Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7270 Bloodline Sword Domain

"Wait! Bloodline Sword Dragon, that's Dragon Sword Maniac taking action!"

"Who is his opponent that can actually make him leave Sword Cloud Peak?"

"Come over and have a look!"

Everyone exclaimed in surprise and immediately rushed over there.

On Thunder Cloud Peak, after the Bloodline Sword Dragon blasted into the Star Sword Domain, its huge body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire!

The downward trend has been greatly slowed down!

"Give me a raise!"

The Dragon Sword Mania was furiously urging, and the bloodline sword dragon's power increased again and again, launching a fierce impact on the Star Sword Domain.

"Crush it!"

Jiang Tian urged lightly, and the Star Sword Domain accelerated and circled like a giant millstone of stars.

The torrent of billowing sword intent crazily strangled the opponent's bloodline sword dragon, and there was an extremely harsh friction sound!

Bang bang bang... click, click... crunch!

The fierce collision of the two sword intentions gradually showed a differentiation between strength and weakness!

Star Sword Domain gradually gained the upper hand and acted more and more calmly!

However, Dragon Sword Mania's bloodline sword dragon has unstable aura and shows signs of failure!

"How can it be?"

Long Jiankuang's face darkened, he was shocked!

The Bloodline Sword Dragon is one of his powerful trump cards and has never been defeated before.

Even in most battles, there is no need to use this method.

But now, this method is used to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​but it is still impossible to win!

Jiang Tian's strength is too exaggerated!


The Dragon Sword Maniac didn't just fight to the death. With a press of his hand, the Blood Sword Dragon instantly rose into the air and left the Star Sword Domain.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, somewhat surprised.

Shouldn't a monster like Dragon Sword Maniac be charged to the end?

The next moment, he understood!

After the Blood Sword Dragon soared into the air, it circled, opened its mouth and bit its tail, forming a huge golden ring!

Under the urging of Dragon Sword Maniac, it crashed down quickly!

"Blast it to pieces!"


The golden sword ring struck hard on the Star Sword Domain, erupting with a loud roar!


A burst of strange noises followed, and Dragon Sword Maniac suddenly beamed with joy!

It sounds like this is the sound of the Star Sword Realm breaking!

But soon, his face turned ugly, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes!

What broke was not the Star Sword Domain, but the golden sword ring!

Although the Star Sword Domain was impacted, it was still rumbling and turning, constantly crushing.

The golden sword ring was trembling all over, and clear cracks appeared one after another on the surface!

"not good!"

Long Jian Kuang’s expression changed!

Bang... click... boom!

There was a loud noise, the golden sword ring collapsed, and was immediately crushed by the Star Sword Domain!


Jiang Tian waved his right hand, and the Star Sword Domain spit out the essence of the golden sword ring.

He squeezed the sword secret with his hand and gently introduced it, introducing the essence into his body and silently comprehending it.

It contained a trace of dragon bloodline power and some mysterious sword intent, but it was not as strong as he imagined!

"It seems you have something hidden!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

Long Jiankuang's face darkened!

"As expected of the Star Sword Body, it is more powerful than I imagined!"

The Dragon Sword Maniac didn't give up.

Instead, he shook his body and sword-shaped runes poured out from his body!

"Bloodline Sword Talisman!"


As soon as the blood sword talisman appeared, Dragon Sword Mania's aura began to rise sharply, reaching a terrifying level in an instant!

At this moment, his whole body seemed to be a human-shaped sword, exuding shocking sword power!

Then, he took a step forward and made a move that surprised Jiang Tiandu!


Dragon Sword took one step forward and actively threw himself into the Star Sword Domain!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face changed slightly!

It's not that he's afraid that the other party will break through the sword domain, but he's worried that if Dragon Sword Maniac does this, he will be severely damaged by the Star Sword Domain.

You may even fall into it if you are not careful!

This behavior may seem brave, but it is actually unnecessary!

But Dragon Sword Maniac didn’t hesitate at all, he just did it!

"Give me the town!"

Jiang Tian did not hesitate and immediately activated his sword domain to crush.

Rumble... bang bang... click!

The torrent of sword intent condensed in the Star Sword Domain is strangling the Dragon Sword Maniac crazily!

Since he dared to take the initiative to join the sword realm, he naturally had a certain degree of confidence in dealing with it, otherwise he would be seeking death. No wonder Jiang Tian.

But the next scene surprised Jiang Tian!

Dragon Sword Mania, wrapped in the blood sword talisman, actually ignored the strangulation of the torrent of sword intent and walked in the sword field as if on flat ground!


The long sword condensed with the sword intent of the stars, every time it touches the bloodline sword talisman, it seems to turn into an unreal illusion!

Even though the sword intent passed by, it had no impact on Dragon Sword Mania at all!

"Hahahaha, your Star Sword Domain is nothing more than that!"

Long Jian laughed wildly, exuding an intimidating arrogance from all over his body!

The bloodline sword talisman is one of his bloodline talents, focusing on defense!

But before using the Bloodline Sword Dragon, the focus was on offense!

The two attack and defend each other, complementing each other!

But the Bloodline Sword Talisman is less frequently used than the Bloodline Sword Dragon!

Because among the opponents he has fought, there are very few who can let him use the blood sword dragon.

And in the previous battles where the bloodline sword dragon was used, they always won by crushing.

Therefore, he rarely needs to use bloodline sword talismans!

But now, the powerful defense displayed by the bloodline sword talisman really surprised Jiang Tian!

"Being able to ignore the attacks from the Star Sword Domain is indeed very remarkable!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, but then sneered.

With a wave of his right hand, the Baizhang Sword Domain shrank sharply, turning into more than thirty feet!

The pressure of the sword intention increased sharply, and the pressure on Dragon Sword Mania also increased sharply!

"Huh?" Long Jiankuang's expression changed!

At this moment, he found that the situation was obviously different!

Just now he was walking in the sword field as if he were walking on flat ground, but now he felt like he was stuck in mud.

The pressure has increased dramatically and it is difficult to move forward!


Dragon Sword roared violently, stimulating the power of his bloodline.

The golden light of the bloodline sword talisman protecting the body soared, and it even let out a sword cry!

His pace quickened, but his consumption was also much higher than before!

If this continues, it will be extremely detrimental to him!

As long as Jiang Tian controls the sword domain to keep suppressing him, he will be sure of victory!

He knew he couldn't delay it any longer!

"Bloodline Sword Domain, open!"

Rumble, rumble!

Dragon Sword shouted violently and launched the Blood Sword Domain!

In an instant, golden light burst out!

The entire Star Sword Domain was dyed pure gold by him!

Countless sword meaning runes erupted from his body, turning into a pure golden sword domain that enveloped the Star Sword Domain!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes, slightly surprised.

It seems that the opponent's strongest method is this Bloodline Sword Domain!

At this time, Dragon Sword Madness was no longer suppressed by the Star Sword Territory. With one step, he was out of the range of the Star Sword Territory.

With a wave of his hand, the Blood Sword Domain spiraled out and enveloped Jiang Tian!

"Hahahahaha! Jiang Tian, ​​you did give me a big surprise, but you are not my opponent after all! But I have to say that today's battle is more enjoyable than I have ever felt. It's an honor to defeat you! "

Long Jian laughed wildly, his eyes filled with excitement!

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