Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7260 Long Pei takes action

The so-called dojo is a place of cultivation that is exclusive to one person!

In the hinterland of the core area, one person occupies a mountain peak. This kind of magnificence can only be achieved by top monsters!

"Who is coming?"

"Brother Long Pei, I am Long Yu, and I have something important to discuss with you!"

"I am studying the secret art of bloodline. If there is nothing particularly urgent, please come back next month!"

Long Pei's voice was rather cold, with a vaguely condescending air.

"This matter is not trivial to say the least. No matter what, please meet Brother Longpei and have a talk!"

With that said, Long Yu ignored the other party's polite refusal, fell directly to the mountain peak, and walked into Long Pei's cave.

Long Pei frowned slightly, obviously unhappy.

"Why are you so anxious to come to me? Tell me the important point and don't waste my precious time!" Long Pei said coldly.

"Brother Longpei clan, a super monster has come to the core area. This person's name is Jiang Tian, ​​and he is the number one in the Qianlong Martial Arts Association..."

"Stop! What are you telling me to do with this kind of thing? Leave immediately and don't delay my cultivation!"

Long Pei was a little angry.

It was really annoying to interrupt his practice for the sake of an unrelated person.

"No! This matter has nothing to do with my brother, because I just fought with this person, and my blood-evil silver light couldn't do anything to him!"


Long Pei was shocked when he heard this!

He knew how powerful the Blood Evil Silver Light was.

That was something that gave him a huge headache!

Now there was someone who could crack it, and it was a foreigner, which really surprised him!

"What is this person's background?"

The situation immediately changed, and now it was Long Pei who was questioning the other party.

Long Yu said: "He was brought in by Elder Long You. He seems to have no other background, but his talent and qualifications really surprised me. I even have to be afraid of him. If this person continues to grow up, he will be very important to our family." Being a direct descendant of evildoers is definitely not a good thing!"

"You are right, it is indeed not a good thing for us if people with foreign surnames shine in the True Dragon Holy Land!"

Long Pei's face darkened.

Jiang Tianruo is just a little stronger, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

After all, all the monsters in the core area have their own merits, and there are even a few super strong ones who are superior to everyone else.

It is obvious that those people are about to become half of the elders of the aristocratic family!

But the intrusion of a foreigner will inevitably have a certain impact on the existing structure.

Especially since this person with a foreign surname is so strong, the impact on the existing structure will be even greater!

As a direct line monster, who would want to see the interests that should belong to him and the faction behind him being invaded and impacted by an outsider?

Long Yu and the elder behind him were both on the same boat and had a very close relationship.

Therefore, he had to pay attention to what Long Yu said.

"Jiang Tian, ​​let me go meet him!"


The two men immediately escaped from the sky and flew straight towards Thunder Cloud Peak.

at this time!

Jiang Tian was already standing at Thunder Cloud Peak.

If it weren't for the thunderclouds rolling around, this would be just an ordinary mountain.

But because of the existence of those thunderclouds, this mountain peak also becomes extraordinary!

Because those thunder clouds are just the release of the essence of quasi-divine vein spiritual power!


For normal spiritual veins, even quasi-divine veins, the essence of spiritual power will form a special spiritual spring gushing upward from the ground.

Over time, spiritual pools, spiritual lakes and even spiritual seas will form, which look quite spectacular.

But this quasi-divine vein is very different!

It did not accumulate into a spiritual lake or sea in the valley, but spread out directly at the base of the mountain, forming a rolling thundercloud that enveloped the entire mountain.

Because of this, this mountain peak was named Leiyun Peak!

"To be honest, brother Long Pei, I just finished a retreat today and I planned to enter Thunder Cloud Peak to calm down again!

I didn't expect that outsider to snatch me away. I thought I could easily crush him, but I didn't expect my horse to stumble in front of him!

It's okay for me to stumble, but I found that he seems to have some kind of preconceived prejudice against us, the monsters from our direct lineage, and even threatened to step on our own monsters to get to the top. It's really arrogant! "

Long Yu knew Long Pei's weakness, so he kept adding fuel and jealousy to stimulate the other party's emotions.

"Needless to say, I don't care who he is or what his plans are, but since he is a foreigner, he has to keep his tail between his legs and be a good person here!"

"You're right! Jiang Tian, ​​get out of here!"

Long Yu was elated, as if he had seen Jiang Tian being taught a lesson.

However, no one answered after he called several times!

"What's going on? Didn't that kid run away?" Long Pei felt depressed.

He came over excitedly, just to kill Jiang Tian's arrogance.

Now I don't even see anyone, or even a response, which is really disappointing.

"Brother Long Pei, don't worry, I'll go in and take a look!"

Long Yu was also a little strange.

Could it be that the other party couldn't withstand the disturbance of the thundercloud, so he stayed here for a while and then left immediately?

If so, then he is really unlucky!

If I had known better, I would not have provoked Jiang Tian. After he left, I would have entered Thunder Cloud Peak.

There was no need to sell a favor and call Long Pei over.

Long Yu stepped forward and rushed into the thundercloud.



Angry shouts suddenly sounded, and Long Yu, who had just entered, was shocked back. This time, he could not withstand Jiang Tian's huge strength and vomited blood directly in front of Long Pei!


Long Pei was furious!

He didn't care about the severity of Long Yu's injuries. What made him angry was that Long Yu was injured instantly.

It seemed that he was using facts to prove to him that the evildoers who were direct descendants of the aristocratic family were vulnerable to that outsider!


Long Pei took a step forward and was directly hit by the thundercloud!


As he moved, the rolling thundercloud rushed out of a large hole by an invisible pressure, as if a void passage had been opened!

Let it in!

"So strong!"

Long Yu secretly marveled!

After not seeing each other for several months, Long Pei's strength has increased a lot!

The last time they fought, he saved face with the blood evil silver light.

If we fight again now, it will be difficult to gain any advantage if Long Pei is on guard.

"Brother Longpei, wait for me. I want to see you suppress him with my own eyes!"

Long Yu swallowed a pill and followed him angrily.

On Thunder Cloud Peak!

Jiang Tian looked at the visitor coldly!

He was about to practice, but was interrupted one after another, and he felt a little annoyed.

"Jiang Tian, ​​right? A person with a foreign surname can break in here, which is quite capable, but you must not think that coming here is a big deal. Let me tell you, the strength of our direct line of monsters is far beyond your imagination. !”


As soon as he finished speaking, Long Pei opened his big hand and grabbed it forward.

Amidst the violent roar, a silver dragon's giant claw suddenly appeared, grabbing Jiang Tian with terrifying dragon power.


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