exaggeration? I don't think so. If you still try hard when you know you can't beat him, you are asking for embarrassment!"

"Yes, the rule of the Holy Land is that the strong are respected. With just a few words, Long Xuanyi eased the embarrassment and resolved a potential crisis. He even got closer to Jiang Tian. He achieved many things with one stone!"

"In this kind of city alone, there are not many people in the entire True Dragon Holy Land who can compare with him. Do you still have any objections to this point?"

"Humph, this is simply unreasonable!"

The monster was obviously still dissatisfied, but he did not dare to offend Jiang Tian.

After all, he is afraid too!

"There is nothing wrong with what Long Zhuoyi did, but he did it more tactfully than most people did. He offered a cave that he knew could not be saved, but avoided a potential conflict with Jiang Tian, ​​and even became familiar with him. Maybe he will do it in the future. There are untold benefits!”

"Yes, even if there is no benefit in the future, at least he will not get any harm from being here with Jiang Tian. From this point alone, he has already made a profit!"

The monsters who were watching were talking a lot. Some people were quite critical of Long Xuanyi's actions, and some even looked down on him.

But most people still stay awake, knowing that Long Zhuoyi's actions are forced by the situation, but also smooth and smooth, turning harm into advantage.

In short, this is a very deep master, and his mind is obviously higher than most of the same level!

These discussions were not deliberately concealed, so both Jiang Tian and Long Zhuanyi could hear them.

Jiang Tian's face was expressionless, so he naturally didn't care about these voices.

Long Zhuoyi was also not embarrassed and always smiled.

"Haha, they still don't understand what I'm thinking. I really admire Brother Jiang's strength, and I'm even more optimistic about Brother Jiang's potential, so I took the initiative to give up this cave. As for what other people think, I don't care!

I will go to the core area now and won’t disturb Brother Jiang’s practice. I hope to see Brother Jiang’s heroic appearance in the core area soon. I’ll take my leave! "

After saying that, the dragon rotor immediately turned around and swept towards the core area.

Jiang Tian also entered the quasi-divine vein cave in the middle and began to retreat.

The monsters outside fell into silence, staring at the three caves in a daze for a moment before leaving one after another.

"Dragon Spinner knows the importance and advance and retreat. He is a useful talent!"

"Indeed, among these young people, there is no other one with his level of power and skill!"

"This person needs to be trained intensively. He will definitely have a place in the family elders council in the future!"

The elders of the Holy Land have made positive comments about Long Zhuoyi and have seen the great potential in him.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​they actually have nothing to say!

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