Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

The golden-cloaked evildoer also laughed: "If you are an ordinary mediocre person, you won't get much benefit overnight, but don't forget, he is not inferior to Long Xiaonan, and even stronger. The benefits of cultivating in the Shenmai Cave for one night must be beyond our imagination!"

"Hehe, even if what you said is reasonable, I don't think he can gain a foothold in the core area!" The man still sneered, repelling Jiang Tian very much.

"Yes! The people in the core area are all the top among the top, the most powerful geniuses of the younger generation of our True Dragon Family. Except for the few recognized strongest monsters, almost no one else Whoever refuses to accept, after reaching the core area, his situation must be difficult!"

"Hmph, he forced Long Xiaonan and Long Tianyi away, and he has established two powerful enemies. It is related to the dignity of our own evildoers. I bet that the top evildoers in the core area will never let them go. He's doing better!"

"It's a pity that our strength is limited, and we can't break through for the time being. Otherwise, I really want to see what kind of situation he will be in there?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, expressing regret that they could not witness Jiang Tian's situation with their own eyes.

At this moment, Long Shinu suddenly walked out of the cave!

Stretching, she came to Jiang Tian's cave.

God's mind is swept away, people are not inside!

"Brother Jiang, have you seen him?" Long Shinu asked.

"Hehe, I did see it, your Jiang family brother has already gone to the core area!"

"Oh?" Long Shinu's eyes lit up!

She also didn't expect Jiang Tian to go to the core area so soon. She thought that the other party would stay here for at least two or three days.

"Well, Brother Jiang's strength has already reached that level, so it's not surprising to go today. Since he left, I will occupy this cave!"

As Long Shinu said, she was going to sleep in the cave in the middle.

"It makes no sense!"

"Dragon Stone Girl, you have already occupied a quasi-spiritual cave, isn't that enough?"

Long Shinu smiled: "Are you jealous, then go, I don't need it anyway!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the cave where Jiang Tian came out.

The people outside are very speechless!

In fact, these people have no fear of Longshinv, but mainly worry about Jiang Tian's strength.

Now that Jiang Tian has left, he will not return easily unless there are special circumstances.

Naturally, they are not afraid of Dragon Stone Girl!

But they are not stupid, and they don't want to take the initiative to offend Long Shinu unless it is necessary.

After all, Long Shinv has a good relationship with Jiang Tian, ​​if one day they go to Jiang Tian to complain, they will be in trouble.

"I want this cave!"

"Why give it to you, I still want it!"

"The two are discussing slowly, I will go first!"


Someone bypassed the two people in front and rushed to the cave that Long Shinu had vacated.

As a result, someone was faster than him, rushing to the front of the cave first.

"It makes no sense!"


The two refused to give in to each other and immediately fought.

The violent roar resounded through the void, and they were not the only ones coveting this cave.

More than a hundred evildoers present began to fight, and it was about to turn into a melee!

"Don't argue with his grandma. I, Longshinv, take back what I just said, and I want that cave!"

At this moment, a shout of anger suddenly sounded!

Dragon Stone Girl suddenly retreated from the cave!

Everyone was shocked and angry!

"Dragon Stone Girl, why are you going back on your word?"

"Didn't you say to give us the cave just now? Now we are fighting for it, why did you come to occupy it again?"

"Hehe, the rules of the Holy Land are power first, do you really think we are afraid of you?"

"Longshinv, let me tell you, we may not be able to defeat Jiang Tian, ​​but we are not afraid of you!"

"It really made us anxious, and we will join forces to suppress you!"

Everyone began to threaten Longshinv!

Long Shinu sneered: "One-on-one, you can come here casually, but if you dare to join forces to attack, I will go to Jiang clan brother and come back to judge!"


Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere became awkward!

If Longshi Nuzhen wants to bring Jiang Tian back, they will undoubtedly face huge troubles.

Thinking of this, they dare not mess around!

"Then one-on-one, I'll fight with you!"

"I'll come first!"

"Why did you come first?"

Everyone was eager to seize the cave, and they couldn't stop arguing for a while.

The golden-robed evildoer said: "You don't have to fight, it doesn't matter who comes first, anyway, only those with strong strength are entitled to enjoy it!"

"Then I'll come first!"

A green-robed evildoer rushed forward, clapping his palms together to launch a mad attack on Long Shinu.

"You have been practicing in the central region for so long, and this is your strength?"

Long Shinu sneered, and slapped her palms fiercely against the opponent's offensive, directly knocking the opponent back!


"Uh... poof!"

The evildoer in green robe snorted, blood overflowed from his mouth, he was very embarrassed.


"So strong?"

"Dragon Stone Girl has only been in the central region for a day, how can she have such strength?"

Everyone was stunned!

The power of Dragon Stone Girl is beyond their imagination!

"Obviously, this is her bloodline talent!"

"Not necessarily, maybe she was already very strong before she came to the central region!"

"It seems that we underestimated her!"

Thinking of Longshinv's special bloodline, everyone's expressions became serious.

Dragon Stone Girl's talent is to sleep, every time she wakes up, her strength will become stronger!

There is no need to work hard and practice like them.

Such talent is really enviable!

"Is there anyone else who wants to fight, one-on-one, just come!"

Long Shinu was also a little surprised by her own strength.

She has been sleeping in the cave in the outer area all this time, and she followed Jiang Tian here for the first time yesterday.

After witnessing Long Xiaonan's strength, she knew that she was not an opponent, so she worked hard to practice after Jiang Tian snatched the cave.

But today, after one night, she has realized that her strength is not inferior to the evildoers present.

This may be the effect of thick accumulation!

"I'm here to experience your strength!"

Another evildoer in yellow robe started to attack.

His strength is stronger than the evildoer in green robe just now, and he launched a fierce attack with a long sword in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!

The dazzling sword light filled the void, turning into a sword prison and covering Longshinv!

But in the blink of an eye, it was torn apart by Long Shinu's rough hands!


Longshinv tore open the sword prison, and rushed out while drinking violently.

Shake the opponent's long sword with his fist.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the long sword of the yellow-robed evildoer shattered, turning into a mass of sword dregs and shooting towards himself backwards!

Puff puff puff, chi chi!

The evildoer in the yellow robe was caught off guard, and was directly beaten to a serious injury. He fell to the ground in embarrassment, screaming again and again!

"Dragon Stone Girl, I can't stop talking to you...ah!"

"Whoever is not convinced, just come! As long as we don't join forces to attack, I won't sue Brother Jiang!"

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