Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7271 Dispute over quotas

"Do you really think you can win?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

If it was a life-and-death battle, he could kill the opponent as early as the Star Sword Domain enveloped him.

There are countless ways to kill the opponent without even using the sword domain.

"Hahahaha! Under the cover of my Bloodline Sword Domain, you are unable to resist at all. If you have no other cards, then just admit defeat!"

Dragon Sword Maniac feels that everything is under control.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Tian's next move would completely shock him!

"The sword intent of the stars is rising!"


The purple light around Jiang Tian surged, and countless purple stars bloomed!

Ignoring the suppression of the opponent's Bloodline Sword Domain, he clenched his right fist and punched out suddenly!

"Explosive sword!"

Jiang Tian used his fist as a sword and used the Explosive Sword Style among the "Three Star Styles"!




Long Jian Kuang let out a shocked scream, and his whole body was blasted hundreds of feet away.

The Bloodline Sword Domain struggled for several times and then went out. The golden light around the body flickered on and off, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the breath dropped greatly!

"I lost?"

Dragon Sword Maniac couldn’t believe this result!

He lost!

And he lost so hard that he had nothing to say!

Because Jiang Tian defeated him in his sword domain, he couldn't find any excuse!

He looked at Jiang Tian and remained silent!

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and sighed!

"Although I still have many powerful methods, unfortunately this is not a life and death battle, but I did lose today!"


Long Jian Kuang did not continue to entangle, and turned around decisively to escape from Lei Yun Peak.

And all the monsters watching around are still in shock!

It wasn't until Long Jian Kuang left that they came back to their senses!

"The Dragon Sword Maniac is no match for him. Doesn't this mean that his strength has reached the upper reaches of the core area?"

"too exaggerated!"

Everyone looked at each other, shocked by Jiang Tian's performance.

Break into the core area within three days!

The combat power has directly reached the upper level, and even defeated Dragon Sword Mania, which is amazing!

On a tall mountain nearby, a green vine quietly retracted into the forest.

If a blue dragon sweeps all the way back, it retreats to another mountain peak.

This mountain peak is Ryuto’s new dojo!

That green vine is the eyeliner set by Dragon Vine with its bloodline talent!

Although he was not present in person, he witnessed the entire fight between Jiang Tian and Long Jian Kuang with the help of this spy!

At this time, his gaze was extremely solemn!

"I didn't expect him to be so strong. Brother Nan, you were truly defeated unjustly!"

Long Xiaonan's expression on the opposite side became even more solemn, even very ugly!

"Even Dragon Sword Maniac was defeated by him. How strong is he?"

Long Teng shook his head and said: "Brother Nan, listen to my advice. You are not his opponent now, and you will never be his opponent in the future. Don't make this person your mortal enemy to avoid making mistakes!"

"I..." Long Xiaonan clenched his fists and wanted to say, "I'm not willing to give in."

But after thinking about it, he shook his head, smiled bitterly, and slowly loosened his fist.

"Even if I want to make enemies, I still have to have that ability!"

Long Xiaonan smiled bitterly and shook his head, his words full of self-deprecation.

When Jiang Tian was kicked out of the cave yesterday, he secretly vowed to regain his place and avenge his defeat.

But now, he gave up directly!

"Brother Nan, you are very smart, this is the right thing to do!"

Long Teng patted his shoulder, and the worry in his heart dissipated.

If Long Xiaonan persists in his obsession, that will be the real trouble!

If you only think about defeating Jiang Tian, ​​it will inevitably lead to an unbalanced mentality and become confused.

The battle on Thunder Cloud Peak also attracted great attention from the elders of the Holy Land!

"Dragon Sword Maniac was also defeated. It seems that few people in the core area can be his opponent!"

"Is he qualified to enter Xingxu now?"


On a certain mountain peak in the Holy Land, several elders were discussing in the main hall.

"What does it almost mean?" asked an elder.

"You know, those who are qualified to enter the Star Ruins are the most powerful monsters in the Holy Land. Those few extraordinary monsters who are above their peers must go! In addition to them, some other places are basically occupied!

Although Jiang Tian's performance is eye-catching, he came too late after all. Unless he performs better, there is no reason for him to replace a member of the existing roster! "

What he said was that it was the elder who controlled the qualifications of this Xingxu, Long Yuanhuo.

His attitude is very cautious and he has no intention of including Jiang Tian on the Star Market list!

"I don't think so!" Long Qingke, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke!

He accepted Long Qian's favor and met with Jiang Tian in advance. It would be too embarrassing if Jiang Tian couldn't enter the Star Market list!

Considering Long Qian's character, he might ask him for the Golden Stain Pill back then.

Even if he didn't return the pill, he would probably cause some unnecessary trouble.

Thinking of this, he even regretted accepting Long Qian's request!

But now, he has no better way and can only recommend Jiang Tian as a finalist!

"Brother Yuanhuo, the list is not fixed. As long as the strength is enough, it doesn't matter who goes. As a returning bloodline, Jiang Tian broke into the core area in three days and defeated the prodigy Dragon Sword Maniac among his peers. Moreover, his battle It’s obvious that he still has some reservations about his strength, so it’s really unfair for such a person not to go to Xingxu!”

"Haha, brother Qingke, why are you so concerned about him? Could it be that you have some ulterior relationship with this foreigner?"

Long Yuanhuo asked back with a sneer, asking him so directly that his face turned livid!

"Brother Yuanhuo, what are you talking about? He is a foreigner. If he doesn't come to our Holy Land, I don't know who he is. What does it matter? I just can't bear to see such a powerful evildoer and miss the Star Ruins." Okay!" Long Qingke said with great justice!

Long Yuanhuo smiled and said: "Missing it is not necessarily a bad thing. That can keep him away from many unpredictable risks. Keeping him is just for better training. Maybe in a few years, he will become a member of our True Dragon Family. Where is one of the juniors whom I rely on the most?"

"Hey, Elder Yuanhuo is right!"

"Don't tell me, why didn't I think of this step?"

"Yes! Rather than ignoring and suppressing Jiang Tian, ​​it is better to say that it is the best protection for him!"

"Elder Yuanhuo, you should think carefully!"

Several elders nearby laughed!

Long Yuanhuo was smiling, as if he had a sense of accomplishment.

Long Qingke's face froze slightly, and he couldn't refute for a while!

It has to be said that from the perspective of a bystander, Long Yuanhuo is understandable in doing this, and even has some rare goodwill.

But the problem is, this is inconsistent with his position!

Once you get entangled with Long Qian because of this matter, it will be really troublesome, and the gains outweigh the losses!

"Brother Yuanhuo is wrong!" Long Qingke sneered and shook his head, "In my opinion, a genius cannot always hide under the protection of the strong. He must bear the risks he should face, so that he can grow quickly. Become a true evil strongman!"

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