Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7250 Bottleneck Reinforcement

After all, along the way, he had never seen many warriors who could practice and nourish themselves in such an exaggerated way.

So in this situation, he couldn't find any reference.


The pure spiritual liquid from the quasi-divine veins continues to enter the body, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

At the same time, Jiang Tian noticed a special force that was attracting the spiritual fluid to accelerate.

It's like a water pump frantically extracting the essence of the quasi-divine veins!

The power of guidance!

"There it is again!"

Jiang Tian was even more surprised!

The power of guidance is still accelerating, and the essence of the quasi-divine veins is continuously extracted at an accelerated rate.

At this rate, he even doubted whether this quasi-divine vein could withstand it!

Will it be drained?

Of course, he doesn't need to care about these issues.

There is no need to consider the problem after the quasi-divine veins are drained. As long as the essence of the quasi-divine veins is not exhausted, he can continue to replenish it!


Jiang Tian changed from his previous passivity to actively absorbing it.

The power of attracting increases rapidly, and the speed of extracting spiritual liquid increases instantly!


A low roar followed, but at such a speed, Jiang Tian was a little too slow!

It is a pity that the "Void Swallowing Technique" does not apply to this situation now, otherwise the efficiency could be even higher!

"Rise again!"

Jiang Tian continued to activate his power, but soon reached the limit.

The speed cannot be increased!

And this speed obviously cannot satisfy him!

After half a day of practicing quasi-divine veins, the growth of his bloodline spiritual power has entered a completely new mode!

It is no longer the traditional simple accumulation and improvement of the past.

Instead, it turned into repeated fluctuations, washouts, and then repeated layer-by-layer superposition!

On the surface, there is not much difference in the superimposed bloodline spiritual power, but its richness is far greater than before!

This process is like repeatedly imprinting runes on a piece of paper.

After one or two imprints, there may still be blank gaps on the paper.

But as the imprinting was repeated again and again, a large number of gaps were gradually covered.

Finally, after countless repeated imprints, there was no blank space anywhere on the entire paper, and the color completely changed!

At this time, it looks like it is just a piece of colored paper, and there seems to be nothing special about it.

But in fact, this is a special piece of paper with countless runes stacked on it!

Jiang Tian's current transformation of bloodline spiritual power is this way!

In this process, his bloodline spiritual power was repeatedly superimposed, and it had become unimaginably rich.

But now, the speed at which spiritual power enters the body has reached a certain limit!

The effect of the power of reception surprised him!

But the fact that the speed reached the limit made him a little disappointed.

How can it be faster?


An idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Tian's mind, and he immediately began to mobilize his power to attract him!

Let it form a vortex!


The force of the guiding force began to rotate in circles, and the strength began to increase obviously!

The quasi-divine vein essence that once reached its limit began to pour in at an accelerated rate again!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian was in great spirits!

With this method, he can continue to practice with a more powerful posture.

The efficiency will be greatly improved and the retreat time will be greatly shortened!


After the force of attraction was changed to circling, the speed of the vortex increased again and again.

The spiritual essence of the quasi-divine vein was attracted by this power, and its speed continued to increase.

Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power continued to overlap repeatedly, and the intensity of it surprised even him!

The growth of bloodline spiritual power cannot be achieved overnight!

The process of spiritual superposition is still ongoing.

It wasn’t until the next day that it was announced that it was over!


The essence of the quasi-divine vein was intermittent, and finally completely interrupted, and he could no longer maintain his cultivation!

In Jiang Tianhai, the vortex formed by the force of attraction also stopped rotating.

At this time, he discovered a depressing situation!

Not only did his cultivation bottleneck not loosen, it actually became more stable!

"What's happening here?"

Jiang Tian thought hard and couldn't understand.

Affected by his bloodline qualifications, although his advancement bottlenecks are stronger than those of the same level, so far, there has never been a situation where the bottlenecks have been reversely reinforced.

After much thinking, it can only be attributed to the influence of the superposition of spiritual powers!

In the day before and after, his bloodline spiritual power overlapped nearly a thousand times!

Perhaps in the process of repeated superposition, the power causing the bottleneck also increases!

In short, he is still not ready to advance yet!

Anyone else might have been disappointed.

But for him, there weren't many thoughts.

After all, keeping a relatively low profile in the True Dragon Holy Land is not a bad thing!

If he breaks through to the God-creating realm as soon as he comes up, he will definitely become the focus of the entire Holy Land.

Living in such an environment, surrounded by countless powerful beings in the God-making realm, as well as unfathomable family heritage, it may not be safe to be too high-profile.


There was no point in staying any longer, so Jiang Tian decisively left the seclusion and walked out of the cave.

at this time!

The dragon stone girl is still sleeping, and it looks like she won't wake up for a while.

Longlin's cave was still roaring, and it sounded like he was working very hard.

He did not disturb these two people, but turned around and headed towards the core area!

"Look, Jiang Tian has gone to the core area!"

"It's so fast, he only stayed here for a day!"

"Are you surprised? I don't think there is any problem. After all, his strength is better than Long Xiaonan!"

"Can you really beat Long Xiaonan? I can't see it. I also watched yesterday's fight. Long Xiaonan obviously still has a trump card that he hasn't used yet. If it's a life-and-death fight, he may not necessarily lose!"

"It is indeed possible, but I believe that even if Long Xiaonan can defeat Jiang Tian in a life-and-death fight, he will pay a heavy price!"

"Haha, you guys look down on Jiang Tian too much. He came to our True Dragon Holy Land in less than three days, and he forced Long Xiaonan away yesterday. Do you think he doesn't have a strong trump card?" The monster in golden robe said with a smile.

"That makes sense!"

Everyone nodded and fell into deep thought.

They thought about the situation of yesterday's fight.

At that time, Long Xiaonan used all kinds of famous stunts, and finally used the powerful dragon-slaying talisman.

But even so, he couldn't defeat Jiang Tian!

On the other hand, Jiang Tian only relied on hard power from beginning to end and did not use any talismans or magic weapons.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions became solemn again!

"Looking at it this way, Jiang Tian's strength is indeed stronger than what we see!"

"There is no doubt about this. His strength must be stronger than Long Xiaonan!" The golden-robed monster said solemnly.

"Although he only stayed here for one night, the level of that quasi-divine vein is not empty. He must have reaped great benefits this night, and his strength must have improved compared to yesterday!"

"Tsk! It's such an exaggeration. You think too highly of him. He only stayed in the quasi-divine vein for one night. Even if there are some benefits, how big can they be?" Someone sneered and retorted.

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