Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7259 Bloody Silver Light

"So fast!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, surprised by the other party's methods.

The tricks used by this white-robed monster are very different from other dragon monsters. They are quite weird and hard to guard against.

It can be seen that this person does have some special methods.

But for him, this is nothing to fear!

Jiang Tian shook his fists together and punched out two silver rays of light like lightning.

Kaka... boom!

Amid the violent roar, the silver light exploded into a silver net that could not help but cover Jiang Tian!

"Hahahaha, you've been hit by my 'Blood Evil Silver Light', how can you protect yourself?"

The monster in white robe kept laughing wildly, as if the overall situation was decided.

The blood evil silver light is a special method he cultivated with the help of his bloodline talent.

The divine sea that can directly attack the opponent is hard to guard against.


Jiang Tian teleported like lightning, trying to avoid these silver lights.

But it doesn't work!

These silver lights seemed to be integrated with him, moving synchronously with his teleportation, making it impossible for him to get rid of them.

At the same time, the silver net covering him crackled and emitted dense silver rays of light into his body.

"Blood-evil silver light?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened and he secretly said he was careless.

He somewhat underestimated the enemy, because he was too confident in his own strength, so he did not take the opponent seriously.

But it has to be said that the opponent does have some extraordinary abilities.

at this time!

At any time, the silver light entered his body, and his body suddenly felt a little numb.

At the same time, a large amount of silver light gathered in his body, instantly rushing up to the divine sea at an astonishing speed!


Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, he was very surprised!

This reminded him of the evil thunder from back then. That kind of thing also directly attacks the warrior divine sea. It can be described as insidious and vicious, making people unable to guard against it.

Once you are attacked, you will lose the ability to fight back!

No matter how strong a warrior is, he still has weaknesses!

The most vulnerable place for a warrior is undoubtedly the Divine Sea!

Because once this place is attacked, no matter how strong your body is or how good your magic weapon is, it will not help!

"Well done!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

If it were anyone else, he would probably have to admit defeat at this time, but for him, this is not a desperate situation.

The moment the blood evil silver light invaded the divine sea, the evil thunder had already exerted its power without him deliberately urging it.


Large black thunderclouds spread out, swallowing up all the bloody silver light that invaded the divine sea like a black hole.

This silver light is similar to thunder power, but there are obvious differences!

It's easy to ignore it at first contact, but once its power becomes apparent, it's too late.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian has a method like Nie Lei, so he is not afraid of the attack of Xue Nie's silver light!


The evil thunder showed its power in the divine sea, swallowing up all the blood evil silver light, and its own aura even became stronger!

On the opposite side, the white-robed monster became more and more excited, as if he had seen Jiang Tian's divine sea collapse, holding his head and screaming in agony.

As a result of this unique talent, he has defeated opponents who were far superior to him on more than one occasion.

His overall strength is not the strongest in this area, but even those monsters of his generation who are stronger than him are not willing to provoke him easily.

Because of the power of the blood evil silver light, it is difficult for them to resist it!

No one is willing to take the risk of Shenhai being injured and fight with him head-on.

"Hahahaha, I want to see how long you can last?"

The monster in white robe laughed loudly.

In the past, people who were hit by the bloody silver light fell down almost instantly.

Considering that Jiang Tian's strength was no worse than his, and he might even have some special methods, he didn't mind looking at him high.

But he didn't expect that the scene where Jiang Tian collapsed in his imagination did not appear!

Instead, the silver net that enveloped Jiang Tian disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

"What's going on, where's the bloody evil Silver Light?"

The expression of the monster in white robe suddenly changed!

In the past, when he used this method, his opponents had no way to get rid of the entanglement of the silver net.

But now, the silver net that he was so proud of has completely disappeared!

Why did it disappear?

Where have you gone?

How did the other party do it?

"That's unreasonable!"

The monster in white robe is furious!

This stranger actually cracked his blood evil silver light!

This is his way of keeping the bottom of the box, and it is also his greatest advantage.

Now that it has been cracked, it means that his unique trump card is useless!

"The Bloody Silver Light, right? It does have some skills, but it can't do anything to me!"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared on the spot!

"not good……"


A fist instantly hit his chest, sending him flying.


The monster in white robe resisted the urge to vomit blood and looked at Jiang Tian with horror on his face.

"Teleportation, strong physical body, and the ability to break through my blood-evil silver light. Which elder are you descended from?"

The opponent's talents and qualifications are too powerful, and they are simply here to restrain his trump card.

Which elder's descendant is this?

Is it the one with whom I have a good relationship, or the one with whom I have a bad relationship?

If it's the former, he doesn't need to worry too much.

But if it's the latter, things are a little troublesome!

There are many elders in the True Dragon Family, and they seem to be harmonious on the surface, but they are fighting overtly and secretly among themselves, and various factions are intertwined!

If the other party is a monster from the opposite camp, it will be a huge trouble for him!

And if the other party is allowed to grow up smoothly, he may become his lifelong enemy!

"Who are you, tell me quickly!"

The monster in white robe couldn't hold back his anger and couldn't wait to know Jiang Tian's origin.


Jiang Tian scolded and stepped straight into Thunder Cloud Peak!

"Damn it!"

The monster in white robe looked at the direction where Jiang Tian disappeared, gnashing his teeth and looking gloomily.

Jiang Tian's existence made him feel a strong crisis, and he even felt that this person might be coming for him.

He couldn't enter Lei Yun Peak, and even if he broke in, he would be suppressed by Jiang Tian.

The top priority is to understand the origin of the other party so that we can respond.


A message was triggered by him, and a moment later another message came into the Holy Land.


The monster in white robe crushed it with one hand, and lines of small words appeared before his eyes!

"Long Yu, this person's name is Jiang Tian. He is the number one in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association. He has super talent and combat power, and has amazing potential..."

The summons was sent by the elder behind him, and he was full of praise for Jiang Tian's description, which made him more and more scrupulous.

"Jiang Tian, ​​the number one in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association!"

Long Yu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

What shocked him the most was that it only took the other three days to rush from the periphery of the holy land all the way into the core area.

And after the previous battle, he felt that his strength was slightly inferior to the opponent's.

When the opponent comes out of Thunder Cloud Peak, his strength will only be stronger!

"We must never let him practice in seclusion in peace!"

A cold light flashed in Long Yu's eyes, and he turned and glanced towards a mountain peak in the distance.

There is the training ground of a top evildoer in the core area, which is called the dojo by the other party!

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