Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7253 Core area, the elders marveled

In the past, every monster from the central region had to go through a difficult adaptation process.

It is often difficult to gain a foothold in the early stages, and some people may even be forced to return to the central area and continue to sink deeper.

But this person just now obviously didn’t need it!

Because his strength is no worse than the green-robed monster Long Yuanfeng!

"Which elder is this descendant? How can his talent be so powerful?"

"Before entering the Holy Land, he should have practiced hard under the careful training of the elders, right?"

The monsters on the nearby peaks couldn't help but speculate.

Although Jiang Tian didn't use any trump card, just one move of Void Tyrant Body gave them a headache.

Because even they can't force Long Yuan Peak away so easily!

This means that if the other party wants to seize their mountain, it will not be difficult!

"What's going on? There have been a lot of monsters coming from the central area in the past two days!"

"Indeed, people from there rarely came so frequently in the past!"

"Is it time for people in the central region to have a concentrated outbreak?"

"That's not right! We are all familiar with Long Xiaonan, Long Tianyi, and Long Zhuoyi yesterday, but who is this person? Does anyone know him?"

Everyone looked at each other, completely confused.

Because they didn't know this person at all, and they didn't know his origins, or even which elder he was a descendant of.

Someone immediately sent a summons to seek confirmation from the elder behind him.

Summons to return soon!

The results surprised them!

"He is actually the number one evildoer in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, and he comes from the Moju Mountain lineage!"

"Qianlong Martial Arts Club! Mo Jushan?"

"Isn't that a branch ranked in the middle or lower reaches?"

Everyone was shocked!

How could such a powerful monster emerge from such a branch?

As a result, more messages were triggered, and these people began to ask the elders behind them.

Soon, one message after another came back again.

The result shocked them again!

"It turned out to be true. The Moju Mountain lineage won the first place in this Qianlong Martial Arts Association with his own efforts, thus turning over and becoming the leader among hundreds of lines!"

"The Zhentong lineage, which has repeatedly refused the call of our clan, has become the biggest loser in this Qianlong Martial Arts Tournament!"

"There is also the Hidden Dragon lineage. Their returning bloodline actually killed the number one evildoer Long Xuzi of the Zhentong lineage!"

"I always thought that the pattern of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association would not be broken for a long time, but I didn't expect that there would be so many upsets this year!"

"The pattern of branches has changed!"

"Wait! Oh my god, the elders sent a message saying that this person has been in our True Dragon Holy Land for less than three days!"


"Hiss! Oh my God!"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Faced with this fact, everyone exclaimed!

They wanted to refute it, but one summons after another confirmed these statements, so they couldn't help but not believe it!

"His name is Jiang Tian, ​​and he is of a foreign surname!"

"I have to say, this kind of performance is simply outrageous!"

"As a result, the monsters of our clan will be under pressure!"

"Why are you still standing there? Go back and practice quickly, otherwise we may have been left behind by him next time we meet!" Everyone looked ugly and suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone!" A blue-robed, silver-haired evildoer shook his head and sneered, with a look of self-deprecation on his face.

"Long Lanfeng, what do you mean? Aren't you nervous?" someone asked.

Long Lanfeng sneered: "Of course I am nervous, but being nervous is useless. His strength is not weaker than Long Yuanfeng now, and Long Yuanfeng is the top one among us. This person comes The Holy Land is only three days away, do you think we can catch up with him no matter how hard we try?"


Faced with Long Lanfeng's statement, everyone was unable to refute.

They suddenly realized that this was a monster they could hardly stop!

It is even very possible that there is a big gap now!

"Exaggeration, too exaggerated!"

"It should be said that it is very outrageous!"

"In the history of our True Dragon Family, there has never been a monster from any branch that has been able to be strong after entering the Holy Land!"

"If this trend continues, I'm afraid our holy earth and heaven will also change!"

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

In the blink of an eye, everyone went back to their caves to practice!

Jiang Tian's appearance gave them unprecedented pressure!

Their sense of superiority as a monster in the core area was suddenly broken, and their hearts were filled with a strong sense of crisis!

At this time, Jiang Tian was practicing silently in the mountain cave he had just snatched.

The aura conditions here are indeed much better than those in the central area, but there is no strong quasi-divine vein support in this cave.

Obviously, the cultivation conditions on the edge of the core area are relatively average. Only by continuing to move forward can we find a better place to stay!

Soon, Jiang Tian left the mountain peak and continued to move forward.

"We entered the core area so quickly!"

"This speed has already broken the record in the history of True Dragon Holy Land!"

"I didn't expect his talent to be so strong!"

"His potential is also immeasurable!"

Several elders looked at Jiang Tian's advancing figure with solemn eyes.

"Why is such a monster not a direct bloodline of our family?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter even if he is not the core bloodline of our clan. Even if he is the lowest-status collateral, it's easier to say!"

"But he is just a branch of the monster, and he is of a different bloodline. This is really a slap in the face!"

"Don't be too anxious. Although he has reached the core area at a record-breaking speed, it does not mean that he can successfully reach the summit in the core area!" A white-haired elder said with a smile, showing a relatively calm performance.

"That's right. After all, all the monsters in the core area are top-notch, especially those who are recognized as the strongest monsters. Their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary monsters!"

"The strength of those few people has completely surpassed the other monsters in the core area. If it were not for the trip to Star Ruins, I am afraid they would have entered the God-making realm!"

"They are the backbone of the younger generation and the future of our True Dragon Family!"

Thinking of those people, all the elders breathed a sigh of relief.

With the existence of those few people, the younger generation will not sink, and the True Dragon Family will not decline.

Still able to stand firmly at the top of the Dao realm!

At this time, in a certain hall in the core area, two old men were arguing fiercely!

"Long Qian, you'd better calm down first. This is the True Dragon Holy Land, not some other place!"

"So what about the Holy Land, what about the Forbidden Land, no one can protect the people I want to kill!"

The two parties involved in the dispute were Long Qian and the Holy Land elder who summoned him yesterday!

There has always been a close personal relationship between these two people!

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