Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7252 strange force

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Dragon Stone Girl scanned the audience.

Wherever they looked, everyone hesitated!

Dragon Stone Girl's strength clearly surpassed their expectations.

This is not a person to be easily provoked, and many people directly gave up their plans to compete for the cave.

There are also a few stronger people who want to continue to make moves.

But after weighing the pros and cons, he gave up.

"The cave left by brother Jiang clan, you can grab it, I'm going to sleep, whoever dares to disturb me, I'll never end with him!"

After finishing speaking, Long Shinv got into the original cave and continued to sleep.

In a blink of an eye, there was a loud snoring!

Everyone has already started to rush to grab the cave left by Jiang Tian.

After a chaotic battle, a red-robed evildoer gained the upper hand and proudly walked into the cave.

"Tsk tsk, the quasi-spiritual cave with the best conditions in the central region is now mine...huh?"

The conversation stopped abruptly!

The red-robed evildoer came to the cave and found that the situation was completely different from what he had imagined!

The aura here is only slightly higher than outside, but it is far from what he expected.

Not even as good as his original cave!

"I see!"

The face of the red-robed evildoer became very ugly.

He understood why Jiang Tian left, and why Longshinv abandoned this cave.

Because the quasi-spiritual veins under this cave have been sucked dry by Jiang Tian!

"It makes no sense!"

The red-robed evildoer cursed angrily.

What Jiang Tian did was equivalent to abolishing this quasi-spiritual cave in a short period of time.

Let others not enjoy the benefits here!

"This cave is temporarily abandoned, don't try to restore it in a year and a half!"

The red-robed evildoer decisively exited here, not wanting to waste any more time.

He immediately exited the cave!

Then, under the bewildered gaze of everyone, he turned and left without saying a word!

"what happened?"

"What's the matter, why did he leave?"

"There may be a problem in the cave, just go in and have a look!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The crowd stopped arguing and rushed into the cave to watch.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will understand immediately after looking at it!

After making trouble for a long time, this cave has been ruined by Jiang Tian!

"It makes no sense!"

"Jiang Tian is too much!"

"No way, the rules of the Holy Land don't prohibit overdrawing quasi-sacred veins, so it's useless even to complain to the elders!"

Everyone can only disperse and go back to their respective caves to practice.

at this time!

Jiang Tian has reached the core area!

"As expected of the core area, the aura of heaven and earth here is more than one notch higher than that of the central area!"

Jiang Tian came to the core area, silently feeling the aura conditions here.

Although I haven't found a cave to settle down yet, even in an open area, the aura of heaven and earth is obviously stronger than that in the central area.

Jiang Tian looked around, and his eyes fell on a mountain peak suspended by spiritual clouds.

It is full of aura, and it is obviously a treasured place for cultivation.


He immediately swept over there, and soon came to the front of the mountain.

When he was about to set foot on the mountain peak, he was stopped by a palm print that suddenly swept up!

"You are not welcome here, go away!"


This palm print came so suddenly that he almost caught him off guard!

Jiang Tian's face darkened, he raised his foot, and slammed his palm prints!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the voice below sounded again!

"You can actually block my casual palm, it seems that your strength is indeed very strong!"

"Don't hide, get out!"

The other party is not polite, so Jiang Tian naturally will not be polite either.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot!

If anyone offends me, I will fight back!

"Arrogant boy, you dare to be so rampant when you first arrive in the Holy Land. How can I, a real dragon family, fall in love with someone like you?"

The words sounded, and a monster in green robes with red hair appeared.

With his hands behind his back, he looked at Jiang Tian coldly!

Jiang Tian stared at the other party and sneered: "You stopped me for no reason, I just took action to deal with it, why are you talking about it? Besides, the rule of the Holy Land is that strength comes first. Even if I want to take this mountain, you have nothing to say!"

"The rules of the Holy Land are true, but in my territory, my words are the rules!"

The face of the evildoer in the green robe suddenly darkened, and he shot again!


The violent roar resounded through the void again, and the two cyan fist prints blasted straight at Jiang Tian, ​​blasting the void in an instant!


The void collapsed layer by layer, forming a terrifying strange force, sucking in and exhaling, the strange force burst forth!


Jiang Tian was quite surprised, but then sneered!

Such a method is indeed very weird!

If you were someone else, you would probably be in a hurry and at a loss.

And as long as there is a moment of chaos, it is possible to be taken advantage of by the other party and suffer heavy losses!

But for him, it's nothing to worry about!

"Do you really think you are strong?"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, powerful spatial spiritual power suddenly gushes out!


The collapsed void suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying space storm!

"Hiss! What are you doing?"

The face of the evildoer in the green robe suddenly changed, and he became very angry!

The space storm is extremely powerful, and if it continues to evolve, it may destroy this mountain.

At this moment, he was furious!

"Aren't you very strong, can't even suppress a mere space storm?"

Jiang Tian sneered and waved his right hand, pressing forward lightly!


Under his urging, the space storm pressed against the opponent, bursting out with a destructive will!

"Damn! You are a madman!"

The evildoer in green robe had an extremely ugly expression on his face, seeing that he couldn't get any better, he resolutely withdrew his hands and retreated.

"New here, just wait for me, everyone in the core area is extremely evil, I won't let you be so provocative!"

The evildoer in green robe left a threatening word, and rushed forward without looking back.

Jiang Tian opened his right hand and gently shook it forward!


The seemingly terrifying space storm quickly rewinds and extinguishes instantly!

Looking back on the fight just now, the whole process seemed plain, but Jiang Tian was a little surprised!

"Is this the effect of repeated overlapping of bloodline spiritual power?"

Although the evildoer in green robe was forced to leave by him, his cultivation base is actually very strong!

If it was him a day ago, it would never be so easy for the other party to leave.

This can only show that the cultivation of the quasi-shenmai cave has given him great benefits.

It has greatly improved his strength, reaching the point where he can do it easily and easily.

It's so easy to force back a monster of this level!

And after this brief contact, he also discovered that the monsters in the core area were not as strong as he imagined!

Although this is still the fringe of the core area, at least you can get a glimpse of the level of monsters here.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Jiang Tian immediately walked into the only cave on this mountain.


"Space hegemony, what a terrifying space method!"

"No, this is not a space overlord, it should be some kind of powerful void overlord!"

"As soon as he came here, he forced Long Yuanfeng away. This person should not be underestimated!"

On several nearby mountain peaks, several evildoers in the core area were surprised when they witnessed this scene.

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