Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7258 I want this place!

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"But because the essence of this vein is released and too manic, most monsters will stay away from it. But with your talent and qualifications, I think you may not be able to turn harm into advantage!

This quasi-divine vein is the only ideal landing place in the core area that has not been occupied by anyone. You have to act faster, because you might be overtaken by someone at some point! "


Jiang Tian cupped his hands and thanked him.

Although the power of the Thunder Cloud Vein is violent, it is a quasi-divine vein after all, so it is impossible not to be remembered.

For ordinary warriors to deal with such spiritual veins, they will definitely consume part of their energy, which will lead to a decrease in their training efficiency.

But for him, this is not a problem!

Because of his special physique, he has no fear of such chaos!

"Practice hard and don't let the elder behind you down!"

After Long Qingke warned him, he turned and left.

Jiang Tian didn't hesitate and immediately rushed over there.

Originally, even if the other party didn't remind him, he wouldn't stay here for a long time.

Because the cultivation conditions in the fringe areas are really lackluster.

Soon, he arrived in front of Thunder Cloud Peak!

Rumble... click!

Violent roars and bursts of loud noises occurred one after another.

Feeling it at close range, the power of Leiyun Vein is even more amazing!

"What a thunder cloud pulse!"

Jiang Tian tried to sense it with his spiritual sense, but it turned out that he couldn't detect it at all.

The powerful thundercloud storm directly blocked his spiritual thoughts.

But the more this happened, the more excited he became.

This means that the power of Leiyun Vein is strong enough!


According to Long Qingke, although the Thunder Cloud Vein is not the strongest spiritual vein in the core area, it is the only ideal foothold in this area that has not yet been occupied.

When he first arrived in the core area, it was good to have such a quasi-divine vein settling down.

Jiang Tian took one step forward and was about to rush into Leiyun's veins.

At this moment, a cold shout suddenly sounded!

"Stop, I want this place!"

A white-robed evildoer with silver horns came out of the air.

Carrying violent coercion, an unquestionable posture!

Jiang Tian just looked at it coldly and ignored it.

With one step, he was about to rush into it.


The monster in white robe suddenly darkened his face when he saw that he didn't comply.

Raise your right hand and shoot suddenly!


Violent roars resounded through the void, and the power of the white-robed monster's palm was like the sky collapsing and the roof falling.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and gave a backhand palm without looking back.


With a sudden roar, this palm instantly destroyed the white palm prints that came towards him, and he was on par with the opponent!

"Good boy, you have such strength. Which elder are you descended from?"

The monster in white robe couldn't help but be a little surprised!

He is also a master in the core area, and most people will give him a little face.

The man in front of me is a bit strange, and he doesn't even look at him. He seems to have a good background!

With such a tough attitude, who is the powerful elder behind this person?

Jiang Tian ignored him and continued to move forward, preparing to fly into the thunderclouds.

"I'm giving you face, right? No matter which elder you are a descendant of, you have no privileges in this True Dragon Holy Land. Apart from strength, nothing else can be used here!"

The monster in white robe shouted angrily, a cold light suddenly appeared between his brows!

Jiang Tian's face darkened and he stopped immediately!

He didn't want to pay attention to the other party's clamor.

Because he doesn't want to waste time.

But now it's not about shouting, it's about the other party's wanton insults and provocations, and he can't stand it!

He took a step forward and suddenly disappeared from where he was!


The white-robed monster's eyes twitched, and he was greatly surprised.

The next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he slapped his palm wildly behind him without thinking!


Violent roars resounded through the void, and the two palms slapped backward by the white-robed demon instantly collided with the fist marks made by Jiang Tian.

His prediction can be said to be very accurate!

Jiang Tian used the teleportation technique, appeared behind him, and punched out.

Only this time, his strength failed to gain the upper hand!


With a violent roar, a huge force shook him forward dozens of feet!

"Hiss! What a terrifying power. How is it possible? Who are you?"

The monster in white robe looked horrified!

He has been practicing in the True Dragon Holy Land for more than three years and has never left during this period.

Quite shocked by Jiang Tian's strength!

Who is this monster that I have never seen before, and why is he so powerful?

"Who are you? Are you a member of the same clan who has been cultivating here for several years, or what?"

The monster in white robe suppressed his temper and asked in a deep voice.

"you do not need to know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Tian took action again.

It was still a punch, but the seemingly simple method made the opponent unable to guard against it.

This punch exploded the void, and the collapsing space forces gathered into a terrifying space wave, bombarding the white-robed monster.

"Space spiritual power!"

The white-robed monster's expression became extremely solemn.

In the True Dragon Family, there were not many monsters who majored in space power, but among the few people he knew, none seemed to be able to reach this level.

But at this time, he didn't have time to think carefully. He waved both palms together, each drew a semicircle, and pushed forward suddenly!


Violent roars shook the void, and with this palm strike, the void in front suddenly split open.

The huge wave of space blasted by Jiang Tian also tore apart!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly in surprise.

You must know that after experiencing the repeated superposition of bloodline spiritual power in the quasi-divine vein cave in the central region, his overall strength has been greatly improved.

Even though it was just a punch, its power was already very different from before.

The opponent struck with both palms and was able to forcefully tear it apart, which shows that this method is not unusual!

"Some tricks!"

A sneer flashed across Jiang Tian's lips, but that was all.

There was no seriousness on his face.

"Are you just a little knowledgeable? You are too self-righteous!"

The monster in white robes scolded angrily, but he still didn't take Jiang Tian seriously.

As a monster in the core area, he has been practicing here for more than three years. Although his strength is not at the top, it is still at the upper level.

This kind of background allows him to look down upon any evildoer who enters this place for the first time.

From Jiang Tian's point of view, this person is indeed stronger than the previous Long Yuanfeng.

But so what?

Still can't stop him!

"I don't have time to talk to you!"

Jiang Tian shook his right fist and punched out again.

This time, what he used was not physical power, but Dongxu Fist!

"I see you..."


Before the white-robed monster could finish his words, he was hit by a purple fist shadow.

My chest felt tight, I almost vomited blood, and I almost got blasted into the crazy thunderstorm!

This made him extremely ashamed and angry!

"You are so arrogant, I will suppress you!"

The monster in white robe shouted violently, and the aura around him surged sharply.

White lights surged from his body and poured into a pair of silver lights above his head.

The next moment, two dazzling silver lights flew out of the silver horn!

With a click, it pierced through the void and appeared in front of Jiang Tian like lightning!

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