Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7249 Enjoying Quasi-Divine Veins

Where is his strength and potential? Does he need more words to elaborate?

No need at all!

at this time!

Jiang Tian looked carefully in the quasi-shenmeri cave.

This cave was much larger than he imagined, and the internal space was quite huge!

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a spiritual lake that is nearly a thousand feet in size and contains the essence of quasi-divine veins!

The lake was bubbling, and the extremely rich spiritual energy continued to float upward, slowly rippling throughout the space.

Jiang Tian let go of his spiritual thoughts and sensed it for a moment, and his eyes lit up!

This spiritual lake is directly connected to the quasi-divine vein below.

To put it bluntly, the quasi-divine vein opened a hole directly here!


Jiang Tian was quite satisfied.

Immediately place yourself in the spiritual lake and start practicing!


Purple light spread all over Jiang Tian, ​​filling the entire spiritual lake in an instant!

The pure spiritual power of the quasi-divine veins actively surged into his body without any stimulation, and the speed was getting faster and faster!

However, this speed obviously cannot satisfy him!

Because the total amount of his bloodline spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary people, no one can compare with him at the level of the Half-Step God-making Realm!

He even suspected that the bloodline spiritual power reserves of some great powers in the God-making realm might not be stronger than him!

However, after a warrior reaches the realm of God-making, his bloodline spiritual power will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, the comparison between the two phases cannot be purely based on quantity!


Jiang Tian was not satisfied with the normal absorption speed, and decisively activated the Xu-Swallowing Technique.


The spiritual liquid in the spiritual lake was swallowed up by him instantly!

The entire spiritual lake turned into a huge pit!

But soon, a scene that surprised him appeared!


The super powerful spiritual essence of the quasi-divine veins surged up at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a moment, the entire spiritual lake was filled again!

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian was very surprised!

This speed was far beyond his imagination!

With such strong spiritual power conditions, it’s no wonder that the True Dragon Holy Land is coveted by countless dragon monsters!

This is still a cave in the central area. If it reaches the core area, how strong will it be?

Jiang Tian was a little excited!

Can’t wait to get to the core area!

But he still suppressed his temper and absorbed the pure spiritual fluid of this quasi-divine vein step by step.

There is no rush to advance, because his bottleneck is extremely thick and cannot be easily broken through.

Now, he still needs to lay a solid foundation and solidify his own foundation.

Wait until everything reaches the ideal state, then look for a breakthrough opportunity and advance in one fell swoop!

"Half-step to the realm of God-making!"

Jiang Tian thought deeply in silence.

Since entering the True Dragon Holy Land, except for the elders of the Holy Land, he has never seen any young monster in the God-making realm.

Will there be a core area?

He doesn't know!

But it is obvious that all the monsters in the central region are suppressing their realm, and no one is in a hurry to break through.

After reaching this level of cultivation, everyone actually knows it tacitly!

It doesn't mean that whoever breaks through faster will be stronger!

It is true that after advancing to the God-making realm, your power will change dramatically and your strength will skyrocket.

But this is only a temporary phenomenon!

If the foundation is not strong, it will not be long before it is surpassed by latecomers.

At that time, it will be very difficult for those who advance rashly!

Because the steps you take cannot be taken back!

The lack of a solid foundation at the beginning will accompany them throughout their lives and seriously restrict their future achievements!

Cultivating as a warrior is like sailing against the current!

And this pressure continues to grow!

Every step forward will be more difficult than before and require more effort.

In this case, even a small mistake will lead to regrettable consequences.

Therefore, the more top-notch monsters are, the more cautious they will be at times like this, and they will never advance hastily just to seek realm.


Pools of spiritual liquid were swallowed by him continuously, and the essence of the quasi-divine veins fully nourished his blood, muscles and even his whole body.

His bloodline spiritual power began to transform unknowingly, evolving in a more pure and powerful direction.

Soon, he discovered a surprising situation!

The refining speed of the spiritual liquid swallowed into the body is constantly increasing, far faster than any previous training!

"The artistic conception of creating gods? That's not right!"

Jiang Tian felt the change in power within his body.

Suddenly, he discovered that some kind of power refining the self-receiving talisman was boosting his cultivation speed.

The power of guidance!

"I see!"

Jiang Tian is still a little puzzled!

After refining the god-creating conception of the talisman, his unique power of the original god became even more unique.

Transformed into the so-called "power of attraction"!

What exactly is the power of attraction?

Judging from the exclamation of the remaining will at the last moment of the lead symbol, it is obviously something extremely unusual.

It can even be said that its appearance was an accident, otherwise it would not have shocked the artistic conception of God-making.

Thanks to the help of this power, he was refining the spiritual liquid faster and faster, so fast that it surprised himself!

"Quick, too fast!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, his eyes shining brightly.

He swallowed pools of spiritual liquid, and his bloodline spiritual power continued to transform, but he still did not reach the bottleneck of his cultivation.

Every time the bloodline spiritual power is about to reach its peak, the power of guidance will appear in time to suppress the restlessness of this spiritual power.

Then, continue the brewing process from low to high.

And this process, together with the rise and fall of the spiritual liquid, also reached a subtle rhythm.

The two cooperate with each other to help him lay a solid foundation!


This was repeated hundreds of times, and Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power also rose and fell hundreds of times!

Every time it rises and falls, it becomes deeper and deeper.

Although the urge to advance has not yet been triggered, his bloodline power has long been completely different, and some are almost qualitative changes!

"It is worthy of being a quasi-divine vein, and it is worthy of being a quasi-divine vein of the True Dragon Holy Land!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and was deeply moved.

It’s been half a day since we entered the cave!

His strength has improved significantly compared to half a day ago.

In the fight with Long Xiaonan, he was far from using all his strength and had already shocked the whole audience.

If we compete with the opponent now, the whole situation will be completely one-sided!

"The benefits of quasi-divine veins are so great, why does Long Xiaonan stay here for half a year?"

Jiang Tian was a little puzzled!

Little did he know that not everyone was as exaggerated as he was.

Long Xiaonan spent nearly half a year laying down a solid foundation, and the spiritual essence he had absorbed reached saturation.

That's why he came out of seclusion at this time.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Tian calls the formation, he may not come out.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Jiang Tian suddenly discovered that the speed of the upwelling of the quasi-divine veins of spiritual fluid had dropped significantly.

No longer like before, a pool full of spiritual liquid was restored in an instant!

The spiritual liquid now gathered in front of him like a spring, but the speed of the gush began to accelerate!

"Did you swallow it too fast just now?"

Jiang Tian guessed silently.

He didn't know how people like Long Xiaonan practiced and whether they could be as fast as him.

But roughly speaking, it shouldn’t be the case!

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